translation / dictionary Lingala - English

congo rdc
Sentence :

bolongani, form of a verb
kolónga, regular construction (root : long) (class 15 : ko- (verbs))
to defeat, to win
to be victorious
to be right

to make the other win
to make/give/prove (?) the other right
tombola bomengo - longa voiture ya sika
tombola bomengo - longa voiture ya sika
© pvh (Letitia Nkanza Kalawuma)
RDC eloko ya makasi - tokolonga
RDC eloko ya makasi - tokolonga
src : google images
longa likonda na pete
longa likonda na pete
src : google images
derived words : elónga, lilónga, molongi
item 2 examples (bandakisa míbalé) ...
longa 1500$ ya kelasi to pe mbula mobimba ya miliki NIDO.
Win 1500$ for school or a whole year of NIDO milk.
etumba na ngai ezali ke bana na ngai balonga na bomoyi
My struggle is that my children may be successful in life.
kolonga, regular construction (root : long) (class 15 : ko- (verbs))
to agree
to get married

to remove, to take off/away,
to dismiss

context : pregnancy
kolongola zemi : to have an abortion, to interrupt the pregnancy, to remove a pregnancy
derived words : bolóngani, molongani
tags :
item 9 examples (bandakisa libwá) ...
longola bilamba.
take of your clothes
balongolaka pongi ya mbwa te. Balamusaka te mbwa oyo azali kolala.
"One" does not interrupt the sleep of a dog. "One" does not wake the dog that is sleeping.
soki nalongoli bilamba okozua vertige na okokweya
If I remove the clothes, you will get dizzy and you will fall.
kolongola zemi. kosopa zemi.
To commit an abortion (interrupt the pregnancy)
basi ya minene balongoli bilamba na wenze ya bandal
thick girls remove their clothes at the Bandal market
kolongola pili
come out of mourning. Give up the mourning
bakolongola ngai lino lobi
They will remove my thooth tomorrow.
lelo baza kopola biso toza kolonga
Today they are losing and we are winning.
longola kitambala na ngai !
Take of my scarf !
other words with the tag 'math' : mbalà, kokaba, kobaka, kolonga, ekaboli
other words with the tag 'mariage' : mobala, bokilo, bolóngani, libála, likwéla, kobála, kokwa, kinzónzi, likuéla, likonza, kolonga, bombanda
other words with the tag 'family' : mobóti, bokilo, bolóngani, bondeko, bonyangó, bosángó, bozéngé, ebóto, etike, nkulútu, léki, libála, libota, lipása, mama, litshombé, mwana, ndeko, nókó, papá, semeki, tata, yayá, kóko, nkóko, moana, muana, mobokoli, ya, nsimba, nzuzi, kulútu, kolonga, litsombé, mama-leki, tata-leki, tata-koko, mama-kulutu, mama-koko
bolóngani, pl. babolongani (class 1a/2 : - / ba-)
religious (chrisitan) mariage

spouse, husband or wife
derived from : kolonga
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