translation / dictionary Lingala - English

congo rdc
Sentence :

asambwe, form of a verb
kosámbwa, regular construction (root : sambw) (class 15 : ko- (verbs))
kosambua, regular construction (root : sambu) (class 15 : ko- (verbs))
kosambwe, regular construction (root : sambw) (class 15 : ko- (verbs))
kosambue, regular construction (root : sambu) (class 15 : ko- (verbs))
to dishonor himself, to lose his credit, to make oneself ridicule
to get shamed

kosámbwisa - kosambuisa
to dishonor
derived words : sambwe, sambue
tags :
item 1 example (ndakisa mókó) ...
moyibi ya cable ya courant, asambwe na Lemba.
An electricitycablethief has put himself to shame in Lemba
other words with the tag 'verbs with [ko...e]' : kokende, kobeleme, kofole, kokipe, komele, kosambwe, kosambue, kokesene, kobéle, koseke, kolénge, komesene, kotéleme, kotéke, komeme, kobéte, kolangwe
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