translation / dictionary Lingala - English

congo rdc
Sentence :

all words with the tag verbs with [ko...e]
kokende, irregular form ! (racine : ke, racine : key) (class 15 : ko- (verbs))
kokenda, irregular form ! (racine : ke, racine : key) (class 15 : ko- (verbs))modern version
! irregular: nakei (nakeyi),...
to go, to leave
see also : kogazer
tags :
item 68 examples (bandakisa ntúkú motóbá na mwámbe) ...
nakokende makala likolo na yo
I'll go to jail because of you (over you)
okei na pompi, ofungoli robine, otoki mai na kopo
You go to the pump, you open the tap, you let the water pour into the cup
Ethan na Gaby bakei mobembo.
Ethan and Gaby are gone on vacation
Tokei kotambola na zando.
We will walk on/to the market.
owuti wapi ? okei wapi ? ozali wapi ?
Where do you come from ? Where do you go ? Where are you ?
amati bisi po na kokende na zando.
He took the bus to the market.
kokende na kozonga
round-trip, forth and back
nakeyi nango na ndaku.
I go home with that.
akei nanu na zando, (na) sima akokende mosala.
he goes already to the market, afterwards he will go to work.
akei liboso na zando, (na) sima akokende mosala.
firstly he goes to the market, afterwards he will go to work.
kende nanu kosomba lipa.
Go buy the bread already.
nakei kolala! Lobi okosala nini na pokwa ?
I'm going to sleep ! What will you do tomorrow evening ?
lakisa ngai nzela po na kokende na Kintambo.
Show me the way to go to Kintambo.
okeyi ?
Are you going ? Are you leaving ?
Tokendeki kozwa bitekuteku na kati ya zamba.
We went to pick bitekuteku inside the forest.
Akozonga lisusu ? - Te, akei libela.
Will he come back again ? - No, he left forgood.
Nakei na wenze koluka maputa kitoko.
I go to the market to search for a beautiful cloth.
na ntongo oyo mama akeyi na zando asomba mapa
This morning mama went to the market to buy bread.
kende malamu. - tikala malamu.
leave well (you say this to someone who leaves). - stay well (you say this to someone who stays).
Mokolo moko, nguma akendeki bokila na zamba. Amonaki nyama moko ya monene na amelaki ye mobimba.
One day the python went hunting in the forest. He had seen a large beast and had swallowed it entirely.
Yo, okende wapi, kuluna ?
You, where are you going, thug ?
Ngonga nini okokende na musala. ngonga ya zomi na mwambe.
What time will you go yo work ? 6 (18) o'clock.
kende kolembola masoko / sima / babottes ya mokonzi.
go lick the buttocks / the behind / the boots of the boss. (flatter)
akei ye moko mpenza
He left really all alone.
kende kolala !
go to sleep !
papa, zwa bisaka na yo, kende malembe
Mister, take your things, leave calmly
totalaki lisano ya motopi na etando eke
we watched the football game on the television
bakendaka bokila na motu ya makelele te
One doesn't go on a hunt with a noisy person.
kokenda liboso ezali kokoma te Proverb/expression (don't translate litteraly)
To go first is not "to arrive"
nakei na kinkole koliya maboke ya mbisi ya mayi
I go to Kinkole to eat papillottes of fresh fish.
nazokende mobembo pona kotala libota na nga
I go on a trip to see my family.
yaka po tokende kotala yaya na yo ya mwasi
Come so we go see your big sister
nakeyi mobembo na mobali na ngai.
I travelled with my husband.
kolia mingi te. tozokende lisano. okolia kuna
Don't each much. We are going to the party. You will eat there.
nazokende epayi ya munganga atala liso na ngai. nazomona malamu te.
I'm going to the doctor so that he looks at my eye. I don't see well.
nazokende na mboka ya mopaya pona kosilisa kelasi na ngai
I'm going to a foreign country (abroad) to finish my studies.
kende kosomba mapa pona tata na yo
Go buy bread for your father
pona nini ozokende lokola moyibi boye
Why do you leave as a thieve like that ?
nazokende na zamba pona kokanga baniama
I'm going to the forest to catch animals.
kokweya awa te. kende kokweya kuna.
Don't fall here. Go fall there.
nazoyoka lino pasi ebongi nakende epayi ya munganga
I feel tooth pain. I have to go to the doctor.
nakeyi. koluka ngai te, bolimbisi.
I left. Don't look for me, please.
balobi na ye akende.
They told him to leave.
bopekisi ye akende kelasi
You prohibited him to go to school.
naza na tukutuku. nazokende kotala mama na ngai.
I'm on the motorbike. I'm going to see my mum.
nakendaki feti lobi. batu bazalaki ebele.
I went to the party yesterday. There were a lot of people.
kende kosombela ngai kisi
Go buy me medicin
nake kokamola bilamba
I'll go twist the clothes.
kende kozwa biloko na yo kuna
Go take your food there.
kokende na ebale lelo te mbonge eza makasi
Don't go to the river today. The waves are strong.
ngai nakeyi. botikala na kimia.
I'm leaving. Stay in peace.
Nazokende na mwana na ngai na lopitalo. Azobela.
I'm going with my kid to the hospital. He's sick.
nalingaka kokende epai na ye te.
I don't like to go to her place.
nazokende na Kinshasa pona sanza mibale
I'm going to Kinshasa for two months.
Akeyi wapi kiliya na ngai wana ?
Where did he go, my client there ?
nake kotanda bilamba libanda
I'm going to spread the clothes outside
Kende koyamba ye. Azozela yo.
Go welcome her. She's waiting for you.
kende kosomba litungulu na zando.
Go buy an onion at the market.
nake kobalula biloko na moto.
I will go stir the food on the fire.
kende kozua bisaka na yo oya kofanda epayi na ngai
Go take your things to come stay with me.
akeyi kotika mwasi na ye.
He went to drop off his wife.
toza kokende na mboka pona matanga.
We're going to the village for a mourning.
kende kolala soki oza koyoka pongi.
Go to sleep if you feel tired.
nayebi te esika nini moninga na ngai akendaki kolokota ye wana.
I don't know where my friend went to pick that one up.
nayebaki ke soki okeyi na poto okobosana ngai.
I knew that if you'll go to Europe, you'll forget me.
nakokende kofanda epayi na ye tango nakozala na Amerika.
I will go live with her when I'll be in America.
Mobali nabala akeyi kosala ekobo. Abimi na ndeko nga.
The guy I married went to do adultery. He went out with my sister.
Makanisi nioso ekeyi na tshombo.
All the thoughts go to the cellphone.
other words with the tag 'irregular' : kolia, kokende, kotia, koya, kolya, koliya, kotya, kotiya
other words with the tag 'verbs with [ko...e]' : kokende, kobeleme, kofole, kokipe, komele, kosambwe, kosambue, kokesene, kobéle, koseke, kolénge, komesene, kotéleme, kotéke, komeme, kobéte, kolangwe
kobeleme, regular construction (root : belem) (class 15 : ko- (verbs))
kobélema, regular construction (root : belem) (class 15 : ko- (verbs))
to advance, to hurry
to come closer, to approach

