translation / dictionary Lingala - English

congo rdc
Sentence :

azoyoka, form of a verb
koyoka, regular construction (root : yok) (class 15 : ko- (verbs))
understand, listen, hear, feel, smell

to get along, to agree
bakoyoka sango
bakoyoka sango
© pvh (Letitia Nkanza Kalawuma)
Agence Immo TOYOKANA
Agence Immo TOYOKANA
© pvh (Letitia Nkanza Kalawuma)
botama congolais oyoka elengi
botama congolais oyoka elengi
© pvh (Letitia Nkanza Kalawuma)
derived words : boyókani
item 32 examples (bandakisa ntúkú mísáto na míbalé) ...
naza na nzala. Nazoyoka nzala. Naza na posa ya komela. Naza na posa ya mayi.
I'm hungry. I feel hungry. I'm thirsty (desire to drink). I'm thirsty (desire for liquid).
biso toza koyoka malili na elanga na biso ya lokuta.
We, we are feeling cold with our false dry season.
Nazali koyoka yo te, nalobaka lingala te
I can't understand you, I don't speak lingala.
yoka malamu !
listen carefully !
Salisa ngai, nazoyoka libumu mpasi.
Help me, I have stomach pain.
Loba malembe. Nazoyoka te.
Speak slowly. I don't understand you.
Mosala na zolo ezali koyoka solo na kopema.
The work of the nose is to smell odors and to breathe.
Nayoki nsolo malamu na nzoto na ye.
I smelt a nice odor on her body.
Nayokaki nsoni mingi.
I was very ashamed.
toyokani malamu
We understand each other well / We get along well.
loba nakoyoka, tinda nakosala
Speak, I shall listen. Send, I shall do.
yoka ndule
listen to the music
alingi koyoka te. etali ye.
He doesn't want to listen. That's his problem.
pesa ngai bolangiti nafinika. nayoki malili.
Give me a blanket so that I can cover myself. I feel cold.
nazoyoka mutu pasi
I have a head ache
koyoka batu te, yoka nde mobali na yo
Don't listen to the people, rather listen to your husband.
koyoka ye te. yoka ngai mama na yo.
Don't listen to him. Listen to your mum for me.
nazoyoka nzoto malamu te
I don't feel well.
nazoyoka lino pasi ebongi nakende epayi ya munganga
I feel tooth pain. I have to go to the doctor.
mutu oyo nazolobela azoyoka ngai te. nazoloba mpamba.
The person I was talking to is not listening to me. Je parle pour rien.
mbala ya liboso oyaki awa ozalaki koyoka soni
The last time you were here, you were ashamed.
nakobenda yo litoyi soki ozali koyoka te
I will pull your ear if you don't listen.
yoka nanu motuna na ngai liboso ya koyanola ngai
Listen already to my question before answering me.
nayeli bino nsango ya malamu. boyoka.
I brought you good news. Listen.
semeki na yo ayokelaka yo zuwa makasi
Your sister in law is very jealous of you.
nayoka nanu nzembo oyo te
I did not hear this song yet.
koniata ngai te nazoyoka pasi.
Don't trample me, it hurts !
Nayoki ke okomi kobima na ex na ngai. Mama, ozali semba bilokota.
I heard that you started dating my ex. Lady, you are a semba bilokota.
Soki bato mibale bayokani te ebongi bakabwana.
If two persons don't get along, they should separate.
kende kolala soki oza koyoka pongi.
Go to sleep if you feel tired.
Nayoki malamu te. Bandela.
I didn't hear it well. Repeat.
naza na posa ya koyoka atalaku oyo ayembaka epayi ya Koffi
I need to listen to the singer who sings (the dedications) with Koffi.
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