translation / dictionary Lingala - English

congo rdc
Sentence :

all words with the tag kitchen
Tea pot, coffee pot
tags :
other words with the tag 'kitchen' : biríka, dongódongó, fúlu, káwa, liki, lútú, masanga, mbelí, míliki, molangi, mongwa, kania, kobalula, nzúngu, pilipili, sáni, sukali, zibolateur, kópo, kokálinga, kobalola, lúto, etumbelo, mondóndó, vére, mántéka, madída, kikalungu, makusa, mbabula, mbilika, mungua, mutalaka, sume, zibulatere, ngai, pili-pili, zibolatéle, elúbu, soda, evímba, ngombo, gombo, sani, nkupidi, zibulateur, sinda, mondóngó, mundóngó, limbondó, kupidi, mazulu
other words with the tag 'food and drinks' : biríka, bisikíti, bóí, bokénzú, dongódongó, ekéne, engwélé, fufú, fumbwa, kabri, kamundele, kwánga, libóké, libumu, lidésu, liki, lipa, lipapú, liyebo, loso, masanga, mateka, maí, mbálá, mbika, mbisi, mokate, mongwa, mwamba, ti, víno, sokolá, liyebú, niampoule, kosákosá, molangua, ndóngó, biele, bitoto, kafi, kikedi, linioko, lotoko, lunguila, likoso, mbilika, mosáká, mpíodi, muamba, mungua, nsámbá, saladini, tangawisi, ngai, mbenda, mbisi, nkúnde, niampoul, mbili, súpu, málemba, tangaúsi, ngombo, gombo, nkupidi, kafé, limbondó, primus, kupidi, gratana, gratanya, liebú, jus
dongódongó, pl. badongodongo (class 9a/10a (2) : - / - (ba-) : plural from context (or informal/modern ba-), not with n-/m-)
scientific name : Abelmoschus esculentus / hibiscus esculentus