to make come closer, to approach
to reconcile
tags :
kofola, regular construction (root : fol) (class 15 : ko- (verbs))modern version
kofole, regular construction (root : fol) (class 15 : ko- (verbs))
to seduce, to charm
to admire
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kokipe, irregular form ! (racine : kip) (class 15 : ko- (verbs))
to mind
kipe ya yo
kipe ya yo
src : ptitezazadu243
kipe ya yo
kipe ya yo
src : JB Mpiana
kipe ya yo
kipe ya yo
src : JB Mpiana
tags :
item 1 example (ndakisa mókó) ...
kipe ya yo Proverb/expression (don't translate litteraly)
mind your own business
komela, regular construction (root : mel) (class 15 : ko- (verbs))modern version
komele, regular construction (root : mel) (class 15 : ko- (verbs))
to drink, to swallow
to consume, to smoke,...
Channel azomela mayi
Channel azomela mayi
© pvh (Letitia Nkanza Kalawuma)
namelaka pe Kanny
namelaka pe Kanny
© pvh (Letitia Nkanza Kalawuma)
derived words : bimeli, momeli
tags :
item 29 examples (bandakisa ntúkú míbalé na libwá) ...
epekisami kotambusa motuka soki omeli masanga.
It's prohibited to operate a vehicle if you drunk (a drink).
omela mai
you drink water
naza na nzala. Nazoyoka nzala. Naza na posa ya komela. Naza na posa ya mayi.
I'm hungry. I feel hungry. I'm thirsty (desire to drink). I'm thirsty (desire for liquid).
Otikaki lipa na yo awa, namelaki sucré nango
You left your bread here, I drank a soda with it.
komela likaya.
To smoke (to take tobaco)
oza na miso lokola moto ameli lotoko.
You have the eyes like someone who drunk lotoko.
mai ya komela
water to drink
komela masanga ezali esengo ya mokili
To drink beer is a worldly pleasure
Natiki komela likaya banda lelo.
I abandon smoking from today on.
omelaka makaya boni na mokolo ?
How many cigarettes do you smoke a day ?
Mokolo moko, nguma akendeki bokila na zamba. Amonaki nyama moko ya monene na amelaki ye mobimba.
One day the python went hunting in the forest. He had seen a large beast and had swallowed it entirely.
komela mingi, kolangwa muke
To drink a lot, to get a bit drunk
muana moke amelaka likaya te
a small child doesn't smoke a sigaret
Nasala nini soki papa to mama amelaka bangi to alangwaka masanga
what to do when papa or mama smokes weed or is getting drunk with beer ?
ezali te po tomelaka na nganda moko, nde tokomi baninga
It's not because we use to drink at the same café, that we became friends
komela masanga ya sukali mingi te. eza malamu te po na mino.
Don't drink much sweet drinks. It's not good for your teeth.
komela mayi na ngai te
Don't drink my water
munganga alobi ebongi omela mayi mingi.
The doctor said, it's good to drink a lot of water.
lolenge boni ebongi bayebisa yo pona otika komela kisi oyo
How should they let you know to stop taking that medicin ?
olingi komela masanga nini ?
What drink would you like to drink ?
komela likaya ezali malamu te
It's not good to smoke sigarets.
aza nanu mwana muke. azomela likaya na mbula na ye.
He's still a small kid. He smokes sigarets at his age.
ebongi omela bankisi na yo pona obika.
You should take your medicin to heal.
nalingaka komela nkisi te.
I don't like to take medicin.
kanga monoko na yo pamba te okoya komela nzinzi.
Close your mouth or else you risk swallowing a fly.
Mwana ebongi amela miliki pona akola malamu.
A child must drink milk to grow well.
yela ngai masanga mbila namela.
Bring me the palm juice, so that I may drink.
mama, mela bakisi na yo oyo munganga apesi.
Mum, take your medicine that the doctor prescribed you.
pona kokola malamu ebongi komela mayi mingi
To grow well, it is good to drink a lot of water
kosámbwa, regular construction (root : sambw) (class 15 : ko- (verbs))
kosambua, regular construction (root : sambu) (class 15 : ko- (verbs))
kosambwe, regular construction (root : sambw) (class 15 : ko- (verbs))
kosambue, regular construction (root : sambu) (class 15 : ko- (verbs))
to dishonor himself, to lose his credit, to make oneself ridicule
to get shamed

