translation / dictionary Lingala - English

congo rdc
Sentence :

plural of "nzete", "nzeté"
nzete, pl. banzete (class 1a/2 : - / ba-)Kinshasa version
nzeté, pl. banzete (class 9/10 (2) : - / - (ba-) : plural invariable from context (or informal/modern ba-))Kinshasa version
tree, wood, baton, scepter, cane
nzete ya kokawuka
nzete ya kokawuka
© théâtre : groupe Sans Nom
src : google images
nzete ya mino
nzete ya mino
© pvh
nzete ya mino
nzete ya mino
© pvh
item 14 examples (bandakisa zómi na mínei) ...
nzete moto ekweyi na mopepe
the tree fell due to wind
banzete bato ebebisi mboka.
it are the trees that have damaged the village
nzete ya mbila epesaka nsamba, mafuta mbila na mpose.
The palmtree provides palmwine, palmoil and the mpose.
nzete ya mbuma, makasa na yango ekweyi
The fruit tree, it's leaves fell off.
makasa ya nzete ya manga ekwei
The leaves of the mangotree fell off.
mopepe ebuki nzete ya lipela
The wind broke the guava tree.
nzete ya safu
safou tree
nzete ya savoka
avocado tree
nzete ya bitabe
banana tree
etape ya nzete ya mangolo ebukani mpe ekweyi likolo ya ndako
The branch of the mangotree broke off and fell on the house
nzete ya mbila bazokata ezokola
The palm tree they cut is growing.
nzete moko nde ekweyi awa
There's a tree that fell here.
tofandi na se ya nzete. tozozua mopepe
We sit under the tree. We are relaxing.
nzete ya mino
stick to clean teeth (toothbrush)
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