translation / dictionary Lingala - English

congo rdc
Sentence :

all words with the tag verbs with [ko...o]
komóno, regular construction (root : mon) (class 15 : ko- (verbs))
komóna, regular construction (root : mon) (class 15 : ko- (verbs))
to see, to notice
to meet
see also : kotála
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item 27 examples (bandakisa ntúkú míbalé na nsambo) ...
nakolinga kaka komona yo
I desire just (only) to see you
Kosa liwa, bongo omona batu bakolela yo.
Fake death and so you will see who will cry over you.
Mbula enokelaka ndaku ya moninga omoni yango moke, kasi mokolo ekonokela yo ekomi matata. Proverb/expression (don't translate litteraly)
When the rain fell on the house of your friend, you found it insignificant, but the day it fell on you it became a problem.
Tambola na mokili, bongo omona makambo. Proverb/expression (don't translate litteraly)
Go around the world and so you'll see the problems
ezali esengo na ngai po na komona moko na moko na bino na liyangani oyo na sima ya nzanga.
It a pleasure for me to see everyone of you in this afternoon cult.
Namonaki ye. Alataki elamba te.
I saw her. She didn't wear any clothes.
Namonaki ndunda yango mbala ya liboso.
I saw that vegetable for the first time.
Nakoki komona eloko te mpo na molili.
I could see nothing because of the darkness.
Mokolo moko, nguma akendeki bokila na zamba. Amonaki nyama moko ya monene na amelaki ye mobimba.
One day the python went hunting in the forest. He had seen a large beast and had swallowed it entirely.
Soki miso na yo ezali malamu, okomona polele penza
If your eyes are good, you will see really clearly.
nakoki komona yango ?
Can I see that ?
Soki omonaka nzoto ya yo kilo, tala ya baninga se bongo Proverb/expression (don't translate litteraly)
If you observe your body with respect, see your neighbour's one just so
lala malamu. - yo pe, motema na ngai, noki tomonana. nalela yo makasi.
Sleep tight. - You too, my love, that we may see eachother soon. I thoroughly love you. (in lingala : "I have loved you thoroughly" - past)
bomoni momie wana ? azokosa biso. nakotchoukouté !
You (pl.) see that chick there ? She's lying to us. I will tchoukoutate her !
Na motema nayebaki ete ezali mabe, kasi namonaki ndenge mosusu ya kosala te.
In the heart I knew it was bad, but I saw no other way of acting.
namoni texto na yo kala te
I saw your text message not long ago
Namoni ozangi eloko ya kosala. Luka ata mosala ko ! kaka koyungana boye...
I see that you lack something to do. Look even for a job, come on ! just wandering like that...
yo okozwa mbata okomona !
You, you will receive a slap, you will see !
tokomonana mokolo mosusu
We will see each other again one of these days.
naza na posa ya komona yo lelo
I long to see you today
nazokende epayi ya munganga atala liso na ngai. nazomona malamu te.
I'm going to the doctor so that he looks at my eye. I don't see well.
otie biloko na ngai wapi. nazomona yango te.
Where did you put your things ? I don't see them.
soki loboko eyebaka pasi oyo lutu emonaka na tango ya kobalusa biloko
If the hand knew how the spoon suffers when stirring the food...
Nawuti komona bambila mwambe liboso ya ndako.
I just saw 8 policemen in front of the house.
Namona baleki na ngai kala.
It has been a long time I didn't see my brothers.
nalingi komona lisusu moto ya liboma oyo na ndako na ngai te.
I don't want to see that lunatik in my house again.
namonaka ye neti kaka ndeko na ngai
I see her only like my sister
other words with the tag 'verbs with [ko...o]' : komóno, kobongo, kopono, kolokoto, kosono, kotoko, kotóndo, kokóto, konétolo
kobongo, regular construction (root : bong) (class 15 : ko- (verbs))
kobonga, regular construction (root : bong) (class 15 : ko- (verbs))modern version
to improve oneself, to get better, to agree

