For best results :
- This site is specialised in translation from lingala to english, but if you're rather looking for an english to lingala translation, be sure to enable the freetext option and there will be searched inside the descriptions and examples. With a bit of chance your english word will be in there or your sentence might already be in the examples. You might have more luck putting your english words in infinitive and singular form for the freetext search.
- The word database contains accents, mainly for pronunciation, but the detection code ignores them, so don't rely on them
- Try the singular form if the plural was not found (not all words in the database have their plural defined yet)
- stick the prefixes for plural and conjugations to the words as it should be (nalingi, kotanga, bazali, bandeko, bakiti,... not "nako zonga")
- numbers, even very large ones, will be translated to lingala
- if you see errors or have suggestions or questions, you can mail me at Don't hesitate. I love the feedback.
Have a nice visit and translation