translation / dictionary Lingala - English

congo rdc
Sentence :

plural of "mwana", "moana", "muana"
mwana, pl. bana (class 1/2 : mo- (mu-) / ba- (persons) exception - special form )
moana, pl. bana (class 1/2 : mo- (mu-) / ba- (persons) exception - special form )
muana, pl. bana (class 1/2 : mo- (mu-) / ba- (persons) exception - special form )

pl. bana - bana - bana
comes from mwana = mo-ana --> pl. ba-ana = bana (class 1/2)
mupepe ya sika pona bana funa
mupepe ya sika pona bana funa
© pvh (Letitia Nkanza Kalawuma)
AS Vita Club - bana mbongo
AS Vita Club - bana mbongo
© pvh (Letitia Nkanza Kalawuma)
tozoluka muana musala
tozoluka muana musala
src : google images
muana mboka
muana mboka
© pvh
muana lokoso
muana lokoso
© théâtre : groupe Soleil
muana na kati ya kitunga
muana na kati ya kitunga
© pvh
derived words : bomwána, bomuana
see also : muana-mboka
tags :
item 83 examples (bandakisa ntúkú mwámbe na mísáto) ...
mwana mboka
mwana etinda
domestic, compliant child, obedient child
mwana etike
mwana popi
mwana mosala
maid, servant
mwana somi
legitimate child, citizen (law)
mwana suka
benjamin, last child of a sibling
mwana nkazi
nephew, niece
mwana mwasi
mwana mobali
bana mapasa
twins, twins
mama nioso ( mama na mama ) amema mwana na ye.
that every mom (mom after mom) carries her child.
bamama nioso bamema bana na bango.
that all mothers bear their children.
mwana na mwana, bendana !
that each child leaves !
tala boni bana Jacob azuaki mpe lolenge boni azuaki bango
see how many children Jacob got and also in what way he got them
mbwa aswi mwana.
The dog has bitten the child.
mwana maki
Djo ayebaki ete kosopa zemi ezali lisumu monene, kasi makango na ye azwaki zemi, mpe Djo azalaki na likoki te ya kobala mpe kobokola mwana.
Djo knew that having an abortion is a great sin, but his fiancée got pregnant and Djo did not have the means to get married and raise a child.
mwana azui zemi ya papa
the child got pregnant from a daddy
mwana mwasi amibomi likolo ya 440.000 FC ... kokamwa !!!
a young girl committed suicide because of 440.000 FC ... be amazed !!!
milinga ya shimbok ebebisaka ADN ya mwana
the sigarette smoke damages the child's DNA
muana alie nzungu mobimba ya badi
The child ate the entire kettle of fufu
mwana angulumi
the child is crawling on all fours.
bana bakoki kotanga malamu te likolo ya makelele ya wenze mpe solo ya fulu source: Espérance-François Ngayibata Bulayumi, Mosuni
The children couldn't study well because off the noise of the small market and the smell of the dump.
bana bavandaki na mabele mpo na bakiti ezalaki te. source: Espérance-François Ngayibata Bulayumi, Mosuni
The children sat on the ground because there were no chairs.
kokola ya mwana ebandaka na mino © Adolphe
The growth of a child starts with the theeth
naza na bana misato: mwasi moko na mibali mibale
I have three children: One girl and two boys
nalingi ozala mama ya bana na nga
I want you to be the mother of my children
kopesa ye mbongo mingi te, aza nanu mwana muke
Don't give him much money, it's still a little child
wana mwana na ngai ya mwasi
The one there is my daughter.
awa nde nazalaki kofanda tango nazalali mwana muke
It's here that I lived when I was a little child
kobeta bana te. lobela bango malembe
Don't hit the children. Talk calmly to them.
boni bana na yo ? bazali malamu ?
How are your children doing ? Are they doing well ?
biso na bino, tozali bana ya tata moko na mama moko
we and you, we are children of the same father and the same mother.
kotika bana bango moko te
Don't leave the children alone.
kotika ngai te, Yawe, nazali mwana na yo
Don't leave me, Lord, I'm your child.
nalingaka bana oyo bazalaka boye te
I don't like children who are like that.
mwana na ngai, nabatelaka ye lokola liki.
My child, I protect him like an egg.
etumba na ngai ezali ke bana na ngai balonga na bomoyi
My struggle is that my children may be successful in life.
mwana mwasi oyo azali lokuta monene
