translation / dictionary Lingala - English

congo rdc
Sentence :

all words with the tag home
mbalasáni, pl. bambalasani (class 9/10 (2) : - / - (ba-) : plural invariable from context (or informal/modern ba-))
the veranda, the courtyard
tags :
other words with the tag 'home' : mbalasáni, biló, ebáeli, ebutele, ebuteli, efelo, engangala, fúlu, kinkóso, lángi, libóko, lininísa, ndaku, palais, súku, tólo, motóndo, fungóla, efungwelo, ebutelo, kukù, etumbelo, armwár, maluvé, esosele, ngwende, kikóso, linyuka, sabúni, nzongo, zongó, kabiné, wésé, ekuke, mitondo, biró, sabóni
biró, pl. babiro (class 9a/10a (2) : - / - (ba-) : plural from context (or informal/modern ba-), not with n-/m-)
biló, pl. babilo (class 9/2 : - / ba-)not official plural (informal)
biló, pl. babilo (class 9a/10a (2) : - / - (ba-) : plural from context (or informal/modern ba-), not with n-/m-)
biró, pl. babiro (class 1a/2 : - / ba-)not official plural (informal)
office, desk

lover, wife on the side (2ième bureau = "second office")
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item 1 example (ndakisa mókó) ...
ngai naza na biro ya Gecamines. Nakozonga kala mingi te
Me, I'm at the office of Gecamines. I'll return soon.
other words with the tag 'furniture' : biló, etándáka, kíti, mbéto, mesa, biró, biró
other words with the tag 'loan word: french' : aliméti, avió, balé, biló, biríki, bisikíti, butó, bwáto, buzí, dalapó, kwíti, lángi, piké, piné, sodá, sukali, maládi, tiké, avoká, soséti, búlé, kodamer, kotoker, dilekitele, fétí, kamaladi, kaminio, lapolo, lífelo, soméle, pantalo, somisi, moyen, melesi, semísi, mopao, courant, tur, biró, er, pantalon, sucré, botine, ke, avyó, îfó, kurá, maséle, kompaní, kaminyó, kamyó, veló, boáto, danzer, petite, jus
ebáeli, pl. bibaeli (class 7/8 : e- / bi-)
synonymes : ebutelo
tags :
ebutele (None)
ladder, stairway, step
synonymes : ebáeli, engangala
derived from : kobuta
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efelo, pl. bifelo (class 7/8 : e- / bi-)
wall, fence
synonymes : epelo, etutú
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synonymes : ebutelo
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fúlu, pl. bafulu (class 9a/10a (2) : - / - (ba-) : plural from context (or informal/modern ba-), not with n-/m-)
synonymes : etumbelo
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other words with the tag 'kitchen' : biríka, dongódongó, fúlu, káwa, liki, lútú, masanga, mbelí, míliki, molangi, mongwa, kania, kobalula, nzúngu, pilipili, sáni, sukali, zibolateur, kópo, kokálinga, kobalola, lúto, etumbelo, mondóndó, vére, mántéka, madída, kikalungu, makusa, mbabula, mbilika, mungua, mutalaka, sume, zibulatere, ngai, pili-pili, zibolatéle, elúbu, soda, evímba, ngombo, gombo, sani, nkupidi, zibulateur, sinda, mondóngó, mundóngó, limbondó, kupidi, mazulu
kinkóso, pl. bakinkoso (class 9a/10a (2) : - / - (ba-) : plural from context (or informal/modern ba-), not with n-/m-)
shower, toilet (outside the house)
often just a cabin/small place with a bucket of water
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lángi, pl. balangi (class 9a/10a (2) : - / - (ba-) : plural from context (or informal/modern ba-), not with n-/m-)
color, paint, painting
synonymes : kulele
tags :
item 1 example (ndakisa mókó) ...
na ndako na bango batie langi ya pembe
In their house they've put white paint.
item Article : colors
langi moindo (dark colors)
bozinga, bulé
dark blue
langi ya sokola
chocolate brown
langi ya mpondu

langi motane (light colors)
bondobo, motane soo
langi ya malala
ngola, motane ngbaa
langi ya mapata
light blue