kosámbwisa - kosambuisa
to dishonor
derived words : sambwe, sambue
tags :
item 1 example (ndakisa mókó) ...
moyibi ya cable ya courant, asambwe na Lemba.
An electricitycablethief has put himself to shame in Lemba
kokesena, regular construction (root : kesen) (class 15 : ko- (verbs))
kokesene, regular construction (root : kesen) (class 15 : ko- (verbs))
to compare, to differentiate, to be different, to differ
derived words : bokeseni
tags :
kobéle, regular construction (root : bel) (class 15 : ko- (verbs))
kobéla, regular construction (root : bel) (class 15 : ko- (verbs))modern version
to be ill, to be unwell

to make sick
derived words : mobeli
tags :
item 6 examples (bandakisa motóbá) ...
nani alobi nazali kobela makasi ?
Who said that I was very sick ?
kobela te po lobi tokobina
Don't be sick because tomorrow we will dance.
maman nkulutu na biso azobela makasi
The big sister of my mother is very sick.
Nazokende na mwana na ngai na lopitalo. Azobela.
I'm going with my kid to the hospital. He's sick.
abelaka bokono ya ndeke
She suffers from epilepsy.
aza kobela bokono ya ebola
She's suffering of the ebola disease.
koseka, regular construction (root : sek) (class 15 : ko- (verbs))
koseke, regular construction (root : sek) (class 15 : ko- (verbs))
to laugh, to laugh at
src : google images
derived words : boseka, boseki, lísekí
tags :
item 5 examples (bandakisa mítáno) ...
koseka ngai te.
do not mock me.
seka muke balula yo
Smile a bit, that we admire you
boseka ngai, ekosala eloko te
make fun of me, it won't do anything.
ye asekaka ye moko lokola kizengi.
She laughs all alone like a fool.
Mutu akweyi. Bino boseki ye.
Someone fell. You guys are making fun of him.
kolenga, regular construction (root : leng) (class 15 : ko- (verbs))
kolénge, regular construction (root : leng) (class 15 : ko- (verbs))
tremble, tremble, shiver, shiver