kind of vegetable, kind of spice
src : google images
dongodongo (ngombo)
dongodongo (ngombo)
© pvh
dongodongo (ngombo)
dongodongo (ngombo)
© pvh
synonymes : ngombo
tags :
other words with the tag 'fruit and vegetables' : ananási, bikedi, eloló, bitekuteku, bonsáó, dongódongó, ekéké, ekútu, esápa, etabe, etabi, fumbwa, kwánga, lidésu, likémba, lilála, lingolo, litungúlu, liyebo, lisángó, mbálá, mbika, mbíla, mbuma, ndúnda, ngúba, paipái, payipayi, pilipili, pondú, pwaró, tomati, tondolo, ndímo, likásu, kokotí, likombó, liyebú, mosángó, liboké, kúnde, lisángú, libengê, mbomá, avoká, savoká, mpondú, lidamé, lipéla, litóngé, payi, linanási, ndiká, pakápáka, mokókóló, linioko, misili, sáfú, tomato, sakasáka, nkúnde, pili-pili, ndembi, limona, likásó, lilebó, mongúba, nsáfú, bonsau, ngombo, gombo, mondiká, sóló, sinda, mondéngé, mundenge, biteku-teku, mádamé, poilu, liebú, mazulu, mungenge, ananá, ananási
fúlu, pl. bafulu (class 9a/10a (2) : - / - (ba-) : plural from context (or informal/modern ba-), not with n-/m-)
synonymes : etumbelo
tags :
other words with the tag 'home' : mbalasáni, biló, ebáeli, ebutele, ebuteli, efelo, engangala, fúlu, kinkóso, lángi, libóko, lininísa, ndaku, palais, súku, tólo, motóndo, fungóla, efungwelo, ebutelo, kukù, etumbelo, armwár, maluvé, esosele, ngwende, kikóso, linyuka, sabúni, nzongo, zongó, kabiné, wésé, ekuke, mitondo, biró, sabóni
káwa, pl. bakawa (class 9a/10a (2) : - / - (ba-) : plural from context (or informal/modern ba-), not with n-/m-)makanza - rare
tags :
item 1 example (ndakisa mókó) ...
kawa ezangi sukali ezali bololo
Coffee without sugar is bitter.
liki, pl. maki (class 5/6 : li- / ma- (parts of body, fauna, flora,...))
líkeí, pl. makei (class 5/6 : li- / ma- (parts of body, fauna, flora,...))
liaki, pl. maaki (class 5/6 : li- / ma- (parts of body, fauna, flora,...)) (None)
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item 10 examples (bandakisa zómi) ...
na ntongo nalyaka mapa na maki
in the morning, I eat bread with eggs.
na bumbu maki ezotekama ya ndambu ndambu
at Bumbu the eggs are being sold in small pieces
mwana maki
bomoyi ebandaka ntango liki ya mama ekutani na momboto ya tata.
Life begins when the egg of the mother meets with the sperm of the father.
Moto oyo akumbaka maki, aswanaka te na abundaka te.
He who transports eggs doesn't argue and doesn't fight.
libata abotaka maki
the duck lays eggs
olingi nasalela yo liki ?
Would you like me to make you an egg ?
mwana na ngai, nabatelaka ye lokola liki.
My child, I protect him like an egg.
liki batokisa
boiled egg
maki ya kokalinga
lútú, pl. balutu (class 9a/10a (2) : - / - (ba-) : plural from context (or informal/modern ba-), not with n-/m-)
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item 2 examples (bandakisa míbalé) ...
lutu ya libaya. lutu ya linzanza.
wooden spoon. metal spoon.
soki loboko eyebaka pasi oyo lutu emonaka na tango ya kobalusa biloko
If the hand knew how the spoon suffers when stirring the food...
masanga (class 6 : ma-)
when not specifiend, often used for "beer" or liquor
masanga ya mbila
masanga ya mbila
© pvh (Letitia Nkanza Kalawuma)
masanga ya mbila
masanga ya mbila
© pvh (Letitia Nkanza Kalawuma)
masanga victoire
masanga victoire
© pvh (Letitia Nkanza Kalawuma)
src : google images
see also : mbenda
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item 11 examples (bandakisa zómi na mókó) ...
epekisami kotambusa motuka soki omeli masanga.
It's prohibited to operate a vehicle if you drunk (a drink).
masanga bololo.
beer (bitter drink)
masanga ya sukali.
soft drink, juice
masanga mbila
palm wine (also a neigbourhood in Kinshasa, in the municipality of Mont-Ngafula)
komela masanga ezali esengo ya mokili
To drink beer is a worldly pleasure
Tala papa na ye, alangwi masanga, atamboli abilika
Look at his father, he got drunk from the beer, he doesn't walk straight (zigzag)
Nasala nini soki papa to mama amelaka bangi to alangwaka masanga
what to do when papa or mama smokes weed or is getting drunk with beer ?
komela masanga ya sukali mingi te. eza malamu te po na mino.
Don't drink much sweet drinks. It's not good for your teeth.
olingi komela masanga nini ?
What drink would you like to drink ?
nalingaka masanga oyo te eza sukali mingi
I don't like that drink. It's too sweet.
yela ngai masanga mbila namela.
Bring me the palm juice, so that I may drink.
mbelí, pl. bambeli (class 9/10 (2) : - / - (ba-) : plural invariable from context (or informal/modern ba-))
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item 1 example (ndakisa mókó) ...
monoko mbeli, makolo ndunda.Proverb/expression (don't translate litteraly)
A mouth like a knife, legs like a vegetable.
comes from the english "milk"