to arrange, to improve something, to repair, to restore, to correct
to cure

to prepare oneself, to position oneself

it's better
often translated as it must / it should / it ought to
derived words : mobongisi
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item 27 examples (bandakisa ntúkú míbalé na nsambo) ...
tshombo na yo ebongi te ? okosomba ya sika ?
Your phone isn't repaired ? Will you buy a new one ?
Afrika ekobonga
Afrika will pull itself together
pona kokola malamu ebongi komela mayi mingi
To grow well, it is good to drink a lot of water
kokota na ndako sikoyo te. nazobongisa.
Don't enter the house now. I'm arranging.
babongisi banzela oyo. tokoki koleka na mutuka.
They arranged those roads. We can pass with the car.
munganga alobi ebongi omela mayi mingi.
The doctor said, it's good to drink a lot of water.
lolenge boni ebongi bayebisa yo pona otika komela kisi oyo
How should they let you know to stop taking that medicin ?
masolo ya kati ebongaka mutu ayeba te.
The secret conversations, nobody must know.
mwasi kitoko, ebongi abala.
A beautiful woman, she should get married.
loboko na yo kitoko penza. ebongi kaka osala manzaka.
Your hand is really beautiful. You should just do your nails.
ebongi opakola mafuta na loposo na yo.
You must put oil on your skin.
biloko oyo, mafuta ekoki te. ebongi obakisa.
This food, there's not enough oil in it. You should add some.
ebongi obongisa esika oyo. bapaya bazali koya.
You should tidy up this place. The people are coming.
ebongi okeba. na zamba oyo baniama bazalaka ebele.
You have to be careful. In that forest are a lot of animals.
nazoyoka lino pasi ebongi nakende epayi ya munganga
I feel tooth pain. I have to go to the doctor.
ebongi osokola motuka na yo libanda
You should wash your car outside.
ebongi kofuta baniongo oyo nioso
All those debts have to be paid.
ebongi omela bankisi na yo pona obika.
You should take your medicin to heal.
ebongi penza kokeba na batu wana.
One must really watch out for those people.
ebongi obima na mwana na yo po azua mopepe
You should step out with your child so he can take some aire.
ebongi totosa mobeko oyo pona tozala na kimia
We should respect that law to be in peace.
Bomoyi ezali pete te. Ebongi kobunda.
Life is not easy. You have to fight.
Mwana ebongi amela miliki pona akola malamu.
A child must drink milk to grow well.
ebongi ozala mosika na mwasi wana
You should stay far away from that woman.
Bongisa ndako. Eza salite makasi.
Arrange the house. It is very dirty.
Soki bato mibale bayokani te ebongi bakabwana.
If two persons don't get along, they should separate.
Ebongi okanga monoko na yo.
You should close your mouth.
kopona, regular construction (root : pon) (class 15 : ko- (verbs))modern version
kopono, regular construction (root : pon) (class 15 : ko- (verbs))
to choose, to elect, to vote, to pick
pona bomengo ya mikili
pona bomengo ya mikili
© théâtre : groupe Stargate
tags :
item 3 examples (bandakisa mísáto) ...
nzambe apesa biso bonsomi ya kopona
May God give us the freedom of choice
naponi kombo moko ya kitoko
I've chosen "one of these" beautiful names.
Naponi yo pamba te nayebi yo.
I choose you because I know you.
kolokota, regular construction (root : lokot) (class 15 : ko- (verbs))
kolokoto, regular construction (root : lokot) (class 15 : ko- (verbs))archaic, antiquated
to pick up
to collect
derived words : elokota
tags :
item 3 examples (bandakisa mísáto) ...
alokotaka na nse atomboli likolo
He picks up from the ground, he lifts up.
lokota bisaka na yo
Gather your stuff !
nayebi te esika nini moninga na ngai akendaki kolokota ye wana.
I don't know where my friend went to pick that one up.
kosona, regular construction (root : son) (class 15 : ko- (verbs))
kosono, regular construction (root : son) (class 15 : ko- (verbs))
to sew
src : SEEDSvision
src : youtube - SEW UP
derived words : mosoni
tags :
kotoka, regular construction (root : tok) (class 15 : ko- (verbs))
kotoko, regular construction (root : tok) (class 15 : ko- (verbs))
to sweat, to draw, to pour