to arrange, to organise
to care, to worry for
to watch over
to conserve
to prepare
tags :
item 1 example (ndakisa mókó) ...
Azolenga likolo ya kobanga.
She's shaking because of the fear.
komesene, regular construction (root : mesen) (class 15 : ko- (verbs))
komesena, regular construction (root : mesen) (class 15 : ko- (verbs))
to be/get used to ...
tags :
kotélema, regular construction (root : telem) (class 15 : ko- (verbs))
kotéleme, regular construction (root : telem) (class 15 : ko- (verbs))
to stand up
to halt, to stop (also for buses, trams, ...)

recover, to get back up, tu put up, to suspend

to defend, take care of,
oppose, protest, claim, counter
teleme, ongenge na mwinda mwa Kristu. Mobimba mpo na banso.
teleme, ongenge na mwinda mwa Kristu. Mobimba mpo na banso.
© pvh (Letitia Nkanza Kalawuma)
tags :
item 3 examples (bandakisa mísáto) ...
saki ya pamba etelemaka te. © koffi olomide
An empty sack does not stand up.
Nayebi ete akotelema moto ya suka na bomoyi na ngai. Akotelema akokota likambo na ngai. Yaweh telema, kota makambo na ngai. Akotelema akokata ma condamnation. © Cèdre Katambayi
I know he's gonna stand up as the last one in my life. He will enter into my business. God, stand up, enter into my business. He will stand up and interrupt my condemnation.
mwasi ya mabele etelema to mwasi ya mabele ekweya ?
A girl with upstanding breasts or a girl with fallen breasts ? (like before or after pregnancy)
koteka, regular construction (root : tek) (class 15 : ko- (verbs))
kotéke, regular construction (root : tek) (class 15 : ko- (verbs))
to sell
(to betray, to sell out)

to sell, to resell, to trade
tozoteka pomme ya malili
tozoteka pomme ya malili
© pvh (Letitia Nkanza Kalawuma)
toza koteka ba clozir na ba lance fontaine
toza koteka ba clozir na ba lance fontaine
© pvh (Letitia Nkanza Kalawuma)
derived words : motéki, mutéki
tags :
item 7 examples (bandakisa nsambo) ...
Batekaka maboke mpembeni ya ebale.
They sell papillotes (mabokes) near the river.
Akomi koteka nguba na zando.
She began selling peanuts on the market.
Mama na Jean atekaka na wenze.
Jean's mum sells on the market.
na bumbu maki ezotekama ya ndambu ndambu
at Bumbu the eggs are being sold in small pieces
mama na biso atekaka lipa na balabala na biso
My mother sells bread in our street.
Mikolo oyo nateki te batu bazosomba malamu te mbongo eza te.
These days I don't sell. The people don't buy well. There's no money.
toza koteka ba clozir na ba lance fontaine na bon prix.
We sell "closure" (wigs) and "lace frontal" at good price.
komema, regular construction (root : mem) (class 15 : ko- (verbs))
komeme, regular construction (root : mem) (class 15 : ko- (verbs))
to wear, to carry, to transport
to take with, to bring
Masina: Kozanga mwinda ezomema insecurité
Masina: Kozanga mwinda ezomema insecurité
src : Kin Makambo
tags :
item 7 examples (bandakisa nsambo) ...
mama nioso ( mama na mama ) amema mwana na ye.
that every mom (mom after mom) carries her child.
bamama nioso bamema bana na bango.
that all mothers bear their children.
mbula ememi biloko ya ndaku
The rain has carried away the things of the house
bamemi yo na misalisi ya mabangu na lopitalo ya pene na yo
They brought you to the emergency care of the hospital close to you.
engunduka akoki komema motuka na yo tii na bisika ya bangomba ya milayi milayi ebengami Alpe.
The train can take your car to a place with very large mountains called the Alps
komema biloko ya kilo te
Don't carry heavy things.
komema kiti na yo awa te
Don't bring your chair here.
kobéta, regular construction (root : bet) (class 15 : ko- (verbs))modern version
kobéte, regular construction (root : bet) (class 15 : ko- (verbs))
from the english "to beat"

