translation / dictionary Lingala - English

congo rdc
Sentence :

elamba, form of a verb
kolámba, regular construction (root : lamb) (class 15 : ko- (verbs))
to prepare (dinner), cooking
derived words : elámbo, molámbi
item 16 examples (bandakisa zómi na motóbá) ...
biloko olambaki ezali elengi mingi
The things you've prepared are very delicious.
Fumbwa elambami na mafuta ya nguba.
Fumbwa is prepared with peanut oil
oooh, solo kitoko. mama azolamba ntaba
oooh, it smells good. Mama is preparing goat.
Bazali kobatela mino malamu te, mosusu esila ngala mpe mosusu balambi yango na ndenge elongobani te.
They don't conserve the medicines well, others are expired and others they prepare with non conform methods.
buka lelo lamba lelo Proverb/expression (don't translate litteraly)
lit: harvest today, prepare today. (fig: seduce today, have sex today)
nalambi madesu.
I prepared beans.
hum... solo kitoko na makusa. mama azolamba nini ?
yummi... It smells good in the kitchen. What is mum preparing ?
oza kolamba biloko nini lelo ?
What are you préparing today ?
kolamba madesu te. lamba ndunda
Don't prepare the beans. Prepare the vegetables.
maman azolamba supu moko ya kitoko
Mama is preparing a delicious soup.
nani alambi damage oyo
Who prepared that dish ?
lambela ngai mwa ndambu ya ndunda
Prepare me a small portion of vegetables.
Nazolamba loso pona tolia.
I'm preparing rice so that we eat.
Yaka kosunga ngai, naza na biloko ebele ya kolamba.
Come help me, I have a lot of things to prepare.
Mama na ngai nde alakisa ngai kolamba.
It's my mother who taught me how to cook.
ozalaki kozela ngai naya pona obanda kolamba ?
You were waiting for me to come home for you to start cooking ?
elamba, pl. bilamba (class 7/8 : e- / bi-)
costume, dress, garment
fabric, cloth
tags :
item 26 examples (bandakisa ntúkú míbalé na motóbá) ...
longola bilamba.
take of your clothes
Namonaki ye. Alataki elamba te.
I saw her. She didn't wear any clothes.
Bilamba na ngai nanu ekauki te.
My clothes haven't dried yet.
elamba ya mesa
soki nalongoli bilamba okozua vertige na okokweya
If I remove the clothes, you will get dizzy and you will fall.
osopeli ngai supu na bilamba
you poured me soup over the clothes.
ekausi bilamba. ekausi nsuki
clothes dryer. hair dryer
basi ya minene balongoli bilamba na wenze ya bandal
thick girls remove their clothes at the Bandal market
elamba ya mbeto
nasepeli makasi na elamba oyo okabeli ngai
I much appreciated that garment you gave me.
elamba oyo kitoko makasi. posa ya kosomba yango.
That garment is very pretty. love to buy it.
tata naza na posa ya mbongo po nasomba bilamba
Father, I need money to buy clothes.
moyibi moko ayibi ngai elamba na ngai.
There's a thief who stole my garment.
kolata bilamba na ngai lelo te. lata ya yo.
Don't wear my clothes today. Wear yours.
bolakisi bilamba na bino te
You didn't show your clothes.
oza kotumba bilamba pona nini ?
Why are you burning the clothes ?
pesa ngai falanga nasomba bilamba
Give me money so that I buy clothes.
nake kokamola bilamba
I'll go twist the clothes.
alati bilamba ya pembe na ya mwindu
She wears white and black clothes.
oyo ezali bilamba ya ndeko na ngai
Those are the clothes of my sister.
bilamba yango eza talo penza.
Those clothes are really expensive.
keba akosumba na bilamba.
Watch out ! He will poop in his clothes.
etiele ya bilamba
clothes hanger
nake kotanda bilamba libanda
I'm going to spread the clothes outside
mwasi oyo atongelaka yo bilamba ayaki awa.
The lady who made clothes for you (your tailor) came here.
bilamba na ye ezali na solo ya mapeka.
His clothes smell like armpits.
other words with the tag 'clothing' : abakósi, efungatúmbu, ekótó, sangatúmbu, ekoti, elamba, eláto, enkoti, etóbo, kupé, lipápa, lipúta, mudinda, nzámbálá, sapatu, lisangatúmbu, lópu, soséti, kitendi, lingwánda, dongi, etendi, kaleso, kazáka, libaya, modinda, mokaba, musualu, pantalo, somisi, semísi, pantalon, mbati, kanga-libumu, módénde, mukadi, kangalibumu, kangamabéle, modega
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