translation / dictionary Lingala - English

congo rdc
Sentence :

malámu (class 6 : ma-)
elamuarchaic, antiquated
well, good
nice, kind

the form elamu is used in many fixed expressions.
e.g. mbotama elamu (happy birthday), butu elamu (good night), nzela elamu (have a good trip),...
derived words : bolámu
item 56 examples (bandakisa ntúkú mítáno na motóbá) ...
mobembo eleki malamu
the trip went (passed) well
tikala malamu.
keep well, stay well. (used when leaving)
yoka malamu !
listen carefully !
oza na motema malamu
You have a good heart (You are nice)
Mabanzo na yo ezali malamu te.
Your thoughts are not good.
Nayoki nsolo malamu na nzoto na ye.
I smelt a nice odor on her body.
Nzambe azali malamu mingi
God is very good.
butu elamu. pokwa elamu. mbotama elamu. mbula elamu.
good night. Good evening. Happy birthday. happy (new)year.
toyokani malamu
We understand each other well / We get along well.
kende malamu. - tikala malamu.
leave well (you say this to someone who leaves). - stay well (you say this to someone who stays).
ndenge ya komibatela : na capote. Nzela ya malamu koleka mpo na komibatela ezali kosalela capote
the way to protect oneself : with a condom. The best method to protect oneself is to use a condom.
bozela nalimbolela bino yango malamu. © Bienvenu Sene Mongaba - Fwa-ku-Mputu
wait that I explain you well.
Soki miso na yo ezali malamu, okomona polele penza
If your eyes are good, you will see really clearly.
lala malamu. - yo pe, motema na ngai, noki tomonana. nalela yo makasi.
Sleep tight. - You too, my love, that we may see eachother soon. I thoroughly love you. (in lingala : "I have loved you thoroughly" - past)
sia! neti Shakira abalolaka loketo malamu
tss! As if Shakira turns her hips well.
mbote, boni nzoto ? nga naza malamu. nalingaki kaka napesa yo mbote
Hello, how's the body (the health) ? I'm doing well. I just wanted to greet you.
Bazali kobatela mino malamu te, mosusu esila ngala mpe mosusu balambi yango na ndenge elongobani te.
They don't conserve the medicines well, others are expired and others they prepare with non conform methods.
Maman azali malamu moke
Mother is doing a bit well
Mbote papa. Boni ? - Ngai malamu. Bongo yo ? - Ngai mpe malamu.
Hi mister. How are you ? - Me, I'm good. And you then ? - Me too, I'm good.
bana bakoki kotanga malamu te likolo ya makelele ya wenze mpe solo ya fulu source: Espérance-François Ngayibata Bulayumi, Mosuni
The children couldn't study well because off the noise of the small market and the smell of the dump.
mbinzo ezali malamu mpo na koliya.
The caterpillar is good to eat.
bayebaka moninga malamu na tango ya pasi.
One knows a good friend in bad times.
kanga ekuke malamu
Close the door good
pona kokola malamu ebongi komela mayi mingi
To grow well, it is good to drink a lot of water
koyeba kofanda na batu ezalaka malamu
To know how to live with people is good
komela masanga ya sukali mingi te. eza malamu te po na mino.
Don't drink much sweet drinks. It's not good for your teeth.
nazokende epayi ya munganga atala liso na ngai. nazomona malamu te.
I'm going to the doctor so that he looks at my eye. I don't see well.
boni bana na yo ? bazali malamu ?
How are your children doing ? Are they doing well ?
nazoyoka nzoto malamu te
I don't feel well.
Nzambe azali malamu mingi pona ngai
God is very good for me.
kozanga botosi na mikolo ezali malamu te
Lacking respect for the elders is not good.
yesu nde moninga malamu.
It's Jesus the good friend.
kolia biloko ya sukali mingi te eza malamu te pona mino
Don't eat too much sweet things. It's not good for your teeth.
etumba ya mobali ezali koluka mwasi ya malamu pona kobala
The struggle of a man is to look for a good woman to marry.
komela likaya ezali malamu te
It's not good to smoke sigarets.
nakokengela ndaku malamu
I will guard the house well.
pona nini olingaka kobuaka biloko ya kolia boye. eza malamu te.
Why do you love to throw away food like that ? It's not good.
nayeli bino nsango ya malamu. boyoka.
I brought you good news. Listen.
oza kokosa baboti na yo mingi. ezali malamu te.
You lie a lot to your parents. That's not good.
tika nzungu polele pona biloko ebela malamu
Leave the cooking pot open so that the food cooks well.
Mwana ebongi amela miliki pona akola malamu.
A child must drink milk to grow well.
Miliki ezali malamu mingi pona mikuwa.
Milk is very good for the bones.
kolula mwasi ya batu eza malamu te
It's not good to admire someone else's wife.
Mosala wana ya kindumba ezali malamu te na miso ya Nzambe.
The work of prostitution is not good in the eyes of God.
bangi eza malamu te pona nzoto.
Drugs are not good for the body.
pona nini bolingi kotela boye ? Eza malamu te pona poso.
Why do you like to get clear like that ? It's not good for the skin.
Mikolo oyo nateki te batu bazosomba malamu te mbongo eza te.
These days I don't sell. The people don't buy well. There's no money.
yo, makambo osali ezali pe malamu te
You, the things you did weren't good either.
Nayoki malamu te. Bandela.
I didn't hear it well. Repeat.
liboso ya libala nazalaki malamu na ye.
Before the wedding I was good with her.
Oyo nde oza kobenga " kolata malamu " ?
Is thát what you call " to dress well " ?
Soki olingi ke libala na biso ezala malamu, tika kokengela ngai.
If you want our marriage to be good, stop controlling me.
libaku malamu
good luck
ndimo ngai / ndimo elamu
lemon / orange
lakisa ndakisa ya malamu
show a good example
Mbote. Boni ? - Ngai malamu, ebongo yo ? - Ngai pe malamu.
Hello. How are you ? - Me good, and you ? - Me too good.
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