translation / dictionary Lingala - English

congo rdc
Sentence :


'tè = ètè
see also : ke
item 8 examples (bandakisa mwámbe) ...
Nayebi ete akotelema moto ya suka na bomoyi na ngai. Akotelema akokota likambo na ngai. Yaweh telema, kota makambo na ngai. Akotelema akokata ma condamnation. © Cèdre Katambayi
I know he's gonna stand up as the last one in my life. He will enter into my business. God, stand up, enter into my business. He will stand up and interrupt my condemnation.
Djo ayebaki ete kosopa zemi ezali lisumu monene, kasi makango na ye azwaki zemi, mpe Djo azalaki na likoki te ya kobala mpe kobokola mwana.
Djo knew that having an abortion is a great sin, but his fiancée got pregnant and Djo did not have the means to get married and raise a child.
Na motema nayebaki ete ezali mabe, kasi namonaki ndenge mosusu ya kosala te.
In the heart I knew it was bad, but I saw no other way of acting.
naza na esengo makasi pamba te nakobima na baninga na ngai na pokwa ya lelo
I'm very glad because I will go out with my friends tonight.
nazali na sekele te. ezali pamba te nalingi ye.
I don't have a secret. It's because I love her.
ezali pamba te naza na mosala te
It's because I have no work.
Naponi yo pamba te nayebi yo.
I choose you because I know you.
Abeti ngai pamba te abungisi mbongo na ye.
She hit me because she misplaced her money.
no, not
tozali kosambela kasi bolingo eza te
tozali kosambela kasi bolingo eza te
© pvh (Letitia Nkanza Kalawuma)
item 255 examples (bandakisa nkámá míbalé na ntúkú mítáno na mítáno) ...
liberté na ngai, na kaka te !Proverb/expression (don't translate litteraly)
my freedom, you don't narrow it down !
kozoka te
don't hurt yourself
Azali awa te
He is not here.
Nafuti lipa te.
I have not paid the bread.
Nazui esika te.
I have no place.
Nakoki kotindela yo mbongo te.
I can not send you money.
koseka ngai te.
do not mock me.
makaku awelaki kupé, esika ya kotia mokila ezali te.
The monkey fought for the short (pants), a place to put the tail there is not.
saki ya pamba etelemaka te. © koffi olomide
An empty sack does not stand up.
oza na mbongo ? te, naza nango te.
Do you have money ? No I don't have any.
mwasi ya ngana, kolula te
Do not covet someone else's wife
nayebi tata oyo, kasi nayebi tata wana te.
I know what this dad, but I do not know what dad then.
Kosomba nanu lipa te.
Don't buy the bread yet.
likambo te
no problem, leave it
kobosana te !
don't forget (plural) ! / forget not !
Nazali koyoka yo te, nalobaka lingala te
I can't understand you, I don't speak lingala.
nandimi te
I don't agree
matondi mingi / melesi mingi. - likambo te.
thanks a lot. - No problem.
Pierre alobi na ye : Te, okosokola ngai makolo ata mbala moko te !© bible, jean 13:8
Peter said to Him : You shall never (not even one time) wash my feet !
balongolaka pongi ya mbwa te. Balamusaka te mbwa oyo azali kolala.
"One" does not interrupt the sleep of a dog. "One" does not wake the dog that is sleeping.
ebembe ya soso, matanga te.
no mourning for the cadaver of a chicken
Esika nkoyi azali, kotia ntaba te.
where there is a leopard, don't put a goat.
komeka mozindo na mosapi te.
One doesn't measure the depth with his finger.
Liwa moyibi, elaka te
Death is a thief, she doesn't notify
Miso makasi, ndoki teProverb/expression (don't translate litteraly)
It's not because one has a strong stare that he's a witch
mokolo moko te. mbala moko te. eloko moko te. moto moko te. esika moko te.
Never (not one day). Never (not one time). Nothing (not one thing). Nobody (not one man). Nowhere (not one place).
ezali pete te.
It's not easy.
Osuka to ozali na kelasi nini ? - Nasilisa kelasi ya ebandeli te.
What education level have you finished or are you in ? - I have not completed primary school.
manguele mpe kisi ezali te po na kobatela moto azua VIH to bokono ya SIDA te.
