translation / dictionary Lingala - English

congo rdc
Sentence :

eye, form of a verb
koya, irregular form ! (racine : ye) (class 15 : ko- (verbs))
to come, to advance, to arrive

Often used to express a risk, to risk (see examples)

to come for...
to bring
Koya maboko pamba te
Koya maboko pamba te
src : google images
bilenge, bozali na mikakatano ... yaka awa, tosolola.
bilenge, bozali na mikakatano ... yaka awa, tosolola.
© pvh (Letitia Nkanza Kalawuma)
src : google images
epekisami kosokola na ebale
epekisami kosokola na ebale
© pvh
derived words : boyei
tags :
item 66 examples (bandakisa ntúkú motóbá na motóbá) ...
okokaki koya ( na ) makolo
you could come by foot
pongi eyaki te
sleep did not come
Poso eleki, poso ekoya
last week, next week (just)
eyenga eleki nayaki na liyangani ya mibale
last sunday I came to the second cult.
nazoya (nazali koya)... naza na nzela... nakomi
I'm coming over... I'm underway... I arrived
poso ekoya mokolo moko eza nakosala te.
Next week, there's a day that I don't work.
yaka, landa ngai
come, follow me
Moto azoya, bomba yango nokinoki.
Someone's coming, hide that quickly
esongo ezali mwa eteni ya libolo eye etimbaka.
The clitoris is a small part of the vagina that gets hard.
yebisa ngai Wendy akoya kovisiter palais mokolo nini.
Let me know what day Wendy will come to visit the house.
yaka tosibana, naza na botine
warning - sensible content
baboti na yo bayaki kobwaka ngunda na poto. yango wana sikoyo oza awa na biso.
Your parents came ask asylum in europe. Reason why now you're here with us.
azoya, bombana noki
She's coming, hide yourself quickly
mama aye nzala esili
Mama is here, the hunger is over
mokili toyaki etondi na mabe
The world in which we live (/arrived) is full of evil
mokolo nakoya nalingi batu nioso bazala
The day I will come, I'd love everybody to be there.
yaka po tokende kotala yaya na yo ya mwasi
Come so we go see your big sister
naye po tosolola likambo wana
I came so that we discuss that problem
boni lelo oye tongo boye ? likambo ?
How come you came so early ? Is there a problem ?
tata na yo azoya lelo kotala yo
Your father comes to see you today.
koya lelo te. naza na makambu ebele ya kosala
Don't come today. I have a lot of things to do.
koya na moninga na yo wana te. nalingaka ye te.
Don't come with that friend of yours. I don't like him.
kokanga ekuke te. nazoya
Don't close the door. I'm coming.
koloba mingi te. nazoya sikoyo.
Don't talk much. I'm coming now.
tozali koya epayi na bino sikoyo
We arrive soon at your place.
oye, opesi biso ata mbote te. likambo nini ?
You came, you didn't even salute us. What's the matter ?
ebongi obongisa esika oyo. bapaya bazali koya.
You should tidy up this place. The people are coming.
ngai pe nalingi koya na bino
Me too, I want to come with you.
mbala ya liboso oyaki awa ozalaki koyoka soni
The last time you were here, you were ashamed.
nakoki koya kofanda na ndako na yo ?
Can I come live in your house ?
aza nanu mwana muke. azomela likaya na mbula na ye.
He's still a small kid. He smokes sigarets at his age.
okoya epayi na ngai mokolo nini ?
What day are you coming to my place ?
oza nanu elenge. kosala yango te. okoya kobebisa bomoi na yo.
You are still young. Don't do that. You risk spoiling your life.
boma moto okoya kotumba ndako pamba
Put out the fire. You risk to incinerate the house.
bapaya zomi baye kotala biso
10 visitors came to see us.
nayeli bino nsango ya malamu. boyoka.
I brought you good news. Listen.
yela ngai mwa ndambo ya loso po nalia
Bring me a small portion of rice so that I eat.
bato misato bayaki koluka yo lelo
Three men came look for you today.
aza koboya koya awa, pona nini ?
