translation / dictionary Lingala - English

congo rdc
Sentence :

motó, pl. mito (class 3/4 : mo- (mu-) / mi- : objects)
mutu, pl. mitu (class 3/4 : mo- (mu-) / mi- : objects)Kinshasa version
motu, pl. mitu (class 3/4 : mo- (mu-) / mi- : objects)
tags :
item 9 examples (bandakisa libwá) ...
loto na moto. elombó
dandruff flake
Moto oyo akumbaka maki, aswanaka te na abundaka te.
He who transports eggs doesn't argue and doesn't fight.
nazoyoka mutu pasi
I have a head ache
litoyi elekaka motu te Proverb/expression (don't translate litteraly)
The ear doesn't exceed the head.
mwana oyo azalaka mutu monene penza
That kid has really a big head.
mutu na ye ekokani na oyo ya tata na ye
His head ressembles the one of his father.
mpasi ya moto
migraine, headache
Koko na yo, niama. Tala mutu lokola tintin.
Your granny, brute. Look at that head like Tintin. (insults)
sia tala mutu lokola mikate.
tsss, look at the head as a fritter !
other words with the tag 'body' : bongó, bontólo, ebángá, lobebú, ebekú, ebelo, ebóbó, eboló, edádá, elongi, enama, esóngó, kíngó, libéle, liboló, libolongo, libumu, lifuni, likata, lokolo, lino, linzáka, lipeka, lisisa, liso, lisókó, litáma, litoyi, lokéto, lolemo, loposo, makilá, mandéfu, lisásámbá, lobebo, mbunzu, moyoyo, mofáti, mokongo, mongóngó, mopanzi, mosapi, motéma, mupende, monoko, mutolo, motó, tólo, nzóto, poso, pótá, nsima, losúki, zólo, litói, lomposo, lobôko, lisu, kunza, kovo, lolému, súki, engóngólo, monzômbâ, nkíngó, ntólo, mompúlúlú, likundú, motolú, mosopó, libale, mosómba, likáká, etindi, mopende, búnya, lolemu, mbángá, motshopo, zémi, etambe, libandi, likosi, linu, lopiko, libundi, lokíkí, manduta, muika, mopiko, nkunki, sóka, soyi, lolemo, lokéto, mpótá, lotó, monsisá, mutema, libondi, goró, lotókó, mpanzí, litolú, motoló, ndéfu, mimbebo, mokunza, mposo, lokíkí, nsóka, monpúlúlú, ebebú, liliká, mataku, mosai
mòto, pl. bato (class 1/2 : mo- (mu-) / ba- (persons))
mòtu, pl. batu (class 1/2 : mo- (mu-) / ba- (persons))
mutu, pl. batu (class 1/2 : mo- (mu-) / ba- (persons))
a person, man, human, individual

