translation / dictionary Lingala - English

congo rdc
Sentence :

kokanga, form of a verb
kokanga, regular construction (root : kang) (class 15 : ko- (verbs))
to close
to catch, to grab, to hold back, to remember, to understand

to lock oneself in, to stop, to let oneself be caught

to free, to open, to relax, to déliver
tozokanga suki nioso
tozokanga suki nioso
© pvh (Letitia Nkanza Kalawuma)
derived words : ekangele, kokangwa
see also : kanga-libumu, kangalibumu, kanga-mabele, mokangoli
item 26 examples (bandakisa ntúkú míbalé na motóbá) ...
kokanga foto
to take a picture
Fungola ezibele ! Kanga lininisa !
Open the door! Close the window !
Kanga monoko ! kanga mbanga na yo !
Close that mouth. Close your piehole ! (rude)
Libumu na yo ezali ya kokangama ?
Are you constipated ? (your intestins, are they blocked ?)
kanga - mabele ( kangamabele )
bra (brassiere)
bakangi pasta na mbetu na moyembi ya mokili
they caught the pastor in bed with a wordly singer
kanga - libumu ( kangalibumu )
camisole (vormcorrigerend ondergoed)
kanga - moyibi ( kangamoyibi )
barb wire
kanga bisaka, zonga epayi na yo !
close your bags, return to your place !
lipa kanga - journée
A baguette bread, heavier than usual, which counts as a meal for the whole day. A product of the PAIN VICTOIRE bakery.
kanga buto
close the button (shirt, pants,...)
bakangi moyibi ayibi tshombo na ngaliema
they caught the thief that stole a cellphone at Ngaliema
kokanga lopango
close the terrain. / to get engaged (promise of mariage by presentation to the parents, by the boy)
soki oyebi te kanga munoko
if you don't know, shut up
kanga ekuke malamu
Close the door good
kokanga ekuke te. nazoya
Don't close the door. I'm coming.
kokanga ngai na ndako te. nazobanga.
Don't lock me in the house. I'm afraid.
nazokende na zamba pona kokanga baniama
I'm going to the forest to catch animals.
kapita na biso akangi muyibi
The chief of the workers has caught a thief.
kobosana kokanga ekuke te soki obimi
Don't forget to close the door if you go out.
kotika mulangi polele te. kanga yango.
Don't leave the bottle open. Close it.
kanga monoko na yo pamba te okoya komela nzinzi.
Close your mouth or else you risk swallowing a fly.
yaka tokanga foto moko
Come that we take a picture.
Mikolo oyo aza kokanga suki te.
Lately she doesn't braid her hair.
Ebongi okanga monoko na yo.
You should close your mouth.
tokanga motema banda kala.
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