langi lisusu (other colors)

other words with the tag 'colors' : mpémbé, lángi, lilála, mbíla, mwindu, pembe, pondú, motáné, sokolá, moíndo, mbwé, bondobó, ngóla, longondo, bozinga, búlé, kulele, ndombe, muindu, mwíndo
libóko, pl. maboko (class 5/6 : li- / ma- (parts of body, fauna, flora,...))
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lininísa, pl. maninisa (class 5/6 : li- / ma- (parts of body, fauna, flora,...))
src : google images
src : google images
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item 1 example (ndakisa mókó) ...
Fungola ezibele ! Kanga lininisa !
Open the door! Close the window !
ndaku, pl. bandaku (class 1a/2 : - / ba-)Kinshasa version
ndáko, pl. bandako (class 1a/2 : - / ba-)
© La Vache Qui Rit
ndako ya ndele
ndako ya ndele
© junglespirit
ndako ya biso
ndako ya biso
© ndako ya biso
ndako ya bandeko Franciscains
ndako ya bandeko Franciscains
© missioni assisi
see also : ndákonzámbe
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item 48 examples (bandakisa ntúkú mínei na mwámbe) ...
nafandaki na ndaku poso mobimba
I stayed at home all week
Ndaku oyo ekomi kitoko.
That house has become beautiful.
batalana bandaku.
the houses are right across one another (the house are looking at each other)
nkolo ndaku.
landlord, owner of the house
nakeyi nango na ndaku.
I go home with that.
monoko ya ndaku
the entrance (mouth) of the house
Mbula enokelaka ndaku ya moninga omoni yango moke, kasi mokolo ekonokela yo ekomi matata. Proverb/expression (don't translate litteraly)
When the rain fell on the house of your friend, you found it insignificant, but the day it fell on you it became a problem.
kombo ya mboka to kombo ya ndaku ?
The name (family, tribe, village) or the forename (how they call you at home) ?
nazongi na ndaku.
I go back home
Yaya na Joze azongi na ndaku.
Joze's big sister came back home.
ndaku ya monene, ndaku ya moke, ndaku ya suka, ndaku ya liboso
a big house, a small house, the last house, the first house
mbula ememi biloko ya ndaku
The rain has carried away the things of the house
obungi. ozalaki wapi ? - Awa, na ndaku. Nalalaki pe natalaki télé.
You disappeared. Where were you ? Here, at home. I was sleeping and watching television.
ndaku oyo eleki ndaku kuna na kitoko
This house is more beautiful than the house over there.
ndaku ya nzoi
yo sapologue oza na abakosi versace, kasi miliki ezangi na ndaku
You, the "sapologist", you have a vest of Versace, but milk is missing at home
ndako ya bokono
ndako ya likwangola / ndako ya bampaka
elderly home
ndako ya Nzambe
house of God, temple
etape ya nzete ya mangolo ebukani mpe ekweyi likolo ya ndako
The branch of the mangotree broke off and fell on the house
boyokani eza na ndako oyo te
There is no understanding in this house
mokolo ndako aleki awa
The owner of the house passed here
tokoki kozala na kimia te na ndako oyo
We can't be in peace in this house
kokota na ndako sikoyo te. nazobongisa.
Don't enter the house now. I'm arranging.
kokanga ngai na ndako te. nazobanga.
Don't lock me in the house. I'm afraid.
kokoma na ndako te. leka mbala moko epayi ya tata na yo.
Don't arrive home. Pass at your dad's place for once.
kaka ngai nde nazosala misala nioso ya ndako
There's only me who does the all the chores of the house .
oyo eza ndako na bino, eza ya biso te
that is your house, not ours.
batu balinga nde kosuana na ndako oyo
The people really love to argue in this house.
nakoki koya kofanda na ndako na yo ?
Can I come live in your house ?
na ndako oyo mokonzi azali te. biso nioso tozali bana.
In this house there's no chief. We are all children.
papa nde azalaka mokonzi ya ndako
It's father who is the chief of the house.
boma moto okoya kotumba ndako pamba
Put out the fire. You risk to incinerate the house.
nakokengela ndaku malamu
I will guard the house well.
mopepe ezali na ndako oyo te
There's no air in this house.
na ndako na bango batie langi ya pembe
In their house they've put white paint.
Nawuti komona bambila mwambe liboso ya ndako.
I just saw 8 policemen in front of the house.
Bongisa ndako. Eza salite makasi.
Arrange the house. It is very dirty.
nzimbu eza te na ndako na ngai
There is no money in my house.
nalingi komona lisusu moto ya liboma oyo na ndako na ngai te.
I don't want to see that lunatik in my house again.
Bolimbisi papa, kobengana mama na ndako te.
Please papa, don't chase mama from the house.
akokota na kati ya ndako oyo te.
She's not going to enter this house.
oyo eza ndako na yo moko
that is your own house
Natambolaki longwa na motuka tii na ndako.
I walked (away) from the car towards the house.
Ndako na ye ezali musika mingi.
His home is very far.
ndako ya ndele
hut made with straw (paillotte)
tofandi na ndako moko.
We live in the same house.
bima na ndako na ngai !
leave my house !
palais, pl. bapalais (class 1a/2 : - / ba-)
house (slang)
tags :
item 2 examples (bandakisa míbalé) ...
soki okobima sikoyo te, er moko nakoleka na palais.
If you're not going out now, I will pass at the house in an hour.
yebisa ngai Wendy akoya kovisiter palais mokolo nini.
Let me know what day Wendy will come to visit the house.
súku, pl. basuku (class 9a/10a (2) : - / - (ba-) : plural from context (or informal/modern ba-), not with n-/m-)
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tólo, pl. matólo (pluriel irregulier)
roofing sheet, roofing tile