to beat
to hit, to kick
to play (a musical instrument, ball, football, basketball, ...)
to rain
derived words : ebételi, ebétele, mobeti
tags :
item 37 examples (bandakisa ntúkú mísáto na nsambo) ...
nabetaka bale. / kobeta ndembo.
I play football. (I hit the ball (habit)) / To play with a ball.
Pamela abetaka guitar
Pamela plays the guitar
tobetaka basket
we play basketball
beta, bakofungola
knock, they will open
kobeta masolo
to discuss
nakobeta yo !
I will hit you !
Werra akobeta lobi
Werra plays tomorrow
Nkolo azali kobeta na porte.
The Lord is knocking at the door
Motema na ngai ezali kobeta po na yo
My heart beats for you
Mbula ebeti. Mbula ezobeta.
It rains. It's raining.
abetami lokola nioka.
He was beaten like a snake.
kobeta mayi
to bathe, take a bath
Nabetaki maboko makasi mpona bango.
I applauded hard for them.
kosopa mai / kosopa mpowa / kobeta mai
to ejaculate
kosakana te na ngai to nakobeta yo
Don't laugh with me or I will hit you.
kobeta miziki
To play music
Benteke abeti bale, kasi ekoti te
Benteke kicked the ball, but it didn't go in
kobeta lisolo
to tell (a story)
leki na nga ya mobali alingaka kobeta ndembo
My little brother loves to play football
kobeta mwasi na yo boye te. ezali mabe
Don't hit your wife like that. It's bad.
kobeta bana te. lobela bango malembe
Don't hit the children. Talk calmly to them.
mbula ekobeta lelo te. kobanga te.
It's not gonna rain today. Don't be afraid.
mikolo oyo mbula ezobeta makasi.
These days it's raining hard.
tofandi na biso libanda. tozobeta masolo.
We sit outside together. We are talking.
leki na nga ya mobali abetaka na ekipe ya congo
My little brother plays in the team of Congo.
nazolinga kobima kasi mvula ezobeta makasi.
I want to go out but it's raining hard.
nakobeta yo tii nakobuka yo mbanga.
I will hit you untill I will break your jaw.
Tika kobeta mukinza liboso na ngai
Stop farting in front of me
mbula ezobeta lisusu.
It's raining again.
Okoki kobeta ye te. Azali mwana mwasi
You may not beat her. She's a girl.
Nakobeta yo lokola mwana na ngai.
I will beat you like my child.
Abeti ngai pamba te abungisi mbongo na ye.
She hit me because she misplaced her money.
lelo, soki obeti ye, ngai nakoboma yo !
Today, if you beat her, me I will kill you !
kobosana te, soki omeki kobimisa sekele oyo tokobeta yo !
Don't forget, if you try to out this secret, we'll beat you up !
Obetaki mukinza tango olalaki
You farted when you were sleeping.
beta libaku
take a chance
kobeta libaku na zelo
to receive a super mega chance
other words with the tag 'loan word: english' : boyi, búku, bói, míliki, mótuka, pikási, kobéta, bulangeti, mutuka, kobéte, búku
kolangwa, regular construction (root : langw) (class 15 : ko- (verbs))
kolangwe, regular construction (root : langw) (class 15 : ko- (verbs))
to get drunk
to be drunk
see also : kolánga
tags :
item 5 examples (bandakisa mítáno) ...
komela mingi, kolangwa muke
To drink a lot, to get a bit drunk
Tala papa na ye, alangwi masanga, atamboli abilika
Look at his father, he got drunk from the beer, he doesn't walk straight (zigzag)
Nasala nini soki papa to mama amelaka bangi to alangwaka masanga
what to do when papa or mama smokes weed or is getting drunk with beer ?
nalangwi na lolango po na yo
I'm drunk of love for you
nalangwe yo, nalangwe lolango na yo
I'm drunk of yo, I'm drunk of your love (song)
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