translation / dictionary Lingala - English

congo rdc
Sentence :

awa, form of a verb
kowâ, irregular form ! (racine : we) (class 15 : ko- (verbs))
to die, to decease
derived words : mowa, mowela, bowéí, liwá, mowei
see also : kokufa
bilenge, bozali na mikakatano ... yaka awa, tosolola.
bilenge, bozali na mikakatano ... yaka awa, tosolola.
© pvh (Letitia Nkanza Kalawuma)
epekisami kosuba awa
epekisami kosuba awa
src : google images
tika mutuka libanda
tika mutuka libanda
© pvh
see also : sikawa
item 40 examples (bandakisa ntúkú mínei) ...
Azali awa te
He is not here.
Ntaba na bino elekaki awa.
Your goats passed here.
Otikaki lipa na yo awa, namelaki sucré nango
You left your bread here, I drank a soda with it.
awa molili.
It's dark in here.
na likolo pela moko awa na nse moko te akokani na yo na nguya na kembo yo 'za nzambe
in heaven as here down below there is no one that ressembles you in power and glory, you are God
nalingi kofanda awa
I want to stay here
Biso tozali awa, bango bazali kuna.
We, we are here, they, they are there.
epekisami kosuba awa
It's prohibited to pee here.
bacables ya courant ezotokatoka awa na sima ya mvula
the electricity cables cook here after a rain
Mokonzi, soki ozalaki awa, mbele ndeko na ngai akufaki . © Yoane 11:21
Lord, if you would have been here, then my brother would not have been dead.
baboti na yo bayaki kobwaka ngunda na poto. yango wana sikoyo oza awa na biso.
Your parents came ask asylum in europe. Reason why now you're here with us.
obungi. ozalaki wapi ? - Awa, na ndaku. Nalalaki pe natalaki télé.
You disappeared. Where were you ? Here, at home. I was sleeping and watching television.
tozalaki awa epai na nga na Valentine na Rachel. Bakomaki lelo na nzanga.
We were here at my place with Valentine and Rachel. They had arrived today at noon.
oza kaka awa ?
Are you still here ?
nioso efutamaka awa na se Proverb/expression (don't translate litteraly)
Everything down here has to be paid
mokolo ndako aleki awa
The owner of the house passed here
awa tosalaka kaka na baboti na biso
Here we are just with our parents
awa nde nazalaki kofanda tango nazalali mwana muke
It's here that I lived when I was a little child
keba ! koleka awa te ! libulu moko ezali.
Watch out ! Don't pass here ! There's a hole.
nzete moko nde ekweyi awa
There's a tree that fell here.
kaka yo nde oza koluka makambo awa
There's only you who seeks trouble here
wapi talatala oyo ezalaki awa
Where is the mirror that was here ?
kolala awa te. zonga epayi na yo.
Don't sleep here. Go home.
kokweya awa te. kende kokweya kuna.
Don't fall here. Go fall there.
mbala ya liboso oyaki awa ozalaki koyoka soni
The last time you were here, you were ashamed.
komema kiti na yo awa te
Don't bring your chair here.
tozali na molili awa penza
We are really in the dark here.
pelisa mwinda. molili eza makasi awa
Turn on the light. It's very dark in here.
esika ya kosuba eza awa te
There's no place to pee here.
aza koboya koya awa, pona nini ?
She refuses to come here, why ?
bato nyonso bazali awa, tozozela kaka yo.
Everyone is here, we're just waiting for you.
Awa biloko nyoso ezalaka ntalo.
Here everything is expensive.
nalapa ndayi nga nasuka awa
I swore, me I would stop here.
mwasi oyo atongelaka yo bilamba ayaki awa.
The lady who made clothes for you (your tailor) came here.
tozali awa tii lobi.
We are here untill tomorrow.
nalobi moto akobima awa te.
I say that nobody will leave here.
sala nyonso olingi po nakuta ye awa te !
Do everything you want so that I don't find her here.
Ndenge naza awa, nazokufa na nzala.
Like I'm here now, I'm dying from starvation.
Ndenge nini osali pona kokota awa ?
How did you do it to enter here ?
mwasi kitoko, yaka awa.
Pretty girl, come here.
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