translation / dictionary Lingala - English

congo rdc
Sentence :

abacost (vest)
at the time of President Mobutu, as a protest against the western (european) suits (costumes).
derived from the french "à bas le costume"
Mobutu - abakosi
Mobutu - abakosi
src : google images
Mobutu - abakosi
Mobutu - abakosi
© wikipedia
tags :
item 1 example (ndakisa mókó) ...
yo sapologue oza na abakosi versace, kasi miliki ezangi na ndaku
You, the "sapologist", you have a vest of Versace, but milk is missing at home
other words with the tag 'clothing' : abakósi, efungatúmbu, ekótó, sangatúmbu, ekoti, elamba, eláto, enkoti, etóbo, kupé, lipápa, lipúta, mudinda, nzámbálá, sapatu, lisangatúmbu, lópu, soséti, kitendi, lingwánda, dongi, etendi, kaleso, kazáka, libaya, modinda, mokaba, musualu, pantalo, somisi, semísi, pantalon, mbati, kanga-libumu, módénde, mukadi, kangalibumu, kangamabéle, modega
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