translation / dictionary Lingala - English

congo rdc
Sentence :

bolimbisi, form of a verb
kolímba, regular construction (root : limb) (class 15 : ko- (verbs))
to reach
to pull

to translate, to explain, to develop

to forgive, to apologize
limbola !
limbola !
src : google images
derived words : bolimbisi
see also : kondimbola
item 5 examples (bandakisa mítáno) ...
Limbisa ngai.
Forgive me.
osalisi ngai badepense nzoka zemi ya elephant. Limbola !
You made me make expenses, even though the pregnancy was from the elephant. Explain !
Limbisa ngai, oyo ekosala mwa pasi.
excuse me, this will hurt a bit.
bozela nalimbolela bino yango malamu. © Bienvenu Sene Mongaba - Fwa-ku-Mputu
wait that I explain you well.
Limbisa ngai soki natungisi yo lisusu
Excuse-me if I bother you again.
mercy, forbearance, forgiveness, pardon

pardon is often used in the sense of please
derived from : kolímba
item 5 examples (bandakisa mítáno) ...
sala yango pona ngai, bolimbisi.
Do it for me, please.
nakeyi. koluka ngai te, bolimbisi.
I left. Don't look for me, please.
Nganga-Nzambe ateyi biso bolimbisi lelo.
The pastor preached us pardon today.
Bolimbisi papa, kobengana mama na ndako te.
Please papa, don't chase mama from the house.
Bolimbisi pona lobi. Tshombo esilaki moto
Sorry for yesterday. My phone ran out of charge.
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