translation / dictionary Lingala - English

congo rdc
Sentence :

mbóte, pl. bambote (class 9/10 (2) : - / - (ba-) : plural invariable from context (or informal/modern ba-))
src : google images
item 13 examples (bandakisa zómi na mísáto) ...
mbote ! ntango molai ! sango nini ?
Hi ! Long time ! What news?
Natindeli bino nyonso mbote mingi.
I send you all much greetings.
Soki okokoma kuna, pesa bango mbote.
When you arrive there, greet them (give them greetings).
pesa mbote na libota na yo
Greet your family
pesa ye mbote / pesa bango mbote
greet him / greet them
mbote na bino. mbote na yo.
Greetings to you (plural). Greetings to you (singular).
mbote, boni nzoto ? nga naza malamu. nalingaki kaka napesa yo mbote
Hello, how's the body (the health) ? I'm doing well. I just wanted to greet you.
Mbote papa. Boni ? - Ngai malamu. Bongo yo ? - Ngai mpe malamu.
Hi mister. How are you ? - Me, I'm good. And you then ? - Me too, I'm good.
mbote, molingami na kati ya nkolo
greetings, beloved in the Lord
oye, opesi biso ata mbote te. likambo nini ?
You came, you didn't even salute us. What's the matter ?
kopesa mutu mbote ezali ofele
To greet someone is free.
mbote, bolingo na ngai.
Hello, my love.
Mbote. Boni ? - Ngai malamu, ebongo yo ? - Ngai pe malamu.
Hello. How are you ? - Me good, and you ? - Me too good.
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