translation / dictionary Lingala - English

congo rdc
Sentence :

mpósonorous consonant

mpo te
so that / for that

mpo na

mpo na nini
po na biso-biso se na SKOL
po na biso-biso se na SKOL
© unibra
see also : ponà, mpona
item 36 examples (bandakisa ntúkú mísáto na motóbá) ...
Motema na ngai ezali kobeta po na yo
My heart beats for you
Obangisi ye po na nini ?
Why did you scare him ?
Mama azali kolela po na nini ? Ntina nini ?
Why is mom crying ? For what reason ?
amati bisi po na kokende na zando.
He took the bus to the market.
... po na kozonga. ... po azonga. ... po azali kozonga.
... to come back. ... so that he would come back. ... because he's coming back.
lakisa ngai nzela po na kokende na Kintambo.
Show me the way to go to Kintambo.
ezali esengo na ngai po na komona moko na moko na bino na liyangani oyo na sima ya nzanga.
It a pleasure for me to see everyone of you in this afternoon cult.
manguele mpe kisi ezali te po na kobatela moto azua VIH to bokono ya SIDA te.
There's no vaccine nor a medicine to protect someone from acquiring HIV or the disease AIDS.
Akufaki mpo na koningana ya mabele.
He died in an earthquake.
bazui singa po babenda mutuka
They took the rope to pull the car.
Po na nini mibali ya lelo balingi lisusu te babotine ?
Why don't today's men want condoms anymore ?
tata, mama, ndeko, tofuta mpaku ya mabele, po totonga ville ya kinshasa
papa, mama, cousin, let's pay the ground tax, so that we build the city of Kinshasa
po na kozwa bis okoki kosomba tiké po na mokolo moko, sanza moko to mbula mobimba.
To take the bus, you can buy a ticket for one day, one month or a whole year.
Bambanda na nga nyoso bafandeli yo po na mbongo na yo
all my rivals stay with you for your money
nalangwi na lolango po na yo
I'm drunk of love for you
ezali te po tomelaka na nganda moko, nde tokomi baninga
It's not because we use to drink at the same café, that we became friends
ozali po na nga eyano na mikakatano, nzela ya solo ya kotambola, yesu na nga, kumama
You are for me the answer to the problems, the real way to walk, my Jesus, be praised
bangotobobo bakima ntshik po nua eleki na bongo
The idiots have fled school because there's too much weed in the brain
yaka po tokende kotala yaya na yo ya mwasi
Come so we go see your big sister
naye po tosolola likambo wana
I came so that we discuss that problem
komela masanga ya sukali mingi te. eza malamu te po na mino.
Don't drink much sweet drinks. It's not good for your teeth.
tata naza na posa ya mbongo po nasomba bilamba
Father, I need money to buy clothes.
nazozela supu na ngai ebela po nalia
I'm waiting for my soup to be ready for me to eat.
sukola kikalungu po eza salite
Wash that pan because it is dirty.
kobela te po lobi tokobina
Don't be sick because tomorrow we will dance.
ebongi obima na mwana na yo po azua mopepe
You should step out with your child so he can take some aire.
yela ngai mwa ndambo ya loso po nalia
Bring me a small portion of rice so that I eat.
sala nyonso olingi po nakuta ye awa te !
Do everything you want so that I don't find her here.
Mwana oyo libota naye basundola ye po akoma bulawayo.
That child, her family abandoned her because she became a prostitute.
Nalembi koliya bazoka oyo po epesi nga mbanga pasi
I'm tired of eating this chewing gum, cause it makes my jaw hurt.
Azali na nkanda mpo na ngai.
He's mad at me (he has anger because of me)
Nakoki komona eloko te mpo na molili.
I could see nothing because of the darkness.
Napesi Nzambe matondi mpo na yo
I thank God for you.
ndenge ya komibatela : na capote. Nzela ya malamu koleka mpo na komibatela ezali kosalela capote
the way to protect oneself : with a condom. The best method to protect oneself is to use a condom.
bana bavandaki na mabele mpo na bakiti ezalaki te. source: Espérance-François Ngayibata Bulayumi, Mosuni
The children sat on the ground because there were no chairs.
mbinzo ezali malamu mpo na koliya.
The caterpillar is good to eat.
item Article : consonants
In Lingala, sometimes you hear "nsoso" and sometimes you hear "soso". You might get the impression that
it would be free to choose wether to use the first letter m or n when the word starts with two consonants,
but in reality there is a precise rule for it :

In lingala, the first letter m or n may be ommitted for words that start with mp, nt, ns or nk.
(The voiced consonants - FR: Les consonnes sonores)

nkama / kamacent
nkingo / kingocou
nkisi / kisimédicament
nkulutu / kulutuaîné
nkoba / kobatortue
mpinzoli / pinzolilarme
mpo / popour
mpamba / pambanul
mpuku / pukusouris
mpongi / pongisommeil
nse / sedessous
nsoso / sosopoulet
nsambo / sambosept
nsango / sangoinformation
nsinga / singafil
ntina / tinaimportance
ntolo / tolotorse
ntalo / talovaleur
ntango / tangotemps
ntaba / tabachèvre

In all other cases, the first letter is mandatory.
(The unvoiced consonants - FR: Les consonnes sourdes)

nzetearbre, baton

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