There's no vaccine nor a medicine to protect someone from acquiring HIV or the disease AIDS.
Soki nzoto to poso ya moto ekutani na ya moto mosusu, tina ya kobanga ezali te.
If the body or the skin of a person meets with that of another person, there's no reason to fear.
na likolo pela moko awa na nse moko te akokani na yo na nguya na kembo yo 'za nzambe
in heaven as here down below there is no one that ressembles you in power and glory, you are God
poso ekoya mokolo moko eza nakosala te.
Next week, there's a day that I don't work.
asalaka te, atangaka
he doesn't work, he studies
nalukiluki, kasi nakuti te
I search everywhere, but I can't find (it)
Bolingo na biso mibale ekosila te.
The love between us two will not end.
Namonaki ye. Alataki elamba te.
I saw her. She didn't wear any clothes.
Wana ezali ya solo, kosakana te.
This is true, don't joke.
Aza te. Luka libanda.
He's not there. Search outside.
Akozonga lisusu ? - Te, akei libela.
Will he come back again ? - No, he left forgood.
Eza ya solo ? - Te, eza lokuta !
Is it true ? - No, it's a lie !
Mabanzo na yo ezali malamu te.
Your thoughts are not good.
Kolya makemba ya mobesu te.
don't eat bananas that are not ripe.
Loba malembe. Nazoyoka te.
Speak slowly. I don't understand you.
Ozali na mpongi ? - Nanu te.
Are you sleepy ? - Not yet.
Bilamba na ngai nanu ekauki te.
My clothes haven't dried yet.
Nakoki komona eloko te mpo na molili.
I could see nothing because of the darkness.
Kokota zamba yo moko te.
Don't go into the forest alone.
Maboko na yo ezali petepete, nayebaki te.
Your hands are very soft, I didn't know.
Azali ? - Te. Abimi.
Is he there ? - No. He went out.
Kobosana ngai te !
Don't forget me !
eloko moko te eleki nguya na Nzambe
Nothing surpasses the power of God (nothing is impossible to God)
tozali koluka muana musala. Azala moyibi te, ndoki te, ndumba te.
We are looking for a domestic aid. May it not be a thief, not a sorcerer, not a whore.
nayebi te
I don't know
Ata soki natamboli na lobwaku ya molili ya liwa, nakobanga mabe moko te. © bible, banzembo 23:4
Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil.
kobukana te
don't be shy (don't hesitate)
tshombo na yo ebongi te ? okosomba ya sika ?
Your phone isn't repaired ? Will you buy a new one ?
tshombo oyo opesi ngai ezosala te
The phone that you gave me doesn't work.
nzambe asambelaka te. akosambela nani Proverb/expression (don't translate litteraly)
God doesn't pray. To who will he pray ?
Soki insekte neti nzinzi, ngungi to nzoyi esui yo, tina ya kobanga ezali te.
When an insect like a fly, a mosquito or a bee stings you, there's no reason to be afraid.
bomoyi ya moto basombaka te Proverb/expression (don't translate litteraly)
One doesn't buy the life of someone
Mokonzi, soki ozalaki awa, mbele ndeko na ngai akufaki . © Yoane 11:21
Lord, if you would have been here, then my brother would not have been dead.
bobele ye, mosusu te !
only him, not another one !
eloko nalakisa te. Nalingi yo. Nabombi yango na kati ya motema na ngai.
There's something I don't show. I love you. I've hidden that in my heart.
ngai naza na biro ya Gecamines. Nakozonga kala mingi te
Me, I'm at the office of Gecamines. I'll return soon.
soki okobima sikoyo te, er moko nakoleka na palais.
If you're not going out now, I will pass at the house in an hour.
Po na nini mibali ya lelo balingi lisusu te babotine ?
Why don't today's men want condoms anymore ?
tokabwana te !
let's not divide ourselves !
abanga etumba te, abundaka mutaka !
She's not afraid of a fight, she fights naked !
Djo ayebaki ete kosopa zemi ezali lisumu monene, kasi makango na ye azwaki zemi, mpe Djo azalaki na likoki te ya kobala mpe kobokola mwana.
Djo knew that having an abortion is a great sin, but his fiancée got pregnant and Djo did not have the means to get married and raise a child.