She refuses to come here, why ?
kanga monoko na yo pamba te okoya komela nzinzi.
Close your mouth or else you risk swallowing a fly.
losaka pona biloko oyo oyeli biso
Thanks for the food you brought us.
molimo mosantu yaka osunga biso.
Holy Spirit come help us.
yaka tokanga foto moko
Come that we take a picture.
okoya kotela makasi pamba, tika kopakola mafuta wana
You risk to get very clear for nothing, stop applying that cream.
Yaka kosunga ngai, naza na biloko ebele ya kolamba.
Come help me, I have a lot of things to prepare.
liyebo yaka kotala liyebo oyo.
Come see that mushroom.
Yaka na moziki na biso.
Come to our fundraiser.
Yaka totanda mesa bato balia
Come let's set the table so people can eat.
kende kozua bisaka na yo oya kofanda epayi na ngai
Go take your things to come stay with me.
mwasi oyo atongelaka yo bilamba ayaki awa.
The lady who made clothes for you (your tailor) came here.
yela ngai masanga mbila namela.
Bring me the palm juice, so that I may drink.
mama ya mobali na yo akoya lisusu te.
Your mother in law will not come anymore.
yo ozali na kati ya motema na ye te.
You, you are not in his heart.
mobali na yo ya sika, kombo na ye nani ?
Your new husband, what's his name ?
Ayebi ata kokoma kombo na ye te.
She can't even write her name.
Akoya lelo lisusu te. Akoya kaka lobi.
She will not come anymore today. She will just come tomorrow.
ozalaki kozela ngai naya pona obanda kolamba ?
You were waiting for me to come home for you to start cooking ?
Nabengaki liboso ya koya.
I called before coming.
noko, yaka kobina na ngai.
Uncle, come dance with me.
nakoya koniata yo pamba.
I risk trampling you for no reason.
yela ngai mayi nasopela ye.
Bring me water so that I sprinkle him.
aye lisusu, mama wana ya liboma.
She came again, that crazy lady.
Aya, tosolola na ye esengeli .
Let her come, let's talk properly.
mwasi kitoko, yaka awa.
Pretty girl, come here.
Mwana oyo libota naye basundola ye po akoma bulawayo.
That child, her family abandoned her because she became a prostitute.
bato boni bayaki likita ?
How many people were at the reunion ?
other words with the tag 'irregular' : kolia, kokende, kotia, koya, kolya, koliya, kotya, kotiya
óyo, pl. baoyo (class 1a/2 : - / ba-)
oyo : spoken language - eye : written language

demonstrative (adjective/pronoun) :
that, this, these, those
relative (pronoun) :
...that..., ...who..., ...which...
epekisami kosokola na ebale
epekisami kosokola na ebale
© pvh
see also : sikoyo, wana
item 100 examples (bandakisa nkámá (mókó)) ...
Yanola motuna oyo. Yanola na lingala.
Answer that question. Answer in Lingala.
Nabandi kotanga buku oyo
I started reading this book
Ndaku oyo ekomi kitoko.
That house has become beautiful.
nayebi tata oyo, kasi nayebi tata wana te.
I know what this dad, but I do not know what dad then.
balongolaka pongi ya mbwa te. Balamusaka te mbwa oyo azali kolala.
"One" does not interrupt the sleep of a dog. "One" does not wake the dog that is sleeping.
Oyo akotambola na moyibi, akokoma mpe moyibi. Proverb/expression (don't translate litteraly)
One that walks with a thief will also become a thief.
ezali esengo na ngai po na komona moko na moko na bino na liyangani oyo na sima ya nzanga.
It a pleasure for me to see everyone of you in this afternoon cult.
tala, oyo ezali ndenge na biso
look, this is our method
Bis oyo ekolongwa ntango nini ?
What time does that bus leave ?
Nayebi nzembo oyo.
Ik know this song.
Soki oyo ezali ya solo, nakufa.
If that's true, I'll die.
na ntongo oyo mama akeyi na zando asomba mapa
This morning mama went to the market to buy bread.