pl. matólo
roof, useless speech (whatever), begging, behelpfulness
see also : motóndo
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motóndo, pl. mitondo (class 3/4 : mo- (mu-) / mi- : objects)
see also : tólo
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fungula (spelling mistake)
fongola (spelling mistake)
src : google images
synonymes : efungwelo
derived from : kofúnga
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item 2 examples (bandakisa míbalé) ...
abungisi fongola na ngai
He lost my key.
fungola ekuke pona banzinzi babima
Open the door so the flies can get out.
synonymes : fungóla
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etumbelo, pl. bitumbelo (class 7/8 : e- / bi-)
place to roast
synonymes : fúlu
derived from : kotumba
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other words with the tag 'derived:places [e...elo]' : ebómbelo, etumbelo, esukolelo, ekímelo, esanelo, ebomelo, etulelo, elálelo, esumbelo
synonymes : etándáka
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synonymes : armwár
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synonymes : esosele
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synonymes : maluvé
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command post
power attribute
© Club Penguin
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sponge, washcloth
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sabúni, pl. basabuni (class 9a/10a (2) : - / - (ba-) : plural from context (or informal/modern ba-), not with n-/m-)
sabóni, pl. basaboni (class 9a/10a (2) : - / - (ba-) : plural from context (or informal/modern ba-), not with n-/m-)
src : google images
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nzongo, pl. banzongo (class 9/10 (2) : - / - (ba-) : plural invariable from context (or informal/modern ba-))
zongó, pl. bazongo (class 9a/10a (2) : - / - (ba-) : plural from context (or informal/modern ba-), not with n-/m-)wrong spelling
toilet, WC
synonymes : kabiné, wésé
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toilet, WC
synonymes : nzongo, kabiné, zongó
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Toilet, WC
synonymes : nzongo, zongó, wésé
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item 2 examples (bandakisa míbalé) ...
wapi kabine ?
Where's the toilet ?
nkasa ya kabine esili.
The toilet paper is finished.
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item 4 examples (bandakisa mínei) ...
kanga ekuke malamu
Close the door good
kokanga ekuke te. nazoya
Don't close the door. I'm coming.
kobosana kokanga ekuke te soki obimi
Don't forget to close the door if you go out.
fungola ekuke pona banzinzi babima
Open the door so the flies can get out.
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