That girl is a big liar.
pona nini mwana na yo azalaka lokuta boye
Why is your child a liar like that ?
aza nanu mwana muke. azomela likaya na mbula na ye.
He's still a small kid. He smokes sigarets at his age.
na ndako oyo mokonzi azali te. biso nioso tozali bana.
In this house there's no chief. We are all children.
muana oyo azuakate na kelasi.
That kid is a failure in class.
mwana oyo akobotola yo bisikiti
That kid will grab your cookie.
ndeko na ngai ya mwasi alingi kobota bana zomi
my sister wants to beare 10 children
ebongi obima na mwana na yo po azua mopepe
You should step out with your child so he can take some aire.
nasombi mapa misato pona bana balia
I bought three loaves of bread for the the children to eat.
mwana na yo ya mobali aza kosuba na mbetu mingi
Your son pees in bed a lot.
mwana mwasi oyo azalaka monene pe molayi.
That girl is big and tall.
mwana oyo azalaka mutu monene penza
That kid has really a big head.
napekisi yo kotinda mwana na ngai
Ik prohibit you to send my child.
Nazokende na mwana na ngai na lopitalo. Azobela.
I'm going with my kid to the hospital. He's sick.
Mwana ebongi amela miliki pona akola malamu.
A child must drink milk to grow well.
nioka moko aswe mwana oyo
There's a snake that bit that kid.
pona nini oza kokumba mwana na yo na mukongo ?
Why do you carry your child on your back ?
oza na bana mwambe na bakoko mibale.
You have 8 children and 2 grandchildren.
muana muasi oyo azofiba makata kitoko
warning - sensible content
bakobotola ye bana na ye
They will take her kids away from her.
aza kaka mwana muke. Kopesa ye bazoka te.
He's only a small child. Don't give him chewing gum.
kopesa mwana na ngai bokono te.
Don't give a disease to my child.
mwana na yo aza na bokono ya mpongi.
Your child has the sleeping sickness (African trypanosomiasis).
akomi kombo ya mwana na ye na buku ya lopango.
He wrote the name of his child in the plot book (property deed).
Okoki kobeta ye te. Azali mwana mwasi
You may not beat her. She's a girl.
Nakobeta yo lokola mwana na ngai.
I will beat you like my child.
Mwana na yo ya liboso, osundola ye.
Your first child, you abandonned him.
mwasi na ngai aboti likaku na esika ya mwana.
My wife gave birth to an ape instead of a child.
ngai nalingaka kobota bana mibale kaka
Me, I want to give birth to just two children.
nalingi ke eloko te ekomela mwana na ngai.
I don't want anything to happen to my child.
yebisa bana wana batinda mbongo.
Let those children there know they should send money.
Osundola mwasi na yo na bana kaka boye.
You abandonned your wife and the children just like that.
Bana na yo bazalaka mitungisi te penza.
Your children are really no disturbance
Msundoli ngai na bana.
He abandonned me with the children.
Mwana na bino alingi kotanga mingi
Your child wants to study much.
mwana vernis
Young guy who does manicure, pedicure and nail care (they pass in the street and you can call them)
Mwana oyo libota naye basundola ye po akoma bulawayo.
That child, her family abandoned her because she became a prostitute.
mayele ezalaka pe kokanisa lobi ya bana.
It's also smart to think about the future of the children.
madesu ma bana
tip (as in tipping the waiter)
Yezu Kristu. Moana Yezu.
Jesus Christ. Baby Jesus.
tozali koluka muana musala. Azala moyibi te, ndoki te, ndumba te.
We are looking for a domestic aid. May it not be a thief, not a sorcerer, not a whore.
eza muana muasi to mobali ?
Is it a girl or a boy ?
muana moke amelaka likaya te
a small child doesn't smoke a sigaret
muana noko
other words with the tag 'family' : mobóti, bokilo, bolóngani, bondeko, bonyangó, bosángó, bozéngé, ebóto, etike, nkulútu, léki, libála, libota, lipása, mama, litshombé, mwana, ndeko, nókó, papá, semeki, tata, yayá, kóko, nkóko, moana, muana, mobokoli, ya, nsimba, nzuzi, kulútu, kolonga, litsombé, mama-leki, tata-leki, tata-koko, mama-kulutu, mama-koko
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