translation / dictionary Lingala - English

congo rdc
Sentence :

plural of "libéle"
libéle, pl. mabele (class 5/6 : li- / ma- (parts of body, fauna, flora,...))
tit, breast, nipple

pl. mabele
mabele ma nzombo
mabele ma nzombo
src : google images
src : google images
src : google images
src : google images
see also : míliki, kanga-mabele
tags :
item 7 examples (bandakisa nsambo) ...
nyama ya mabele, nyama ya mikuwa
a mammal, a vertebrate
mwasi ya mabele etelema to mwasi ya mabele ekweya ?
A girl with upstanding breasts or a girl with fallen breasts ? (like before or after pregnancy)
kanga - mabele ( kangamabele )
bra (brassiere)
manga ya mabele ma nzombo Proverb/expression (don't translate litteraly)
kind of mango
mabele ma nzombo
low hanging breasts
mabele na ye ekomi minene
Her breasts became big.
sopa mabele na kopo.
pour milk in a cup.
other words with the tag 'sex' : bokáli, bolúmbú, ekóbo, esóngó, kindumba, libéle, liboló, likata, mbúla, ngondo, kosiba, kolála, búnya, mvula, sóka, mbúla, momboto, goró, mpówa, bopo, mongondo, mimbebo, nsóka, liliká
other words with the tag 'body' : bongó, bontólo, ebángá, lobebú, ebekú, ebelo, ebóbó, eboló, edádá, elongi, enama, esóngó, kíngó, libéle, liboló, libolongo, libumu, lifuni, likata, lokolo, lino, linzáka, lipeka, lisisa, liso, lisókó, litáma, litoyi, lokéto, lolemo, loposo, makilá, mandéfu, lisásámbá, lobebo, mbunzu, moyoyo, mofáti, mokongo, mongóngó, mopanzi, mosapi, motéma, mupende, monoko, mutolo, motó, tólo, nzóto, poso, pótá, nsima, losúki, zólo, litói, lomposo, lobôko, lisu, kunza, kovo, lolému, súki, engóngólo, monzômbâ, nkíngó, ntólo, mompúlúlú, likundú, motolú, mosopó, libale, mosómba, likáká, etindi, mopende, búnya, lolemu, mbángá, motshopo, zémi, etambe, libandi, likosi, linu, lopiko, libundi, lokíkí, manduta, muika, mopiko, nkunki, sóka, soyi, lolemo, lokéto, mpótá, lotó, monsisá, mutema, libondi, goró, lotókó, mpanzí, litolú, motoló, ndéfu, mimbebo, mokunza, mposo, lokíkí, nsóka, monpúlúlú, ebebú, liliká, mataku, mosai
mabelé (class 6 : ma-)
sand, earth (matter)
ground, territory

context : snack
clay rod (as snack)

Often consumed by pregnant women, against excessive saliva production and morning sickness,
some attribute healing properties to it, but :
mabele causes a great health risk : Consumption exposes to verminosis and
parasitosis, Helminths (parasitic worms), it significantly lowers the hemobglobine concentration and
thus can cause or worsen anemia and repeated pregnancy termination.
The unborn child could suffer from anemia, have a too low birth weight or have hypotrophia (growth problem)
© pvh (Fa)
src : google images
© pvh
ezali likambo ya mabele
ezali likambo ya mabele
src : google images
item 4 examples (bandakisa mínei) ...
Akufaki mpo na koningana ya mabele.
He died in an earthquake.
mabele elisi.
rich soil. (also the surname of artist/musician Ipanga Djema)
tata, mama, ndeko, tofuta mpaku ya mabele, po totonga ville ya kinshasa
papa, mama, cousin, let's pay the ground tax, so that we build the city of Kinshasa
bana bavandaki na mabele mpo na bakiti ezalaki te. source: Espérance-François Ngayibata Bulayumi, Mosuni
The children sat on the ground because there were no chairs.
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