translation / dictionary Lingala - English

congo rdc
Sentence :

all words with the tag sex
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other words with the tag 'sex' : bokáli, bolúmbú, ekóbo, esóngó, kindumba, libéle, liboló, likata, mbúla, ngondo, kosiba, kolála, búnya, mvula, sóka, mbúla, momboto, goró, mpówa, bopo, mongondo, mimbebo, nsóka, liliká
bolúmbú (class 14 : abstract nouns - no plural)
synonymes : mutaka, motaká
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mutaka, pl. mitaka (class 3/4 : mo- (mu-) / mi- : objects)Kinshasa version
mutakala, pl. mitakala (class 3/4 : mo- (mu-) / mi- : objects)Kinshasa version
motaká, pl. mitaka (class 3/4 : mo- (mu-) / mi- : objects)
motakála, pl. mitakala (class 3/4 : mo- (mu-) / mi- : objects)
nude, naked
synonymes : bolúmbú
item 1 example (ndakisa mókó) ...
abanga etumba te, abundaka mutaka !
She's not afraid of a fight, she fights naked !
ekóbo, pl. bikobo (class 7/8 : e- / bi-)
fornication adultery, infidelity, licentiousness, evil spirit, abomination
prostitution, pornography
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item 1 example (ndakisa mókó) ...
Mobali nabala akeyi kosala ekobo. Abimi na ndeko nga.
The guy I married went to do adultery. He went out with my sister.
esóngó, pl. bisongo (class 7/8 : e- / bi-)
synonymes : mimbebo
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item 1 example (ndakisa mókó) ...
esongo ezali mwa eteni ya libolo eye etimbaka.
The clitoris is a small part of the vagina that gets hard.
other words with the tag 'body' : bongó, bontólo, ebángá, lobebú, ebekú, ebelo, ebóbó, eboló, edádá, elongi, enama, esóngó, kíngó, libéle, liboló, libolongo, libumu, lifuni, likata, lokolo, lino, linzáka, lipeka, lisisa, liso, lisókó, litáma, litoyi, lokéto, lolemo, loposo, makilá, mandéfu, lisásámbá, lobebo, mbunzu, moyoyo, mofáti, mokongo, mongóngó, mopanzi, mosapi, motéma, mupende, monoko, mutolo, motó, tólo, nzóto, poso, pótá, nsima, losúki, zólo, litói, lomposo, lobôko, lisu, kunza, kovo, lolému, súki, engóngólo, monzômbâ, nkíngó, ntólo, mompúlúlú, likundú, motolú, mosopó, libale, mosómba, likáká, etindi, mopende, búnya, lolemu, mbángá, motshopo, zémi, etambe, libandi, likosi, linu, lopiko, libundi, lokíkí, manduta, muika, mopiko, nkunki, sóka, soyi, lolemo, lokéto, mpótá, lotó, monsisá, mutema, libondi, goró, lotókó, mpanzí, litolú, motoló, ndéfu, mimbebo, mokunza, mposo, lokíkí, nsóka, monpúlúlú, ebebú, liliká, mataku, mosai
derived from : ndúmbá
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item 2 examples (bandakisa míbalé) ...
Mosala wana ya kindumba ezali malamu te na miso ya Nzambe.
The work of prostitution is not good in the eyes of God.
ngai nasalaka kindumba te.
Me, I don't do prostitution.
libéle, pl. mabele (class 5/6 : li- / ma- (parts of body, fauna, flora,...))
tit, breast, nipple