see also : libéle
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item 5 examples (bandakisa mítáno) ...
longa 1500$ ya kelasi to pe mbula mobimba ya miliki NIDO.
Win 1500$ for school or a whole year of NIDO milk.
yo sapologue oza na abakosi versace, kasi miliki ezangi na ndaku
You, the "sapologist", you have a vest of Versace, but milk is missing at home
Mwana ebongi amela miliki pona akola malamu.
A child must drink milk to grow well.
Miliki ezali malamu mingi pona mikuwa.
Milk is very good for the bones.
Abombaka miliki na se ya mbeto.
She hides the milk under the bed.
other words with the tag 'loan word: english' : boyi, búku, bói, míliki, mótuka, pikási, kobéta, bulangeti, mutuka, kobéte, búku
molangi, pl. milangi (class 3/4 : mo- (mu-) / mi- : objects)
mulangi, pl. milangi (class 3/4 : mo- (mu-) / mi- : objects)Kinshasa version
bottle, flask, jar
molangi ya mboka
molangi ya mboka
© pvh (Letitia Nkanza Kalawuma)
molangi ya mboka
molangi ya mboka
© pvh (Letitia Nkanza Kalawuma)
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item 2 examples (bandakisa míbalé) ...
naziboli molangi.
I open the bottle.
kotika mulangi polele te. kanga yango.
Don't leave the bottle open. Close it.
mongwa, pl. mingwa (class 3/4 : mo- (mu-) / mi- : objects)
mungwa, pl. mingwa (class 3/4 : mo- (mu-) / mi- : objects)Kinshasa version
mungua, pl. mingua (class 3/4 : mo- (mu-) / mi- : objects)Kinshasa version
src : google images
libanga ya mungua
libanga ya mungua
© pvh (Nadiyha)
see also : ndóngó
synonymes : monaná
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item 4 examples (bandakisa mínei) ...
pondu na yo ezangi mungwa. pasi ya solo.
your pondu lacks / misses salt. really a pity.
koswana eza pili-pili pe mungwa ya libala. Proverb/expression (don't translate litteraly)
Arguing is the pepper and the salt of the mariage.
Tuta pilipili, tya mungwa na matungulu.
mash the chilipepper, put salt and onions.
bitumba ezali pili-pili mpe mungua ya libala. Proverb/expression (don't translate litteraly)
The fights are the pepper and the salt of the mariage.
other words with the tag 'flavours' : bololo, mongwa, pilipili, sukali, mungwa, ngayi, mungua, ngai, pili-pili, mazulu
kania, pl. bakania (class 9a/10a (2) : - / - (ba-) : plural from context (or informal/modern ba-), not with n-/m-)
kanya, pl. bakanya (class 9a/10a (2) : - / - (ba-) : plural from context (or informal/modern ba-), not with n-/m-)
src : google images
see also : likanya
tags :
kobalula, regular construction (root : balul) (class 15 : ko- (verbs))
kobalola, regular construction (root : balol) (class 15 : ko- (verbs))
from the kikongo kubalula

to return, to turn over
to turn
to stir (the food,...)
to change
kobalola biloko
kobalola biloko
© pvh (Letitia Nkanza Kalawuma)
derived words : kobalusa, kobaluka
see also : kobóngola
tags :
item 2 examples (bandakisa míbalé) ...
nake kobalula biloko na moto.
I will go stir the food on the fire.
sia! neti Shakira abalolaka loketo malamu
tss! As if Shakira turns her hips well.
other words with the tag 'loan word: kikongo' : kidiba, likata, kobalula, kobalusa, kobaluka, kobalola, kitendi, ndombe, nzimbu, kikedi, litondo, sakasáka, ingeta, mataku, mazulu
nzúngu, pl. banzungu (class 1a/2 : - / ba-)
kettel, cooking pot
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item 3 examples (bandakisa mísáto) ...
nzungu ya madesu ezali na moto
The cooking pot of the beans is on the fire.
muana alie nzungu mobimba ya badi
The child ate the entire kettle of fufu
tika nzungu polele pona biloko ebela malamu
Leave the cooking pot open so that the food cooks well.
pilipili, pl. bapilipili (class 9a/10a (2) : - / - (ba-) : plural from context (or informal/modern ba-), not with n-/m-)
scientific name : capsicum annuum

chili pepper
src : google images
© pvh
© pvh
src : esepelisa
© pvh
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item 7 examples (bandakisa nsambo) ...
Pilipili epoli.
The chilipepper is rotten.
Pilipili ya elanga ya yo, moto mosusu akolia yango. Proverb/expression (don't translate litteraly)
The pepper of your field, someone else will eat it.
Tuta pilipili, tya mungwa na matungulu.
mash the chilipepper, put salt and onions.
Keba, pilipili eswi makasi.
watch out, the chilipepper is very hot. (stings hard)
bitumba ezali pili-pili mpe mungua ya libala. Proverb/expression (don't translate litteraly)
The fights are the pepper and the salt of the mariage.
atie ngai pili-pili na liso. ezosala pasi.
She put pepper in my eye. It hurts.
koswana eza pili-pili pe mungwa ya libala. Proverb/expression (don't translate litteraly)
Arguing is the pepper and the salt of the mariage.
sáni, pl. basani (class 1a/2 : - / ba-)
sani, pl. basani (class 9a/10a (2) : - / - (ba-) : plural from context (or informal/modern ba-), not with n-/m-)

