translation / dictionary Lingala - English

congo rdc
Sentence :

náni, pl. banani (class 1a/2 : - / ba-)
who ?
Kimbanseke: nani abomi ndeko tailleur ?
Kimbanseke: nani abomi ndeko tailleur ?
src : MolièreTV
item 20 examples (bandakisa ntúkú míbalé) ...
Kombo na yo nani ? - Kombo na ngai Niclette.
What's your name? My name is Niclette.
soki mpe nani
kati ya tata na mama na yo, nani asalaka ?
Between your father and your mother, who works ?
mama na bino, kombo na ye nani ?
Your mama, what's her name ?
nani wana ?
Who's there ?
elengi na mbeto: Muasi ya monene na muasi ya moke, nani azali sukali ? © kitokolile
pleasure in bed: a big girl and a slim girl, who is sweet ?
Ozosolola na nani ?
Who are you talking with ?
nzambe asambelaka te. akosambela nani Proverb/expression (don't translate litteraly)
God doesn't pray. To who will he pray ?
na liboso aza nani ?
in front, who is that ?
nani mutu akomeli yo lingala ?
who is it that writes lingala to you ?
nani akoti na ezibeli ya niaou ?
Who enters through the cat's door ?
kokoko ! - Nani wana ? - Nga Lauretta. - Ah, yo wana ? - Ee.
knock knock ! - Who's there ? - It's me, Lauretta. - Ah, it's you ? - Yes.
nani alobi nazali kobela makasi ?
Who said that I was very sick ?
nani alie biloko na ngai oyo natikaki ?
Who ate my food that I had left ?
nani alambi damage oyo
Who prepared that dish ?
nani azoluka ngai lisusu ?
Who's looking for me again ?
oyo, ezali eloko ya nani ?
this, whose thing is that ?
yebisa ngai esika olalaki pe na nani.
Let me know where you slept and with who.
mobali na yo ya sika, kombo na ye nani ?
Your new husband, what's his name ?
Osombi mutuka na mbongo ya nani ?
You bought the car with whose money ?
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