pl. mabele
mabele ma nzombo
mabele ma nzombo
src : google images
src : google images
src : google images
src : google images
see also : míliki, kanga-mabele
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item 7 examples (bandakisa nsambo) ...
nyama ya mabele, nyama ya mikuwa
a mammal, a vertebrate
mwasi ya mabele etelema to mwasi ya mabele ekweya ?
A girl with upstanding breasts or a girl with fallen breasts ? (like before or after pregnancy)
kanga - mabele ( kangamabele )
bra (brassiere)
manga ya mabele ma nzombo Proverb/expression (don't translate litteraly)
kind of mango
mabele ma nzombo
low hanging breasts
mabele na ye ekomi minene
Her breasts became big.
sopa mabele na kopo.
pour milk in a cup.
liboló, pl. mabolo (class 5/6 : li- / ma- (parts of body, fauna, flora,...))
vulva, vagina
I love libolo
I love libolo
src : google images
src : google images
see also : búnya
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item 3 examples (bandakisa mísáto) ...
esongo ezali mwa eteni ya libolo eye etimbaka.
The clitoris is a small part of the vagina that gets hard.
Mobali na ye alingaka kolembola libolo.
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Mbula oyo tokosiba na masoko. Libolo ekomi mayi mayi.
warning - sensible content
likata, pl. makata (class 5/6 : li- / ma- (parts of body, fauna, flora,...))
palm (flat of the hand)
(rarely understood like this, so better avoided because of the other meaning ;)

Kin (kikongo)
(often used for) penis
see also : liliká, sóka, nsóka
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item 1 example (ndakisa mókó) ...
muana muasi oyo azofiba makata kitoko
warning - sensible content
other words with the tag 'loan word: kikongo' : kidiba, likata, kobalula, kobalusa, kobaluka, kobalola, kitendi, ndombe, nzimbu, kikedi, litondo, sakasáka, ingeta, mataku, mazulu
mbúla, pl. bambula (class 9/10 (2) : - / - (ba-) : plural invariable from context (or informal/modern ba-))
mvula, pl. bamvula (class 1a/2 : - / ba-)
mbúla, pl. bambula (class 1a/2 : - / ba-) (informal plural)
Rain, year

vagina, in some places "mbula" also means "vagina", in this case it is better to use "mvula" to talk about the rain.
see also : mbúla, mobú, mbúla, mvula
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item 19 examples (bandakisa zómi na libwá) ...
Mbula ebeti. Mbula ezobeta.
It rains. It's raining.
Mbula enokelaka ndaku ya moninga omoni yango moke, kasi mokolo ekonokela yo ekomi matata. Proverb/expression (don't translate litteraly)
When the rain fell on the house of your friend, you found it insignificant, but the day it fell on you it became a problem.
ozali na mibu boni ? Ozali na mbula boni? Obotamaki mobu nini?
How old are you ? (How many years do you have ?)
Nakozonga bambula nyonso.
I'll come/go back every year.
Mbula na ngai ezali zomi na mwambe.
My age is 18.
Tobimisaki disque mbula eleki.
We issued a record last year.
butu elamu. pokwa elamu. mbotama elamu. mbula elamu.
good night. Good evening. Happy birthday. happy (new)year.
mbula ememi biloko ya ndaku
The rain has carried away the things of the house
longa 1500$ ya kelasi to pe mbula mobimba ya miliki NIDO.
Win 1500$ for school or a whole year of NIDO milk.
po na kozwa bis okoki kosomba tiké po na mokolo moko, sanza moko to mbula mobimba.
To take the bus, you can buy a ticket for one day, one month or a whole year.
tango ya bambula
rain season
mbula ekobeta lelo te. kobanga te.
It's not gonna rain today. Don't be afraid.
mikolo oyo mbula ezobeta makasi.
These days it's raining hard.
aza nanu mwana muke. azomela likaya na mbula na ye.
He's still a small kid. He smokes sigarets at his age.
nazolinga kobima kasi mvula ezobeta makasi.
I want to go out but it's raining hard.
mbula ezobeta lisusu.
It's raining again.
Mbula oyo tokosiba na masoko. Libolo ekomi mayi mayi.
warning - sensible content
nioso epoli na mvula.
everything is soaked by rain
bacables ya courant ezotokatoka awa na sima ya mvula
the electricity cables cook here after a rain
other words with the tag 'time' : lelo, lóbí, mbúla, mobú, mokolo, moyi, ngonga, mpókwa, sanza, tango, mói, mpóso, póso, ndéle, nzángá, pókwa, manáka, mvula, pokua, mukolo, mbúla, er, kombo, sánzá, yulí, yuní
mongondo, pl. mingondo (class 3/4 : mo- (mu-) / mi- : objects)
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kosiba, regular construction (root : sib) (class 15 : ko- (verbs))
to fuck (to make love)
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item 5 examples (bandakisa mítáno) ...
Azalaki moseka liboso tosibaki.
She was a virgin before we made love.
Nalingi kosiba na nzele na mokonzi.
warning - sensible content
nzoto ezosenga tosibana
The body is asking for us to make love.
yaka tosibana, naza na botine
warning - sensible content
Mbula oyo tokosiba na masoko. Libolo ekomi mayi mayi.
warning - sensible content
kolála, regular construction (root : lal) (class 15 : ko- (verbs))
to sleep, to lie down
to make love (to sleep together)
to stay over, to lodge