Na motema nayebaki ete ezali mabe, kasi namonaki ndenge mosusu ya kosala te.
In the heart I knew it was bad, but I saw no other way of acting.
nalingi ye lisusu te. Nabimi na ye kaka boye.
I don't love her anymore. I went out with her just like that.
muana moke amelaka likaya te
a small child doesn't smoke a sigaret
ozosala nini ? - Eloko te, naza na mbetu na ngai
What are you doing ? - Nothing, I'm in my bed.
Nayebi te ! luka yo moko
I don't know ! Search yourself
alingi koyoka te. etali ye.
He doesn't want to listen. That's his problem.
Bazali kobatela mino malamu te, mosusu esila ngala mpe mosusu balambi yango na ndenge elongobani te.
They don't conserve the medicines well, others are expired and others they prepare with non conform methods.
namoni texto na yo kala te
I saw your text message not long ago
kosakana te na ngai to nakobeta yo
Don't laugh with me or I will hit you.
pona nini bolingo ya mosika esimbaka te ?
Why doesn't long distance love hold ?
yesu abonguani te
Jesus hasn't changed
kolumba monoko solo eza maladi to te ?
Is stinky mouth an in sickness or not ?
basumbaka te esika batokaka mayi
they don't poop where they draw water
Monoko ya mobange, elumbaka solo, kasi elobaka makambo ya lokuta te. soki okimi solo wana, okoyeba makambo te. Proverb/expression (don't translate litteraly)
The mouth of the elderly, it smells foul, but doesn't tell lies. If you avoid this smell, you will not know the affairs.
Moto oyo akumbaka maki, aswanaka te na abundaka te.
He who transports eggs doesn't argue and doesn't fight.
solo te !
not true !
ezali te po tomelaka na nganda moko, nde tokomi baninga
It's not because we use to drink at the same café, that we became friends
naboyi biloko nionso ekopesa litomba te
I refuse everything that will not give a benefit
soki oyebi te kanga munoko
if you don't know, shut up
Benteke abeti bale, kasi ekoti te
Benteke kicked the ball, but it didn't go in
bana bakoki kotanga malamu te likolo ya makelele ya wenze mpe solo ya fulu source: Espérance-François Ngayibata Bulayumi, Mosuni
The children couldn't study well because off the noise of the small market and the smell of the dump.
bana bavandaki na mabele mpo na bakiti ezalaki te. source: Espérance-François Ngayibata Bulayumi, Mosuni
The children sat on the ground because there were no chairs.
nakoki kobanga te zambi nazali somi na RDC.
I cannot be afraid because I'm legal in RDC.
bakendaka bokila na motu ya makelele te
One doesn't go on a hunt with a noisy person.
kokenda liboso ezali kokoma te Proverb/expression (don't translate litteraly)
To go first is not "to arrive"
batongaka mboka na maloba te
One doesn't build a city with words
naza na mbongo te
I have no money.
masolo ya kati, mutu ayeba te © Adolphe
Secret things, nobody should know
naza na likambo na yo te
I have no problem with you
boyokani eza na ndako oyo te
There is no understanding in this house
ngomba na ngomba ekutanaka te kasi batu na batu bakutanaka Proverb/expression (don't translate litteraly)
Mountains don't run into each other, but humans run into each other
tokoki kozala na kimia te na ndako oyo
We can't be in peace in this house
mwasi oyo alingaka koloba mingi te
That woman doesn't like to talk much.
kosala ngai mabe te pona nalingi yo
Don't make me suffer because I love you
kosala ye bongo te pamba te akosilika
don't do that to her or else she will get angry
kopesa ye mbongo mingi te, aza nanu mwana muke
Don't give him much money, it's still a little child
kopesa ngai kanda te lelo
don't get me upset today
kotala ngai mingi te nazali mwasi ya batu
Don't look hard at me, I'm someone's woman
kotala ye te pamba te akosilika lisusu
Don't look at her, or else she's going to get angry again
eloko basalela naza na posa na yango te
The thing that had been used, I don't need it
kobeta mwasi na yo boye te. ezali mabe
Don't hit your wife like that. It's bad.
kobeta bana te. lobela bango malembe
Don't hit the children. Talk calmly to them.
komela masanga ya sukali mingi te. eza malamu te po na mino.
