translation / dictionary Lingala - English

congo rdc
Sentence :

mama, pl. bamama (class 1a/2 : - / ba-)
mom, mother, Mrs.
see also : mama-leki, mama-kulutu, mama-koko
tags :
item 49 examples (bandakisa ntúkú mínei na libwá) ...
Mama azali kolela po na nini ? Ntina nini ?
Why is mom crying ? For what reason ?
Mama azali kosambela.
Mom is praying.
mama mapasa
mother of twins (also said "mère double")
mama koko
mama kulutu
maternal aunt (older than Mom, Mom's older sister)
mama mobokoli
adoptive mother, foster mother
mama nioso ( mama na mama ) amema mwana na ye.
that every mom (mom after mom) carries her child.
bamama nioso bamema bana na bango.
that all mothers bear their children.
mama leki
aunt (mother's younger sister, younger than the mother)
kati ya tata na mama na yo, nani asalaka ?
Between your father and your mother, who works ?
mama na bino, kombo na ye nani ?
Your mama, what's her name ?
na ntongo oyo mama akeyi na zando asomba mapa
This morning mama went to the market to buy bread.
oooh, solo kitoko. mama azolamba ntaba
oooh, it smells good. Mama is preparing goat.
Mama na Jean atekaka na wenze.
Jean's mum sells on the market.
Babandi koniata ngai na mosapi ya suka ! mama eh !
They start marching on my little toe ! oh mama !
bomoyi ebandaka ntango liki ya mama ekutani na momboto ya tata.
Life begins when the egg of the mother meets with the sperm of the father.
tata, mama, ndeko, tofuta mpaku ya mabele, po totonga ville ya kinshasa
papa, mama, cousin, let's pay the ground tax, so that we build the city of Kinshasa
mama ya batisimo / mama wa batisimo / mama mobatisi. tata ya batisimo / tata wa batisimo / tata mobatisi.
godmother. godfather.
Nasala nini soki papa to mama amelaka bangi to alangwaka masanga
what to do when papa or mama smokes weed or is getting drunk with beer ?
makango ya mama kombo na ye papa
mama's lover, his name is papa
maman wana alataki maputa ya konzuluka
That woman there wore a worn out loin cloth.
nawuti kotala mama bokilo na lopitalo
I come from seeing mother in law at the hospital
mama aye nzala esili
Mama is here, the hunger is over
nalingi ozala mama ya bana na nga
I want you to be the mother of my children
koyoka ye te. yoka ngai mama na yo.
Don't listen to him. Listen to your mum for me.
hum... solo kitoko na makusa. mama azolamba nini ?
yummi... It smells good in the kitchen. What is mum preparing ?
biso na bino, tozali bana ya tata moko na mama moko
we and you, we are children of the same father and the same mother.
mama ya moninga na ngai moko akufi
The mother of one of my friends died.
mama na biso atekaka lipa na balabala na biso
My mother sells bread in our street.
oza koluka mosala nini, mama ?
What job a are you looking for, mama ?
maman akabuani na papa na biso
Mama has divorced our papa.
maman azolamba supu moko ya kitoko
Mama is preparing a delicious soup.
naza na tukutuku. nazokende kotala mama na ngai.
I'm on the motorbike. I'm going to see my mum.
nakofunda yo epayi ya maman.
I will denounce you to mum.
maman na ye, bakokunda ye lobi
His mother, they'll bury her tomorrow.
koswa ye neti mama na yo te
Don't take her for your mother.
yo oza na bizaleli kaka neti mama na yo
You just have a behaviour like your mother.
mama kulutu na biso azalaka baba.
My maternal great-aunt is deaf-mute.
maman nkulutu na biso azobela makasi
The big sister of my mother is very sick.
Nayoki ke okomi kobima na ex na ngai. Mama, ozali semba bilokota.
I heard that you started dating my ex. Lady, you are a semba bilokota.
Mama na ngai nde alakisa ngai kolamba.
It's my mother who taught me how to cook.
mama ya mobali na yo akoya lisusu te.
Your mother in law will not come anymore.
mama, mela bakisi na yo oyo munganga apesi.
Mum, take your medicine that the doctor prescribed you.
tokutanaki na mama leki na nzela.
We met auntie on the way.
Bolimbisi papa, kobengana mama na ndako te.
Please papa, don't chase mama from the house.
Mama na bango aza kokata matungulu.
Their mum is cutting onions.
aye lisusu, mama wana ya liboma.
She came again, that crazy lady.
mbanda mama akufa nakoma mowumbu ya mwasi ya papa.
Since mother died, I became the slave of dad's wife.
Maman azali malamu moke
Mother is doing a bit well
other words with the tag 'family' : mobóti, bokilo, bolóngani, bondeko, bonyangó, bosángó, bozéngé, ebóto, etike, nkulútu, léki, libála, libota, lipása, mama, litshombé, mwana, ndeko, nókó, papá, semeki, tata, yayá, kóko, nkóko, moana, muana, mobokoli, ya, nsimba, nzuzi, kulútu, kolonga, litsombé, mama-leki, tata-leki, tata-koko, mama-kulutu, mama-koko
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