pl. bato - batu - batu
people, humans, men
bwaka mayi na wc. zala motu ya solo.
bwaka mayi na wc. zala motu ya solo.
src : google images
tozali koluka batu ya musala
tozali koluka batu ya musala
© pvh (Letitia Nkanza Kalawuma)
lisolo ya mutu nionso ?!
lisolo ya mutu nionso ?!
src : CSF
derived words : bomoto
item 70 examples (bandakisa ntúkú nsambo) ...
nzete moto ekweyi na mopepe
the tree fell due to wind
Bato mingi.
Many people.
kotia moto litoyi.
intepeller someone, approach someone, someone dredged (lit.: put your ear to someone)
na bosengi ya bato mingi,...
at the request of many people, ...
moto ya liboma aliaka na fulu
the mad man eats from the trash
bato balakisaki ngai bolingo na mokili © Maman Micheline Shabani, La réponse
The people showed me the worldly love
Kosa liwa, bongo omona batu bakolela yo.
Fake death and so you will see who will cry over you.
Mayele ya moto ebandaka na bomwana
The intelligenc of a man starts from his childhood.
Pilipili ya elanga ya yo, moto mosusu akolia yango. Proverb/expression (don't translate litteraly)
The pepper of your field, someone else will eat it.
mokolo moko te. mbala moko te. eloko moko te. moto moko te. esika moko te.
Never (not one day). Never (not one time). Nothing (not one thing). Nobody (not one man). Nowhere (not one place).
Bato bazali motuya boni na libota na yo ?
How many people are there in your family ?
lolenge moto akoki kokaba to kozua VIH
the way someone can transmit or catch HIV.
manguele mpe kisi ezali te po na kobatela moto azua VIH to bokono ya SIDA te.
There's no vaccine nor a medicine to protect someone from acquiring HIV or the disease AIDS.
Soki nzoto to poso ya moto ekutani na ya moto mosusu, tina ya kobanga ezali te.
If the body or the skin of a person meets with that of another person, there's no reason to fear.
mbwa moto alie tomson na yo.
It's the dog who ate your tomson.
oza na miso lokola moto ameli lotoko.
You have the eyes like someone who drunk lotoko.
Moto azoya, bomba yango nokinoki.
Someone's coming, hide that quickly
moto azoki
the man is wounded
Nayebi ete akotelema moto ya suka na bomoyi na ngai. Akotelema akokota likambo na ngai. Yaweh telema, kota makambo na ngai. Akotelema akokata ma condamnation. © Cèdre Katambayi
I know he's gonna stand up as the last one in my life. He will enter into my business. God, stand up, enter into my business. He will stand up and interrupt my condemnation.
mpepo ekweyi na wenze ya Simba Zigida. Epanzi wenze. Bato nyoso bakufi.
A plane fell on the Simba Zigida market. It destroyed the market. Everyone is dead.
nioka abangaka mpe moto Proverb/expression (don't translate litteraly)
The snake is also afraid of man
mokumbi abandaki konimba pe abomi moto
The driver started to drowse and killed someone
bomoyi ya moto basombaka te Proverb/expression (don't translate litteraly)
One doesn't buy the life of someone
bato ya kobondisa © banzembo 69:20
moto ya suka
The last person
mutuka ezangi ekangele ebomi batu
a car without brakes has killed people
masolo ya kati, mutu ayeba te © Adolphe
Secret things, nobody should know
ngomba na ngomba ekutanaka te kasi batu na batu bakutanaka Proverb/expression (don't translate litteraly)
Mountains don't run into each other, but humans run into each other
koyeba kofanda na batu ezalaka malamu
To know how to live with people is good
mokolo nakokufa... ngai, mutu ya mbongo
The day I will die... me, a rich man
mokolo nakoya nalingi batu nioso bazala
The day I will come, I'd love everybody to be there.
kotala ngai mingi te nazali mwasi ya batu
Don't look hard at me, I'm someone's woman
zongisa eloko ya batu
give back the thing of someone
koyoka batu te, yoka nde mobali na yo
Don't listen to the people, rather listen to your husband.
masolo ya kati ebongaka mutu ayeba te.
The secret conversations, nobody must know.
mokonzi ya mboka azali mutu monene.
The president of a country is a huge personality.
kopesa mutu mbote ezali ofele
To greet someone is free.
mutu oyo nazolobela azoyoka ngai te. nazoloba mpamba.
The person I was talking to is not listening to me. Je parle pour rien.
batu balinga nde kosuana na ndako oyo
The people really love to argue in this house.
liwa ezali pona mutu nioso
Death is for everyone.
soki liwa eyebaki mbongo mbele batu ya mbongo bakufaka te
If death would know money, then rich people wouldn't die.
ebongi penza kokeba na batu wana.
One must really watch out for those people.
boyibi mbongo ya batu
You stole the people's money.
nakendaki feti lobi. batu bazalaki ebele.
I went to the party yesterday. There were a lot of people.
bato misato bayaki koluka yo lelo
Three men came look for you today.
mutu ya liboma abambi ngai libanga
The lunatic threw me a rock.
bato nyonso bazali awa, tozozela kaka yo.
Everyone is here, we're just waiting for you.
kosimba biloko ya bato te.
Don't touch the people's things.
kolula mwasi ya batu eza malamu te
It's not good to admire someone else's wife.
Azali mutu moyindo neti ngai.
He's a black man like me.
mutu moyindo na mutu mondele bazali batu oyo Nzambe akeli.
The black man and the white man are persons that God created.
tala ngulupa ya batu ebele
look a group of many people
Bakati bankingo ya bato nyonso.
The cut everyone's throat.
Yaka totanda mesa bato balia
Come let's set the table so people can eat.
Mikolo oyo nateki te batu bazosomba malamu te mbongo eza te.
These days I don't sell. The people don't buy well. There's no money.
Soki bato mibale bayokani te ebongi bakabwana.
If two persons don't get along, they should separate.
nalingi komona lisusu moto ya liboma oyo na ndako na ngai te.
I don't want to see that lunatik in my house again.
na balabala oyo bato nyonso bazoloba ke oza kitoko.
In this street everyone says that you are beautiful.
moto moko te alamuki.
Nobody is awake.
nalobi moto akobima awa te.
I say that nobody will leave here.
Tinda texto na moto moko ya kelasi na biso
Send a text message to someone from our class.
Tango naza kosala mosala nalingaka moto atungisa ngai te.
When I'm working, I don't like someone disturbing me.
tala sima zonga moto
look back and become human again
Mutu akweyi. Bino boseki ye.
Someone fell. You guys are making fun of him.
bato boni bayaki likita ?
How many people were at the reunion ?
bwaka mayi na wc. zala motu ya solo.
Throw water in the toilet. Be a real man.
bakendaka bokila na motu ya makelele te
One doesn't go on a hunt with a noisy person.
Batu ya likunya bakokonda yaya.
The jealous are going to get thin (loose weight).
mutu na nga !
my man ! ;)
nani mutu akomeli yo lingala ?
who is it that writes lingala to you ?
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