Don't drink much sweet drinks. It's not good for your teeth.
komela mayi na ngai te
Don't drink my water
kokota na ndako sikoyo te. nazobongisa.
Don't enter the house now. I'm arranging.
kokota epayi na biso boye te
Don't enter at our place like that.
koyoka batu te, yoka nde mobali na yo
Don't listen to the people, rather listen to your husband.
koyoka ye te. yoka ngai mama na yo.
Don't listen to him. Listen to your mum for me.
kolia biloko ya tata na yo te. lia biloko mosusu
Don't eat your father's food. Eat something else.
kolia mingi te. tozokende lisano. okolia kuna
Don't each much. We are going to the party. You will eat there.
mwasi ya zemi akokaka basolo mususu te.
A pregnant woman can't stand certain odors.
nazokende epayi ya munganga atala liso na ngai. nazomona malamu te.
I'm going to the doctor so that he looks at my eye. I don't see well.
kobima nanu te. naza nanu na posa na yo.
Don't leave yet. I still need you.
tozali lisusu na mayi te, mwinda te. sikoyo tokosala ndenge nini
We have no more water, no light. How will we work now ?
keba ! koleka awa te ! libulu moko ezali.
Watch out ! Don't pass here ! There's a hole.
koleka liboso na ngai te, ezopesa ngai kanda
Don't pass in front of me, it angers me
koya lelo te. naza na makambu ebele ya kosala
Don't come today. I have a lot of things to do.
koya na moninga na yo wana te. nalingaka ye te.
Don't come with that friend of yours. I don't like him.
kokanga ekuke te. nazoya
Don't close the door. I'm coming.
kokanga ngai na ndako te. nazobanga.
Don't lock me in the house. I'm afraid.
kokoma na ndako te. leka mbala moko epayi ya tata na yo.
Don't arrive home. Pass at your dad's place for once.
oyo eza na kati na ngai boyebi te
What is inside of me, you didn't know.
masolo ya kati ebongaka mutu ayeba te.
The secret conversations, nobody must know.
kokata singa na ngai te
don't cut my wire
nazoyoka nzoto malamu te
I don't feel well.
koloba mingi te. nazoya sikoyo.
Don't talk much. I'm coming now.
koloba na ngai boye te nazali mukolo na yo
Don't speak to me like that. I'm older than you.
mbula ekobeta lelo te. kobanga te.
It's not gonna rain today. Don't be afraid.
likambo nini mwasi na ngai ? butu mobimba olali te.
What's the matter, my woman ? The entire night you didn't sleep.
naza na mbongo ya kopesa yo te
I don't have money to give you
otie biloko na ngai wapi. nazomona yango te.
Where did you put your things ? I don't see them.
oyo eza ndako na bino, eza ya biso te
that is your house, not ours.
nazosombela yo motuka ya sika. kobebisa yango te mbala oyo.
I buy you a new car. Don't ruin it this time.
nalingaka masanga oyo te eza sukali mingi
I don't like that drink. It's too sweet.
nalingaka mwasi azala monene te.
I don't like a woman to be fat.
oye, opesi biso ata mbote te. likambo nini ?
You came, you didn't even salute us. What's the matter ?
kotika bana bango moko te
Don't leave the children alone.
kotika ngai te, Yawe, nazali mwana na yo
Don't leave me, Lord, I'm your child.
biloko oyo, mafuta ekoki te. ebongi obakisa.
This food, there's not enough oil in it. You should add some.
nalingaka kolia lipa na tongo te
I don't like to eat bread in the morning.
kozanga botosi na mikolo ezali malamu te
Lacking respect for the elders is not good.
kolala awa te. zonga epayi na yo.
Don't sleep here. Go home.
nalingaka bana oyo bazalaka boye te
I don't like children who are like that.
kokweya awa te. kende kokweya kuna.
Don't fall here. Go fall there.
kolamba madesu te. lamba ndunda
Don't prepare the beans. Prepare the vegetables.
kolia biloko ya sukali mingi te eza malamu te pona mino
Don't eat too much sweet things. It's not good for your teeth.
nakeyi. koluka ngai te, bolimbisi.