Limbisa ngai, oyo ekosala mwa pasi.
excuse me, this will hurt a bit.
osololi na ye mikolo oyo ?
did you speak with him these days ?
tshombo oyo opesi ngai ezosala te
The phone that you gave me doesn't work.
Oyo ezali nsango ya kosunga yo pona koyeba ndenge nini kelasi ya monoko ya Lifalanse etambolaka.
This is an information to help you to know in which manner the lesson of the french language functions.
ndaku oyo eleki ndaku kuna na kitoko
This house is more beautiful than the house over there.
mundele oyo aza mbamba
That white is sticky (follows you everywhere)
basi oyo bazopanza basango ya lokuta
Those girls are spreading lies
tshombo oyo na mesa... ya yo ?
The phone here on the table... it's yours ?
Moto oyo akumbaka maki, aswanaka te na abundaka te.
He who transports eggs doesn't argue and doesn't fight.
boyokani eza na ndako oyo te
There is no understanding in this house
ozobima mingi mikolo oyo
You go out a lot these days
tokoki kozala na kimia te na ndako oyo
We can't be in peace in this house
mwasi oyo alingaka koloba mingi te
That woman doesn't like to talk much.
babongisi banzela oyo. tokoki koleka na mutuka.
They arranged those roads. We can pass with the car.
nasepeli makasi na elamba oyo okabeli ngai
I much appreciated that garment you gave me.
elamba oyo kitoko makasi. posa ya kosomba yango.
That garment is very pretty. love to buy it.
lolenge boni ebongi bayebisa yo pona otika komela kisi oyo
How should they let you know to stop taking that medicin ?
lolenge boni nakoki koloba na mobali oyo pona atika nga kimia
How can I talk to that man so that he'd leave me in peace ?
oyo eza na kati na ngai boyebi te
What is inside of me, you didn't know.
nani alie biloko na ngai oyo natikaki ?
Who ate my food that I had left ?
mikolo oyo mbula ezobeta makasi.
These days it's raining hard.
likambo oyo ekosila mokolo nini ?
What day will this problem end ?
mbongo oyo natikalaki na yango napesi yango yaya na yo
I have given the money that was left (the money that I staid with) to your sister.
wapi talatala oyo ezalaki awa
Where is the mirror that was here ?
oyo eza ndako na bino, eza ya biso te
that is your house, not ours.
nazosombela yo motuka ya sika. kobebisa yango te mbala oyo.
I buy you a new car. Don't ruin it this time.
nalingaka masanga oyo te eza sukali mingi
I don't like that drink. It's too sweet.
soki loboko eyebaka pasi oyo lutu emonaka na tango ya kobalusa biloko
If the hand knew how the spoon suffers when stirring the food...
biloko oyo, mafuta ekoki te. ebongi obakisa.
This food, there's not enough oil in it. You should add some.
esika oyo ezali salite mingi
This place is very dirty.
ebongi obongisa esika oyo. bapaya bazali koya.
You should tidy up this place. The people are coming.
nalingaka bana oyo bazalaka boye te
I don't like children who are like that.
ebongi okeba. na zamba oyo baniama bazalaka ebele.
You have to be careful. In that forest are a lot of animals.
mutu oyo nazolobela azoyoka ngai te. nazoloba mpamba.
The person I was talking to is not listening to me. Je parle pour rien.
mwana mwasi oyo azali lokuta monene
That girl is a big liar.
batu balinga nde kosuana na ndako oyo
The people really love to argue in this house.
ebongi kofuta baniongo oyo nioso
All those debts have to be paid.
leki na yo oyo ya mwasi alingaka musala te.
Your little sister doesn't like the work.
na ndako oyo mokonzi azali te. biso nioso tozali bana.
In this house there's no chief. We are all children.
muana oyo azuakate na kelasi.
That kid is a failure in class.
nani alambi damage oyo
Who prepared that dish ?
katela nga etendi oyo
Cut me that cloth
mwana oyo akobotola yo bisikiti
That kid will grab your cookie.
nakodinda na mayi oyo
I will jump into that water.
mopepe ezali na ndako oyo te
There's no air in this house.
na zamba oyo banzoi baza ebele. bokeba !
