translation / dictionary Lingala - English

congo rdc
Sentence :

nazobongisa, form of a verb
kobongo, regular construction (root : bong) (class 15 : ko- (verbs))
kobonga, regular construction (root : bong) (class 15 : ko- (verbs))modern version
to improve oneself, to get better, to agree

to arrange, to improve something, to repair, to restore, to correct
to cure

to prepare oneself, to position oneself

it's better
often translated as it must / it should / it ought to
derived words : mobongisi
tags :
item 27 examples (bandakisa ntúkú míbalé na nsambo) ...
tshombo na yo ebongi te ? okosomba ya sika ?
Your phone isn't repaired ? Will you buy a new one ?
Afrika ekobonga
Afrika will pull itself together
pona kokola malamu ebongi komela mayi mingi
To grow well, it is good to drink a lot of water
kokota na ndako sikoyo te. nazobongisa.
Don't enter the house now. I'm arranging.
babongisi banzela oyo. tokoki koleka na mutuka.
They arranged those roads. We can pass with the car.
munganga alobi ebongi omela mayi mingi.
The doctor said, it's good to drink a lot of water.
lolenge boni ebongi bayebisa yo pona otika komela kisi oyo
How should they let you know to stop taking that medicin ?
masolo ya kati ebongaka mutu ayeba te.
The secret conversations, nobody must know.
mwasi kitoko, ebongi abala.
A beautiful woman, she should get married.
loboko na yo kitoko penza. ebongi kaka osala manzaka.
Your hand is really beautiful. You should just do your nails.
ebongi opakola mafuta na loposo na yo.
You must put oil on your skin.
biloko oyo, mafuta ekoki te. ebongi obakisa.
This food, there's not enough oil in it. You should add some.
ebongi obongisa esika oyo. bapaya bazali koya.
You should tidy up this place. The people are coming.
ebongi okeba. na zamba oyo baniama bazalaka ebele.
You have to be careful. In that forest are a lot of animals.
nazoyoka lino pasi ebongi nakende epayi ya munganga
I feel tooth pain. I have to go to the doctor.
ebongi osokola motuka na yo libanda
You should wash your car outside.
ebongi kofuta baniongo oyo nioso
All those debts have to be paid.
ebongi omela bankisi na yo pona obika.
You should take your medicin to heal.
ebongi penza kokeba na batu wana.
One must really watch out for those people.
ebongi obima na mwana na yo po azua mopepe
You should step out with your child so he can take some aire.
ebongi totosa mobeko oyo pona tozala na kimia
We should respect that law to be in peace.
Bomoyi ezali pete te. Ebongi kobunda.
Life is not easy. You have to fight.
Mwana ebongi amela miliki pona akola malamu.
A child must drink milk to grow well.
ebongi ozala mosika na mwasi wana
You should stay far away from that woman.
Bongisa ndako. Eza salite makasi.
Arrange the house. It is very dirty.
Soki bato mibale bayokani te ebongi bakabwana.
If two persons don't get along, they should separate.
Ebongi okanga monoko na yo.
You should close your mouth.
other words with the tag 'verbs with [ko...o]' : komóno, kobongo, kopono, kolokoto, kosono, kotoko, kotóndo, kokóto, konétolo
kobonga, regular construction (root : bong) (class 15 : ko- (verbs))
to hesitate
to balance between ...
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