translation / dictionary Lingala - English

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Sentence :

nazokufa, form of a verb
kokufa, regular construction (root : kuf) (class 15 : ko- (verbs))
to die, to fail
mwasi akufi 6 mois après alamuki
mwasi akufi 6 mois après alamuki
src : Kin Makambo
see also : kowâ
derived words : kufa
item 16 examples (bandakisa zómi na motóbá) ...
Basusu kokufa, basusu kobotama, mokili ezalaka boye.
Some die and others get born, the world is like that.
Akufaki mpo na koningana ya mabele.
He died in an earthquake.
Soki oyo ezali ya solo, nakufa.
If that's true, I'll die.
mpepo ekweyi na wenze ya Simba Zigida. Epanzi wenze. Bato nyoso bakufi.
A plane fell on the Simba Zigida market. It destroyed the market. Everyone is dead.
tata na ye akufaki liwa ya mbalakaka.
his father died an unforeseen death
Mokonzi, soki ozalaki awa, mbele ndeko na ngai akufaki . © Yoane 11:21
Lord, if you would have been here, then my brother would not have been dead.
kokufa nzala
to starve to death
nakokufa pona yo
I will die for you
moyibi akufi lokola mbwa likolo ya tshombo
a thief died like a dog because of a mobile phone
akufela mwasi, akufela mobali
mokolo nakokufa... ngai, mutu ya mbongo
The day I will die... me, a rich man
mama ya moninga na ngai moko akufi
The mother of one of my friends died.
soki liwa eyebaki mbongo mbele batu ya mbongo bakufaka te
If death would know money, then rich people wouldn't die.
akosi ke noko na ye akufi.
She's lying that her uncle died.
Ndenge naza awa, nazokufa na nzala.
Like I'm here now, I'm dying from starvation.
mbanda mama akufa nakoma mowumbu ya mwasi ya papa.
Since mother died, I became the slave of dad's wife.
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