pl. basani - basani
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item 4 examples (bandakisa mínei) ...
sani ya mbele. sani ya mpaka.
porcelain dinner plate. plastic dinner plate.
sokola basani noki pona tobima
Wash the dishes quickly so we can go out.
tika kolembola sani boye
Stop licking the plate like that.
yaya na ngai ya mwasi nde azosokola basani.
It's my big sister whoe does the dishes.
sukali, pl. basukali (class 9a/10a (2) : - / - (ba-) : plural from context (or informal/modern ba-), not with n-/m-)
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item 10 examples (bandakisa zómi) ...
masanga ya sukali.
soft drink, juice
ti ezanga sukali.
tea without sugar.
Libala: na liboso nde sukali, na kati ngaingai, na suka bololo.
Marriage: at first it's sweet, in the middle it's sour and in the end it's bitter.
elengi na mbeto: Muasi ya monene na muasi ya moke, nani azali sukali ? © kitokolile
pleasure in bed: a big girl and a slim girl, who is sweet ?
libenge eza mbala ya sukali. matembele eza nkasa ya libenge.
The "sweet potato" is a sweet tuber. Matembele are the leaves of the sweet potato.
bokono ya sukali
diabetes (sugardisease)
komela masanga ya sukali mingi te. eza malamu te po na mino.
Don't drink much sweet drinks. It's not good for your teeth.
nalingaka masanga oyo te eza sukali mingi
I don't like that drink. It's too sweet.
kolia biloko ya sukali mingi te eza malamu te pona mino
Don't eat too much sweet things. It's not good for your teeth.
kawa ezangi sukali ezali bololo
Coffee without sugar is bitter.
other words with the tag 'loan word: french' : aliméti, avió, balé, biló, biríki, bisikíti, butó, bwáto, buzí, dalapó, kwíti, lángi, piké, piné, sodá, sukali, maládi, tiké, avoká, soséti, búlé, kodamer, kotoker, dilekitele, fétí, kamaladi, kaminio, lapolo, lífelo, soméle, pantalo, somisi, moyen, melesi, semísi, mopao, courant, tur, biró, er, pantalon, sucré, botine, ke, avyó, îfó, kurá, maséle, kompaní, kaminyó, kamyó, veló, boáto, danzer, petite, jus
zibolateur, pl. bazibolateur (class 9a/10a (2) : - / - (ba-) : plural from context (or informal/modern ba-), not with n-/m-)
zibolatéle, pl. bazibolatele (class 9a/10a (2) : - / - (ba-) : plural from context (or informal/modern ba-), not with n-/m-)
zibulateur, pl. bazibulateur (class 9a/10a (2) : - / - (ba-) : plural from context (or informal/modern ba-), not with n-/m-)
bottle opener
can opener
derived from : koziba
tags :
other words with the tag 'slang' : damage, mistik, zibolateur, kodamer, quado, ngunda, nzele, mopao, goró, texto, tokos, sape, danzer, petite
kópo, pl. bakopo (class 1a/2 : - / ba-)

context : measuring unit
same size as an ebundeli
makes half an ekolo
kopo ya monene
kopo ya monene
© pvh
ekolo, sakombi, ebundeli (kopo)
ekolo, sakombi, ebundeli (kopo)
© pvh (Nadiyha)
ekolo, sakombi, ebundeli (kopo)
ekolo, sakombi, ebundeli (kopo)
© pvh (Nadiyha)
see also : vére
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item 2 examples (bandakisa míbalé) ...
okei na pompi, ofungoli robine, otoki mai na kopo
You go to the pump, you open the tap, you let the water pour into the cup
sopa mabele na kopo.
pour milk in a cup.
other words with the tag 'loan word: portugese' : matabísi, mesa, sapatu, víno, kópo, likayábu, mántéka, paladó, matabish, paláta
other words with the tag 'measuring units' : ekoló, emekeli, libángá, sakombi, kópo, vére, ebundeli, emekele
kokálinga, regular construction (root : kaling) (class 15 : ko- (verbs))
kokálanga, regular construction (root : kalang) (class 15 : ko- (verbs))
to fry
thomson ezokalinga
thomson ezokalinga
src : esepelisa
derived words : ekálengele, kikalungu
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item 2 examples (bandakisa míbalé) ...
mbala ya kokalinga
maki ya kokalinga
etumbelo, pl. bitumbelo (class 7/8 : e- / bi-)
place to roast
synonymes : fúlu
derived from : kotumba
tags :
other words with the tag 'derived:places [e...elo]' : ebómbelo, etumbelo, esukolelo, ekímelo, esanelo, ebomelo, etulelo, elálelo, esumbelo
mondóndó, pl. mindondo (class 3/4 : mo- (mu-) / mi- : objects)
carafe, jug
tags :

context : measuring unit
makes half a sakombi
sakombi na vère ya mungua
sakombi na vère ya mungua
© pvh (Nadiyha)
vère ya mungua
vère ya mungua
© pvh (Nadiyha)
see also : kópo
tags :
mántéka (class 6 : ma-)
butter, margarine

