translation / dictionary Lingala - English

congo rdc
Sentence :

pela, form of a verb
kopela, regular construction (root : pel) (class 15 : ko- (verbs))
to ignite, to inflame, to flare
to shine, to glitter, to sparkle

to light
pelisa ngwasuma
pelisa ngwasuma
© pvh (Letitia Nkanza Kalawuma)
ata ezui mayi ekopela kaka
ata ezui mayi ekopela kaka
© pvh (Letitia Nkanza Kalawuma)
pelisa ngwasuma
pelisa ngwasuma
© Heineken
pelisa ngwasuma
pelisa ngwasuma
src : google images
derived words : bopela, bompela, epelelo, epelisi
item 6 examples (bandakisa motóbá) ...
pelisa mwinda
turn on the light
pelisa mwinda. molili eza makasi awa
Turn on the light. It's very dark in here.
moto eza kopela makasi penza.
The fire is starting very heavily.
pona nini oza kopela boye ? likambo eza te !
Why are you getting ignited like that ? There's no problem !
pesa ngai alimeti napelisa likaya.
Give me a match so I can light the cigarette.
pelisa babuzi
Light the candles
mpela, pl. bampela (class 9/10 (2) : - / - (ba-) : plural invariable from context (or informal/modern ba-))sonorous consonant
pela, pl. bapela (class 9a/10a (2) : - / - (ba-) : plural from context (or informal/modern ba-), not with n-/m-)
pela, pl. bapela (class 9/2 : - / ba-) (informal plural)
mpela, pl. bampela (class 9/2 : - / ba-) (informal plural)sonorous consonant
Haleine, respiration, souffle
(rain) season, year
Augmentation (of the waterlevel)

way/manner (voir lolenge)
tags :
item 2 examples (bandakisa míbalé) ...
na likolo pela moko awa na nse moko te akokani na yo na nguya na kembo yo 'za nzambe
in heaven as here down below there is no one that ressembles you in power and glory, you are God
pela moko / pelamokoProverb/expression (don't translate litteraly)
the same way as..., like..., according to...
item Article : dates

The days of the week
1mondaymokolo ya liboso / mokolo ya yambo
2tuesdaymokolo ya mibale
3wednesdaymokolo ya misato
4thursdaymokolo ya minei
5fridaymokolo ya mitano
6saturdaymokolo ya póso / mokolo ya saba / mokolo wa kombo
7sundaymokolo ya eyenga / mokolo ya lomingo

The months
1januarisanza ya liboso / yambo
2februarisanza ya mibale
3marchsanza ya misato
4aprilsanza ya minei
5maisanza ya mitano
6junesanza ya motobayuni
7julysanza ya samboyuli
8augustsanza ya moambe
9septembersanza ya libwa
10octobersanza ya zomi
11novembersanza ya zomi na mókó
12decembersanza ya zomi na mibalé

year 2013 mobu mwa nkóto míbalé na zómi na mísáto

mobu ya 2013

yesterdaylobi (eleki)
tomorrowlobi (ekoya)

In Congo, close to the equator, there are not 4, but 2 seasons.

The seasons
dry seasontángo ya elanga
rain seasontángo ya mbúla
other words with the tag 'health & sickness' : bokono, bonsíngá, ebúbú, elúmbú, emimi, féfele, nkísi, moyoyo, monganga, ndúndu, pulúpulú, sikama, maládi, nganga, lopitalo, kisi, dáwa, maba, bukabuka, mánguele, kokosola, mángwelé, kintuntu, libosono, lokesu, lolanda, malali, mino, mobosono, mokoni, mpela, sopísi, minoi, pela, pela, mpela, gilípi, litókó, mpulúpulú, mpóti, evímba, matókó, mobeli, ebola, mapata
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