In that forest there are a lot of bees. Watch out !
mwana mwasi oyo azalaka monene pe molayi.
That girl is big and tall.
oyo ezali bilamba ya ndeko na ngai
Those are the clothes of my sister.
bangungi oyo bakoki kopesa yo bokono
Those mosquitoes can give you a disease.
mwana oyo azalaka mutu monene penza
That kid has really a big head.
mutu na ye ekokani na oyo ya tata na ye
His head ressembles the one of his father.
nalie biloko nyonso oyo etikalaki.
I ate all the food that was left.
ebongi totosa mobeko oyo pona tozala na kimia
We should respect that law to be in peace.
mobeko oyo ezali pasi mingi pona kotosa
That law is very hard to respect.
nioka moko aswe mwana oyo
There's a snake that bit that kid.
losaka pona biloko oyo oyeli biso
Thanks for the food you brought us.
losako mingi pona lisalisi oyo.
Many thanks for that help.
mutu moyindo na mutu mondele bazali batu oyo Nzambe akeli.
The black man and the white man are persons that God created.
nayoka nanu nzembo oyo te
I did not hear this song yet.
wapi libonza oyo okobonzela Nzambe ?
Where's the offering you are going to offer to God ?
kombola esika oyo. salite eza ebele.
Sweep that spot. There's a lot of dirt.
oyo, ezali eloko ya nani ?
this, whose thing is that ?
keba ! okosoka na linzanza oyo.
Watch out ! You will hurt yourself on that tin can.
liyebo yaka kotala liyebo oyo.
Come see that mushroom.
muana muasi oyo azofiba makata kitoko
warning - sensible content
pona nini mikolo oyo oza kolia kaka madesu ?
Why all you do these days is eat beans ?
Oyo wana azokoma kizengi penza.
That one becomes crazy, really.
Mikolo oyo nateki te batu bazosomba malamu te mbongo eza te.
These days I don't sell. The people don't buy well. There's no money.
Lopango oyo ezali na kombo na ngai
This plot is on my name.
nalingi komona lisusu moto ya liboma oyo na ndako na ngai te.
I don't want to see that lunatik in my house again.
mwasi oyo atongelaka yo bilamba ayaki awa.
The lady who made clothes for you (your tailor) came here.
luka mwasi moko oyo akolinga yo na bolingo ya solo
Seek a woman who will love you with real love.
na balabala oyo bato nyonso bazoloba ke oza kitoko.
In this street everyone says that you are beautiful.
mama, mela bakisi na yo oyo munganga apesi.
Mum, take your medicine that the doctor prescribed you.
Mikolo oyo aza kokanga suki te.
Lately she doesn't braid her hair.
kelasi oyo ezali penza mindondo.
That school is really difficult.
Oyo nde oza kobenga " kolata malamu " ?
Is thát what you call " to dress well " ?
oza kosala nini libanda na ngonga oyo ?
What are you doing outside at this hour ?
akokota na kati ya ndako oyo te.
She's not going to enter this house.
meka nanu kotanga oyo.
Try first reading that.
Mbula oyo tokosiba na masoko. Libolo ekomi mayi mayi.
warning - sensible content
kobosana te, soki omeki kobimisa sekele oyo tokobeta yo !
Don't forget, if you try to out this secret, we'll beat you up !
oyo eza ndako na yo moko
that is your own house
balabala eza nzela oyo mituka ekoki koleka.
A street is a way where vehicles can pass.
naza na posa ya koyoka atalaku oyo ayembaka epayi ya Koffi
I need to listen to the singer who sings (the dedications) with Koffi.
Mwana oyo libota naye basundola ye po akoma bulawayo.
That child, her family abandoned her because she became a prostitute.
Nalembi koliya bazoka oyo po epesi nga mbanga pasi
I'm tired of eating this chewing gum, cause it makes my jaw hurt.
Mbisi oyo epoli. Bankusu batondi na kati.
That fish is rotten. Maggots are swarm inside.
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