translation / dictionary Lingala - English

congo rdc
Sentence :

mbóka, pl. bamboka (class 9/10 (2) : - / - (ba-) : plural invariable from context (or informal/modern ba-))
village, country, village of origin, country of origin, bled
molangi ya mboka
molangi ya mboka
© pvh (Letitia Nkanza Kalawuma)
kokoba na botomboli mboka
kokoba na botomboli mboka
© pvh (Letitia Nkanza Kalawuma)
muana mboka
muana mboka
© pvh
see also : muana-mboka
item 17 examples (bandakisa zómi na nsambo) ...
banzete bato ebebisi mboka.
it are the trees that have damaged the village
nkolo mboka.
Indigenous, authentic native of the country
engumba mokonzi, mboka mokonzi.
capital (main village)
mundele mboka.
mayor (of the village) (the territorial agents under the governor, during colonial time)
bayi mboka
those of the country / locals
mwana mboka
kombo ya mboka to kombo ya ndaku ?
The name (family, tribe, village) or the forename (how they call you at home) ?
Na mboka swisi, kotambola na engunduka ezali kosalema mingi
In the country Switzerland, traveling by train is much (often) done
koyekola nkota moko ya mboka
to learn a language of the country
batongaka mboka na maloba te
One doesn't build a city with words
Kongo ezali mboka monene na afrika mobimba.
Congo is the largest country of entire africa.
nazokende na mboka ya mopaya pona kosilisa kelasi na ngai
I'm going to a foreign country (abroad) to finish my studies.
nkombo na yo ya mboka ezali nini ?
What is your family name ?
mokonzi ya mboka azali mutu monene.
The president of a country is a huge personality.
nazolinga kotinda biloko na mboka
I want to send things to the country.
Papa na ye atongisi lopitalo moko ya monene na mboka.
His father built a big hospital in the village.
toza kokende na mboka pona matanga.
We're going to the village for a mourning.
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