translation / dictionary Lingala - English

congo rdc
Sentence :

all words with the tag loan word: kikongo
distracted, not paying attention

forgetfulness, black out, error
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item 1 example (ndakisa mókó) ...
Ingrid aza kidiba na kelasi.
Ingrid is distracted in school.
other words with the tag 'loan word: kikongo' : kidiba, likata, kobalula, kobalusa, kobaluka, kobalola, kitendi, ndombe, nzimbu, kikedi, litondo, sakasáka, ingeta, mataku, mazulu
likata, pl. makata (class 5/6 : li- / ma- (parts of body, fauna, flora,...))
palm (flat of the hand)
(rarely understood like this, so better avoided because of the other meaning ;)

Kin (kikongo)
(often used for) penis
see also : liliká, sóka, nsóka
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item 1 example (ndakisa mókó) ...
muana muasi oyo azofiba makata kitoko
warning - sensible content
other words with the tag 'body' : bongó, bontólo, ebángá, lobebú, ebekú, ebelo, ebóbó, eboló, edádá, elongi, enama, esóngó, kíngó, libéle, liboló, libolongo, libumu, lifuni, likata, lokolo, lino, linzáka, lipeka, lisisa, liso, lisókó, litáma, litoyi, lokéto, lolemo, loposo, makilá, mandéfu, lisásámbá, lobebo, mbunzu, moyoyo, mofáti, mokongo, mongóngó, mopanzi, mosapi, motéma, mupende, monoko, mutolo, motó, tólo, nzóto, poso, pótá, nsima, losúki, zólo, litói, lomposo, lobôko, lisu, kunza, kovo, lolému, súki, engóngólo, monzômbâ, nkíngó, ntólo, mompúlúlú, likundú, motolú, mosopó, libale, mosómba, likáká, etindi, mopende, búnya, lolemu, mbángá, motshopo, zémi, etambe, libandi, likosi, linu, lopiko, libundi, lokíkí, manduta, muika, mopiko, nkunki, sóka, soyi, lolemo, lokéto, mpótá, lotó, monsisá, mutema, libondi, goró, lotókó, mpanzí, litolú, motoló, ndéfu, mimbebo, mokunza, mposo, lokíkí, nsóka, monpúlúlú, ebebú, liliká, mataku, mosai
other words with the tag 'sex' : bokáli, bolúmbú, ekóbo, esóngó, kindumba, libéle, liboló, likata, mbúla, ngondo, kosiba, kolála, búnya, mvula, sóka, mbúla, momboto, goró, mpówa, bopo, mongondo, mimbebo, nsóka, liliká
kobalula, regular construction (root : balul) (class 15 : ko- (verbs))
kobalola, regular construction (root : balol) (class 15 : ko- (verbs))
from the kikongo kubalula

to return, to turn over
to turn
to stir (the food,...)
to change
kobalola biloko
kobalola biloko
© pvh (Letitia Nkanza Kalawuma)
derived words : kobalusa, kobaluka
see also : kobóngola
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item 2 examples (bandakisa míbalé) ...
nake kobalula biloko na moto.
I will go stir the food on the fire.
sia! neti Shakira abalolaka loketo malamu
tss! As if Shakira turns her hips well.
other words with the tag 'kitchen' : biríka, dongódongó, fúlu, káwa, liki, lútú, masanga, mbelí, míliki, molangi, mongwa, kania, kobalula, nzúngu, pilipili, sáni, sukali, zibolateur, kópo, kokálinga, kobalola, lúto, etumbelo, mondóndó, vére, mántéka, madída, kikalungu, makusa, mbabula, mbilika, mungua, mutalaka, sume, zibulatere, ngai, pili-pili, zibolatéle, elúbu, soda, evímba, ngombo, gombo, sani, nkupidi, zibulateur, sinda, mondóngó, mundóngó, limbondó, kupidi, mazulu
kobalusa, regular construction (root : balus) (class 15 : ko- (verbs))
in kikongo -usa for the passive form

to edit, to (make) turn, to pivot,
to return, to change sides, to change face
derived from : kobalula
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item 1 example (ndakisa mókó) ...
soki loboko eyebaka pasi oyo lutu emonaka na tango ya kobalusa biloko
If the hand knew how the spoon suffers when stirring the food...
kobaluka, regular construction (root : baluk) (class 15 : ko- (verbs))
in kikongo language -uka for reflexive

to turn oneself
to turn around
derived from : kobalula
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item 1 example (ndakisa mókó) ...
Ata ndele, mokili ekobaluka
whatever happens, the earth will spin
kikongo - see etendi
often used in the context of the "réligion ya kitendi" = "la sapologie"
réligion ya kitendi - la sapologie
réligion ya kitendi - la sapologie
src : google images
synonymes : etendi
see also : sape
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other words with the tag 'clothing' : abakósi, efungatúmbu, ekótó, sangatúmbu, ekoti, elamba, eláto, enkoti, etóbo, kupé, lipápa, lipúta, mudinda, nzámbálá, sapatu, lisangatúmbu, lópu, soséti, kitendi, lingwánda, dongi, etendi, kaleso, kazáka, libaya, modinda, mokaba, musualu, pantalo, somisi, semísi, pantalon, mbati, kanga-libumu, módénde, mukadi, kangalibumu, kangamabéle, modega
etendi, pl. bitendi (class 7/8 : e- / bi-)
cloth, flap
synonymes : kitendi
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item 1 example (ndakisa mókó) ...
katela nga etendi oyo
Cut me that cloth
ndombe, pl. bandombe (class 1a/2 : - / ba-)
Black (Kikongo)
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item 1 example (ndakisa mókó) ...
mundele ndombe.
black man who imitates the white, black outside and white inside (bounty)
other words with the tag 'colors' : mpémbé, lángi, lilála, mbíla, mwindu, pembe, pondú, motáné, sokolá, moíndo, mbwé, bondobó, ngóla, longondo, bozinga, búlé, kulele, ndombe, muindu, mwíndo
kikongo for money