to put to sleep, to tilt
src : google images
derived words : elálelo
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item 17 examples (bandakisa zómi na nsambo) ...
olali pongi ya moyi
you've slept a daysleep (you have done your nap)
nakei kolala! Lobi okosala nini na pokwa ?
I'm going to sleep ! What will you do tomorrow evening ?
balongolaka pongi ya mbwa te. Balamusaka te mbwa oyo azali kolala.
"One" does not interrupt the sleep of a dog. "One" does not wake the dog that is sleeping.
Azali kolala nanu na ekeko.
She still sleeps with a doll.
lala malamu. - yo pe, motema na ngai, noki tomonana. nalela yo makasi.
Sleep tight. - You too, my love, that we may see eachother soon. I thoroughly love you. (in lingala : "I have loved you thoroughly" - past)
obungi. ozalaki wapi ? - Awa, na ndaku. Nalalaki pe natalaki télé.
You disappeared. Where were you ? Here, at home. I was sleeping and watching television.
Tika makelele ya pamba pamba, suba olala
leave that noise for nothing, pee, that you'd sleep
ezolamwisa ngai, nazolala nango
It's waking me up, I'm sleeping with it
kende kolala !
go to sleep !
likambo nini mwasi na ngai ? butu mobimba olali te.
What's the matter, my woman ? The entire night you didn't sleep.
banda oza na zemi oza kolala mingi
Since you are pregnant you sleep much.
kolala awa te. zonga epayi na yo.
Don't sleep here. Go home.
nalingi te olala na mbeto na ngai.
I don't want you to sleep in my bed.
yebisa ngai esika olalaki pe na nani.
Let me know where you slept and with who.
kende kolala soki oza koyoka pongi.
Go to sleep if you feel tired.
Sikoyo oza kokanisa nini ? Okolala wapi ?
What are you thinking now ? Where are you going to sleep ?
Obetaki mukinza tango olalaki
You farted when you were sleeping.
búnya, pl. babunya (class 9a/10a (2) : - / - (ba-) : plural from context (or informal/modern ba-), not with n-/m-)
see also : liboló
tags :
sóka, pl. basoka (class 9a/10a (2) : - / - (ba-) : plural from context (or informal/modern ba-), not with n-/m-)
nsóka, pl. bansoka (class 9/10 (2) : - / - (ba-) : plural invariable from context (or informal/modern ba-))sonorous consonant
penis, pecker
see also : likata
derived from : kosoka
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semen grain

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item 1 example (ndakisa mókó) ...
bomoyi ebandaka ntango liki ya mama ekutani na momboto ya tata.
Life begins when the egg of the mother meets with the sperm of the father.
goró, pl. bagoro (class 9a/10a (2) : - / - (ba-) : plural from context (or informal/modern ba-), not with n-/m-)
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item 1 example (ndakisa mókó) ...
goro ya mobali na ngai eza munene
My man's dick is huge.
other words with the tag 'slang' : damage, mistik, zibolateur, kodamer, quado, ngunda, nzele, mopao, goró, texto, tokos, sape, danzer, petite
mpówa, pl. bampowa (class 9/10 (2) : - / - (ba-) : plural invariable from context (or informal/modern ba-))
seed, pip
see also : mbuma, bopo
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item 1 example (ndakisa mókó) ...
kosopa mai / kosopa mpowa / kobeta mai
to ejaculate
bopo, pl. mapo (class 14/6 : bo- / ma-)
seed, pip

context : sex
see also : mpówa, mbuma
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synonymes : esóngó
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liliká, pl. malika (class 5/6 : li- / ma- (parts of body, fauna, flora,...))
see also : likata
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