I left. Don't look for me, please.
mutu oyo nazolobela azoyoka ngai te. nazoloba mpamba.
The person I was talking to is not listening to me. Je parle pour rien.
naliaka nyama ya ngulu te
I don't eat porc meat.
komema biloko ya kilo te
Don't carry heavy things.
komema kiti na yo awa te
Don't bring your chair here.
komela likaya ezali malamu te
It's not good to smoke sigarets.
kofuta ngai te. nasali yango ofele.
Don't pay me. I do that for free.
leki na yo oyo ya mwasi alingaka musala te.
Your little sister doesn't like the work.
nalingaka komela nkisi te.
I don't like to take medicin.
kotala ngai bongo te. okopesa ngai kanda.
Don't look at me like that. You will get me angry.
kobosana kotala biloko te soki ebeli.
Don't forget to look at the food, whether it's done.
na ndako oyo mokonzi azali te. biso nioso tozali bana.
In this house there's no chief. We are all children.
soki liwa eyebaki mbongo mbele batu ya mbongo bakufaka te
If death would know money, then rich people wouldn't die.
litoyi elekaka motu te Proverb/expression (don't translate litteraly)
The ear doesn't exceed the head.
nakobenda yo litoyi soki ozali koyoka te
I will pull your ear if you don't listen.
kolata bilamba na ngai lelo te. lata ya yo.
Don't wear my clothes today. Wear yours.
kolata boye te. malili eza makasi libanda.
Don't dress like that. It's cold outside.
bolakisi bilamba na bino te
You didn't show your clothes.
boseka ngai, ekosala eloko te
make fun of me, it won't do anything.
kopola ezali eloko ya mabe te
Losing is not something bad.
pona nini oza kopela boye ? likambo eza te !
Why are you getting ignited like that ? There's no problem !
na libota na bango baza na bomoko te
In their family, they are not united.
oza nanu elenge. kosala yango te. okoya kobebisa bomoi na yo.
You are still young. Don't do that. You risk spoiling your life.
otie ngai na kokoso moko ya kosakana te
You gave me a problem not to laugh about.
nasepeli na eyano opesi ngai te.
I didn't like the answer you gave me.
kobela te po lobi tokobina
Don't be sick because tomorrow we will dance.
kokosa ngai te.
Don't lie to me.
mopepe ezali na ndako oyo te
There's no air in this house.
koswa ye neti mama na yo te
Don't take her for your mother.
kokita nanu te. zela mukie.
Don't come down yet. Wait a bit.
kobosana kokanga ekuke te soki obimi
Don't forget to close the door if you go out.
kobosana ngai te tango okozala na mbongo
Don't forget me when you'll have money.
kokende na ebale lelo te mbonge eza makasi
Don't go to the river today. The waves are strong.
lia biloko wana nioso. kobuaka eloko te.
Eat all that food. Don't throw anything away.
pona nini olingaka kobuaka biloko ya kolia boye. eza malamu te.
Why do you love to throw away food like that ? It's not good.
esika ya kosuba eza awa te
There's no place to pee here.
kokosa ngai te. loba na ngai bosolo.
Don't lie to me. Tell me the truth.
oza kokosa baboti na yo mingi. ezali malamu te.
You lie a lot to your parents. That's not good.
kotika mulangi polele te. kanga yango.
Don't leave the bottle open. Close it.
kanga monoko na yo pamba te okoya komela nzinzi.
Close your mouth or else you risk swallowing a fly.
kosimba biloko ya bato te.
Don't touch the people's things.
Bomoyi ezali pete te. Ebongi kobunda.
Life is not easy. You have to fight.
nalingi te olala na mbeto na ngai.
I don't want you to sleep in my bed.
kolula mwasi ya batu eza malamu te
It's not good to admire someone else's wife.
Mosala wana ya kindumba ezali malamu te na miso ya Nzambe.
The work of prostitution is not good in the eyes of God.
bangi eza malamu te pona nzoto.
Drugs are not good for the body.
nalingaka kokende epai na ye te.
I don't like to go to her place.
nayoka nanu nzembo oyo te
I did not hear this song yet.
bafoto yango ebimi kitoko te.
Those photos did not come out very beautiful.
naza na libonza pona eyenga ya lelo te
I don't have an offering for today's service.
pona nini bolingi kotela boye ? Eza malamu te pona poso.
