translation / dictionary Lingala - English

congo rdc
Sentence :

mabè (class 6 : ma-)
bad, evil
derived words : bobé
item 18 examples (bandakisa zómi na mwámbe) ...
asali ngai mabe
he did something bad to me
ndoto ya mabe
nightmare (bad dream)
motema mabe
wickedness, badness
bombabomba mabe.
It's bad to hide too much.
Mwasi elongi mabe
The girl is ugly.
Ata soki natamboli na lobwaku ya molili ya liwa, nakobanga mabe moko te. © bible, banzembo 23:4
Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil.
Na motema nayebaki ete ezali mabe, kasi namonaki ndenge mosusu ya kosala te.
In the heart I knew it was bad, but I saw no other way of acting.
naloti ndoto ya mabe
I dreamt a bad dream
mokili toyaki etondi na mabe
The world in which we live (/arrived) is full of evil
kosala ngai mabe te pona nalingi yo
Don't make me suffer because I love you
kobeta mwasi na yo boye te. ezali mabe
Don't hit your wife like that. It's bad.
kopola ezali eloko ya mabe te
Losing is not something bad.
na butu ya lelo naloti ndoto moko ya mabe
This night I had a bad dream.
bawuti kopesa ngai nsango moko ya mabe
They just gave me some bad news.
semeki na yo azalaka motema mabe
Your sister in law is wicked.
papa nkulutu na biso azalaka mutema mabe
The big brother of my mother is wicked.
Komisua lolemo ezali elembo ya mabe.
Biting your tongue is a bad sign.
soki nga naza mabe, ebongo yo ?
If I am bad, then what about you ?
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