translation / dictionary Lingala - English

congo rdc
Sentence :

where ?

also used to deny something
(where that ? yeah, sure...)
nakimela wapi ?
nakimela wapi ?
© théâtre : groupe Le Bambou
tokomi wapi
tokomi wapi
src : google images
item 14 examples (bandakisa zómi na mínei) ...
bozalaki mibale, wapi mosusu ?
you were two, where is the other ?
owuti wapi ? okei wapi ? ozali wapi ?
Where do you come from ? Where do you go ? Where are you ?
ozalaki wapi lobi na butu ?
Where were you last night ?
wapi kabine ?
Where's the toilet ?
Yo, okende wapi, kuluna ?
You, where are you going, thug ?
obungi. ozalaki wapi ? - Awa, na ndaku. Nalalaki pe natalaki télé.
You disappeared. Where were you ? Here, at home. I was sleeping and watching television.
wana awuti wapi ?
Where did that one there come from ?
wapi Augustin ? - Ye ? Aza na kwilu !
Where's Augustin ? - He ? He's in Kwilu !
otie biloko na ngai wapi. nazomona yango te.
Where did you put your things ? I don't see them.
wapi talatala oyo ezalaki awa
Where is the mirror that was here ?
wapi libonza oyo okobonzela Nzambe ?
Where's the offering you are going to offer to God ?
Akeyi wapi kiliya na ngai wana ?
Where did he go, my client there ?
Sikoyo oza kokanisa nini ? Okolala wapi ?
What are you thinking now ? Where are you going to sleep ?
Bowuti wapi lisusu, basi.
Where are you coming from, girls ?
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