to (make) boil
bacables ezotokatoka na sima ya mvula
bacables ezotokatoka na sima ya mvula
src : Lingala Facile
derived words : motoki, matoki
tags :
item 5 examples (bandakisa mítáno) ...
okei na pompi, ofungoli robine, otoki mai na kopo
You go to the pump, you open the tap, you let the water pour into the cup
nazotoka motoki
I'm sweating
bacables ya courant ezotokatoka awa na sima ya mvula
the electricity cables cook here after a rain
basumbaka te esika batokaka mayi
they don't poop where they draw water
liki batokisa
boiled egg
kotóndo, regular construction (root : tond) (class 15 : ko- (verbs))
derived words : botondi, litóndi
tags :
item 1 example (ndakisa mókó) ...
natondi yo botondi
I thank you
other words with the tag 'thanks' : botondi, litóndi, litondo, kotóndo, losaka
kokóta, regular construction (root : kot) (class 15 : ko- (verbs))modern version
kokóto, regular construction (root : kot) (class 15 : ko- (verbs))
to enter
to penetrate

to intervene for someone
to defend someone
moyibi akokota na lininisa
moyibi akokota na lininisa
src : google images
nani akoti na ezibeli ya niaou ?
nani akoti na ezibeli ya niaou ?
src : google images
kota na kati
kota na kati
src : google images
tags :
item 14 examples (bandakisa zómi na mínei) ...
akoti na kati
he went inside
Kokota zamba yo moko te.
Don't go into the forest alone.
Nayebi ete akotelema moto ya suka na bomoyi na ngai. Akotelema akokota likambo na ngai. Yaweh telema, kota makambo na ngai. Akotelema akokata ma condamnation. © Cèdre Katambayi
I know he's gonna stand up as the last one in my life. He will enter into my business. God, stand up, enter into my business. He will stand up and interrupt my condemnation.
kokota ofele
free entrance
kofuta nyongo. kokota nyongo.
To pay off the debt. To enter in debt (to make debt).
nazokotela yo
I'm defending you
nani akoti na ezibeli ya niaou ?
Who enters through the cat's door ?
leta aboyi mapapa ekota na kati ya centre ville
the state refuses that slippers enter the city center
kokota muasi cave
warning - sensible content
Benteke abeti bale, kasi ekoti te
Benteke kicked the ball, but it didn't go in
kokota na ndako sikoyo te. nazobongisa.
Don't enter the house now. I'm arranging.
kokota epayi na biso boye te
Don't enter at our place like that.
Ndenge nini osali pona kokota awa ?
How did you do it to enter here ?
akokota na kati ya ndako oyo te.
She's not going to enter this house.
konétola, regular construction (root : netol) (class 15 : ko- (verbs))modern version
konétolo, regular construction (root : netol) (class 15 : ko- (verbs))
to raise, to lift up

context : church
to magnify
tags :
item 1 example (ndakisa mókó) ...
Akumisama, asanjolama, anetolama, libela na libela.
May he be praised, may he be glorified, may he be magnified, for eternity.
other words with the tag 'church' : abé, altáre, anjelu, apóstolo, avénti, mondimi, batísimu, bibele, bosántu, bosáto, ékelézya, eklézia, elikia, elikya, elónga, etónga, eyamba, kindoki, kristo, likámwisi, lingómbá, lokúmú, losámbo, molimo, mopakano, mosántu, ndoki, ngolu, nguya, nzámbe, óstia, pápa, proféta, sángó, sutáni, zábolo, kosandjola, kopambola, kobonda, lisúmu, eklézya, kobenisa, mosumuki, moseniele, kosamba, mopagano, mokristo, mobíkisi, misioni, mísa, masiya, libóndeli, batísimo, lisúmá, liyangani, mamélo, yesu, molema, molimu, likámuisi, moniango, monzemba, mpúngú, lífelo, nkémbo, lóla, bondoki, pasitele, bondimi, mpate, mumpe, Yawé, yézu, moklísto, kembo, zábulu, mosánto, Yaweh, pasta, kosanjola, lipamboli, elikiya, konétola, likámwa, likámua, ekelézia, kristu, mpatá, mobáteli, monzimi, konétolo, etumbele, ndákonzámbe, tempélo, lisanjoli, Yahweh, mokangoli, likámoa, likamóisi
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