Why do you like to get clear like that ? It's not good for the skin.
koniata ngai te nazoyoka pasi.
Don't trample me, it hurts !
nzimbu eza te na ndako na ngai
There is no money in my house.
eloko eleki tika eza te
there is nothing better than to leave it.
Lobi kelasi ezali te.
Tomorrow there's no school.
alobaka mingi mpe abombaka sekele te
She talks much and she never keeps a secret.
Naza mwasi na ye te. Tika kotungisa ngai sikoyo.
I'm not his wife. Stop disturbing me now.
aza kaka mwana muke. Kopesa ye bazoka te.
He's only a small child. Don't give him chewing gum.
ngai nasalaka kindumba te.
Me, I don't do prostitution.
Mikolo oyo nateki te batu bazosomba malamu te mbongo eza te.
These days I don't sell. The people don't buy well. There's no money.
kopesa mwana na ngai bokono te.
Don't give a disease to my child.
Soki bato mibale bayokani te ebongi bakabwana.
If two persons don't get along, they should separate.
lelo moyi eza te. Tokobima ndenge nini ?
Today there's no sun. How are we going to go out.
Okoki kobeta ye te. Azali mwana mwasi
You may not beat her. She's a girl.
nalingi komona lisusu moto ya liboma oyo na ndako na ngai te.
I don't want to see that lunatik in my house again.
mama ya mobali na yo akoya lisusu te.
Your mother in law will not come anymore.
yo ozali na kati ya motema na ye te.
You, you are not in his heart.
yo, makambo osali ezali pe malamu te
You, the things you did weren't good either.
ozalaka ndeko na ngai ya solo te.
You are not my real sister.
moto moko te alamuki.
Nobody is awake.
ye ayebaki ke ozalaki na mbongo te
She knew that you didn't have money.
Nalingi ata kokanisa yango te.
I don't even want to think about that.
Nayoki malamu te. Bandela.
I didn't hear it well. Repeat.
nayebi te esika nini moninga na ngai akendaki kolokota ye wana.
I don't know where my friend went to pick that one up.
Ayebi ata kokoma kombo na ye te.
She can't even write her name.
Kosenga ye te. Akoboya lisusu.
Don't ask her. She will refuse again.
Akoya lelo lisusu te. Akoya kaka lobi.
She will not come anymore today. She will just come tomorrow.
nalobi moto akobima awa te.
I say that nobody will leave here.
sala nyonso olingi po nakuta ye awa te !
Do everything you want so that I don't find her here.
nazali na sekele te. ezali pamba te nalingi ye.
I don't have a secret. It's because I love her.
ezali pamba te naza na mosala te
It's because I have no work.
Mikolo oyo aza kokanga suki te.
Lately she doesn't braid her hair.
banda mikolo mibale azolia te.
Since two days she's not eating.
nakoki kopesa mbongo na ngai na ndumba te.
I cannot give my money to a prostitute.
aza moninga na ngai te.
She's not my friend.
Esili te. Nakotika ye boye te.
It's not over. I will not leave her like that.
lelo naza penza na posa na yo te.
Today I really don't need you.
Bolimbisi papa, kobengana mama na ndako te.
Please papa, don't chase mama from the house.
akokota na kati ya ndako oyo te.
She's not going to enter this house.
nalingi ke eloko te ekomela mwana na ngai.
I don't want anything to happen to my child.
bapesi ngai eloko ya kolia te.
They haven't given me anything to eat.
Bana na yo bazalaka mitungisi te penza.
Your children are really no disturbance
Tango naza kosala mosala nalingaka moto atungisa ngai te.
When I'm working, I don't like someone disturbing me.
kobosana te, soki omeki kobimisa sekele oyo tokobeta yo !
Don't forget, if you try to out this secret, we'll beat you up !
Nalingaki kotungisa yo te.
I didn't want to disturb you.
azoyamba tshombo te.
She's not answering the phone.
azalaki na yo te mokolo mobimba.
She wasn't with you all day.
nayebi esika ewuta te.
I don't know where that comes from.
Nazoluka nabosana, kasi nazokoka te.
I'm trying to forget but I can't.
naza kuna te
I'm not involved in there.
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