translation / dictionary Lingala - English

congo rdc
Sentence :

item 19 examples (bandakisa zómi na libwá) ...
Ozali mobali to mwasi ?
Are you a boy or a girl ?
Osuka to ozali na kelasi nini ? - Nasilisa kelasi ya ebandeli te.
What education level have you finished or are you in ? - I have not completed primary school.
lolenge moto akoki kokaba to kozua VIH
the way someone can transmit or catch HIV.
manguele mpe kisi ezali te po na kobatela moto azua VIH to bokono ya SIDA te.
There's no vaccine nor a medicine to protect someone from acquiring HIV or the disease AIDS.
Soki nzoto to poso ya moto ekutani na ya moto mosusu, tina ya kobanga ezali te.
If the body or the skin of a person meets with that of another person, there's no reason to fear.
kombo ya mboka to kombo ya ndaku ?
The name (family, tribe, village) or the forename (how they call you at home) ?
eza muana muasi to mobali ?
Is it a girl or a boy ?
mwasi ya mabele etelema to mwasi ya mabele ekweya ?
A girl with upstanding breasts or a girl with fallen breasts ? (like before or after pregnancy)
Soki insekte neti nzinzi, ngungi to nzoyi esui yo, tina ya kobanga ezali te.
When an insect like a fly, a mosquito or a bee stings you, there's no reason to be afraid.
ozosakana na ngai to nini ?
You're playing with me or what ?
longa 1500$ ya kelasi to pe mbula mobimba ya miliki NIDO.
Win 1500$ for school or a whole year of NIDO milk.
po na kozwa bis okoki kosomba tiké po na mokolo moko, sanza moko to mbula mobimba.
To take the bus, you can buy a ticket for one day, one month or a whole year.
libala ( ya ) bosembo to libala ( ya ) bosoto
a sincere mariage or a bad mariage
Nasala nini soki papa to mama amelaka bangi to alangwaka masanga
what to do when papa or mama smokes weed or is getting drunk with beer ?
kosakana te na ngai to nakobeta yo
Don't laugh with me or I will hit you.
kolumba monoko solo eza maladi to te ?
Is stinky mouth an in sickness or not ?
olingi kolembola ye makolo to nini
You want to lick her feet or what ?
oza na posa ya koboya yango to oza na posa ya kondima ?
You'd like to refuse that or you'd like to accept ?
abula eza nyama ya nzamba to esobe.
The baboon is an animal from the forest or the savanna.
you should connect the prefix to the verb / noun
e.g. : nalingi, kotanga, bazali, bandeko, nakozonga,...
not "nako zonga" or "nazo zela"

to- conjugation prefix

first person plural

tags :
item Article : pronouns
1 me, I ngai
2 you yo
3 he, she, him (it) ye (yango)
1 we biso
2 you (pl) bino
3 they, them (those things) bango (yango)

1 I namoni I see
2 you olingi you love
3 he / she alingi he / she aime
1 we tolingi we love
2 you (plural) bolingi you love
3 they balingi they love
Objets (S & P)
3 it etali (yo) it looks at (you) / "it's your problem"
other words with the tag 'pronoun' : ba, bangó, bínó, bísó, bo, e, ngai, o, yangó, ye, yo, to, na, nango
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