Originally it was the name of the shells gathered on the coast of the Loanda Island
and used as money in the Kongo kingdom.

link :
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item 1 example (ndakisa mókó) ...
nzimbu eza te na ndako na ngai
There is no money in my house.
synonymes : bikedi
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other words with the tag 'food and drinks' : biríka, bisikíti, bóí, bokénzú, dongódongó, ekéne, engwélé, fufú, fumbwa, kabri, kamundele, kwánga, libóké, libumu, lidésu, liki, lipa, lipapú, liyebo, loso, masanga, mateka, maí, mbálá, mbika, mbisi, mokate, mongwa, mwamba, ti, víno, sokolá, liyebú, niampoule, kosákosá, molangua, ndóngó, biele, bitoto, kafi, kikedi, linioko, lotoko, lunguila, likoso, mbilika, mosáká, mpíodi, muamba, mungua, nsámbá, saladini, tangawisi, ngai, mbenda, mbisi, nkúnde, niampoul, mbili, súpu, málemba, tangaúsi, ngombo, gombo, nkupidi, kafé, limbondó, primus, kupidi, gratana, gratanya, liebú, jus
scientific name : Manihot esculenta

cassava, manioc
src : google images
src : google images
synonymes : kikedi
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other words with the tag 'fruit and vegetables' : ananási, bikedi, eloló, bitekuteku, bonsáó, dongódongó, ekéké, ekútu, esápa, etabe, etabi, fumbwa, kwánga, lidésu, likémba, lilála, lingolo, litungúlu, liyebo, lisángó, mbálá, mbika, mbíla, mbuma, ndúnda, ngúba, paipái, payipayi, pilipili, pondú, pwaró, tomati, tondolo, ndímo, likásu, kokotí, likombó, liyebú, mosángó, liboké, kúnde, lisángú, libengê, mbomá, avoká, savoká, mpondú, lidamé, lipéla, litóngé, payi, linanási, ndiká, pakápáka, mokókóló, linioko, misili, sáfú, tomato, sakasáka, nkúnde, pili-pili, ndembi, limona, likásó, lilebó, mongúba, nsáfú, bonsau, ngombo, gombo, mondiká, sóló, sinda, mondéngé, mundenge, biteku-teku, mádamé, poilu, liebú, mazulu, mungenge, ananá, ananási
litondo, pl. matondo (class 5/6 : li- / ma- (parts of body, fauna, flora,...))Kinshasa version

this is no lingala

although frequently used by lingala speakers in Kinshasa,
the correct word is "matondi". "matondo" is Kikongo
synonymes : litóndi
tags :
other words with the tag 'thanks' : botondi, litóndi, litondo, kotóndo, losaka
litóndi, pl. matondi (class 5/6 : li- / ma- (parts of body, fauna, flora,...))
thanks, gratefulness
synonymes : litondo
derived from : kotóndo
tags :
item 2 examples (bandakisa míbalé) ...
matondi mingi / melesi mingi. - likambo te.
thanks a lot. - No problem.
Napesi Nzambe matondi mpo na yo
I thank God for you.
sakasáka, pl. basakasaka (class 9a/10a (2) : - / - (ba-) : plural from context (or informal/modern ba-), not with n-/m-)
cassava leaves in kikongo language
the word probably comes from "cassava" (manioc)
music festival
music festival
saka saka
saka saka
© foreignshop
synonymes : mpondú, pondú
tags :
mpondú, pl. bampondu (class 9/10 (2) : - / - (ba-) : plural invariable from context (or informal/modern ba-))sonorous consonant
cassava leaves

ya pondu
color green
piler le pondu
piler le pondu
© pvh
© iqbal actu
pondu congelé
pondu congelé
© pvh
synonymes : sakasáka
tags :
item 2 examples (bandakisa míbalé) ...
mai ya mpondu. mai ya malala. mai ya nsáú.
green (the color of mpondu). orange (the color of an orange). purple/violet (the color of a nsafu).
pondu na yo ezangi mungwa. pasi ya solo.
your pondu lacks / misses salt. really a pity.
item Article : colors
langi moindo (dark colors)
bozinga, bulé
dark blue
langi ya sokola
chocolate brown
langi ya mpondu

langi motane (light colors)
bondobo, motane soo
langi ya malala
ngola, motane ngbaa
langi ya mapata
light blue

langi lisusu (other colors)


this is no lingala

it comes from the kikongo language
where it is used to express that you agree :
yes, ok, amen, so be it,...

it probably comes from I-NGE-TA : "you said (it)"

src : google images
src : google images
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mataku (class 6 : ma-)
synonymes : lisókó
tags :
lisókó, pl. masoko (class 5/6 : li- / ma- (parts of body, fauna, flora,...))
src : google images
Serena aza na masoko
Serena aza na masoko
src : google images
synonymes : mataku
tags :
item 5 examples (bandakisa mítáno) ...
kende kolembola masoko / sima / babottes ya mokonzi.
go lick the buttocks / the behind / the boots of the boss. (flatter)
kodendisa ( masoko )
to swing buttocks while walking
nzela ( ya ) masoko
masoko solo ya fumbwa epola banda sanza moko
buttocks that smell like fumbwa that is rotten since a month
Mbula oyo tokosiba na masoko. Libolo ekomi mayi mayi.
warning - sensible content

ocimum basilicum

basil (culinary herb)
tags :
other words with the tag 'flavours' : bololo, mongwa, pilipili, sukali, mungwa, ngayi, mungua, ngai, pili-pili, mazulu
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