(comes from the portuguese word for butter : "manteiga")
blue band
blue band
© Unilever
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madída, pl. bamadida (class 9a/10a (2) : - / - (ba-) : plural from context (or informal/modern ba-), not with n-/m-)
madida ya lipela
madida ya lipela
© pvh (Didine)
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frying pan
synonymes : páne
derived from : kokálinga
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item 1 example (ndakisa mókó) ...
sukola kikalungu po eza salite
Wash that pan because it is dirty.
makusa (class 6 : ma-)
place behind the house
extension where food is prepared

tags :
item 1 example (ndakisa mókó) ...
hum... solo kitoko na makusa. mama azolamba nini ?
yummi... It smells good in the kitchen. What is mum preparing ?
mbabula, pl. bambabula (class 9/10 (2) : - / - (ba-) : plural invariable from context (or informal/modern ba-))
mbabola, pl. bambabola (class 9/10 (2) : - / - (ba-) : plural invariable from context (or informal/modern ba-))wrong spelling
barbecue, stove

heater, radiator
© pvh (Lauretta)
© pvh (Christelle)
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sume, pl. basume (class 9a/10a (2) : - / - (ba-) : plural from context (or informal/modern ba-), not with n-/m-)
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zibulatere, pl. bazibulatere (class 9a/10a (2) : - / - (ba-) : plural from context (or informal/modern ba-), not with n-/m-)
bottle opener
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derived words : bongai, ngaingai, ngayingayi
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item 2 examples (bandakisa míbalé) ...
Libala: na liboso nde sukali, na kati ngaingai, na suka bololo.
Marriage: at first it's sweet, in the middle it's sour and in the end it's bitter.
ndimo ngai / ndimo elamu
lemon / orange
elúbu, pl. bilubu (class 7/8 : e- / bi-)
tags :
soft drink, fizzy drink
© Coca-Cola
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evímba, pl. bivimba (class 7/8 : e- / bi-)
yeast (baking powder)

scabies (rash/skin disease)
src : google images
derived from : kovímba
tags :
other words with the tag 'health & sickness' : bokono, bonsíngá, ebúbú, elúmbú, emimi, féfele, nkísi, moyoyo, monganga, ndúndu, pulúpulú, sikama, maládi, nganga, lopitalo, kisi, dáwa, maba, bukabuka, mánguele, kokosola, mángwelé, kintuntu, libosono, lokesu, lolanda, malali, mino, mobosono, mokoni, mpela, sopísi, minoi, pela, pela, mpela, gilípi, litókó, mpulúpulú, mpóti, evímba, matókó, mobeli, ebola, mapata
scientific name : Abelmoschus esculentus

the word in lingala is dongodongo

kingombo or ngombo in various bantu languages

dongodongo (ngombo)
dongodongo (ngombo)
© pvh
dongodongo (ngombo)
dongodongo (ngombo)
© pvh
src : google images
synonymes : dongódongó
tags :
nkupidisonorous consonant
scientific name : Syzygium aromaticum

clove (sort of spice)
© Brian Arthur
tags :
scientific name : Cymbopogon citratus

lemon grass

"sinda di mputu" in kikongo language

A tropical plant, cultivated for its stems or leaves
which taste like lemon, used in cooking, like with roasted chicken.
The dried leaves (makasa ya sinda) can be brewed into a tea, as is often done in Congo
src : google images
src : google images
see also : bulukutu
tags :
ndóngó, pl. bandongo (class 9/10 (2) : - / - (ba-) : plural invariable from context (or informal/modern ba-))
mondóngó, pl. mindongo (class 3/4 : mo- (mu-) / mi- : objects)
mundóngó, pl. mindongo (class 3/4 : mo- (mu-) / mi- : objects)
scientific name : Aframomum melegueta

a kind of pepper, spice

Malagueta pepper, grains of paradise
of the same family as Ginger (Zingiberaceae)
© pvh
kamundele ya ndongo
kamundele ya ndongo
© pvh
© pvh
see also : mungwa, mongwa, mungua
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limbondó, pl. mambondo (class 5/6 : li- / ma- (parts of body, fauna, flora,...))
Sodium bicarbonate, baking soda
src : google images
src : google images
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ocimum basilicum

basil (culinary herb)
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