translation / dictionary Lingala - English

congo rdc
Sentence :

akobima, form of a verb
kobima, regular construction (root : bim) (class 15 : ko- (verbs))
to go out, to appear

to make go out, to push out, to send out
item 28 examples (bandakisa ntúkú míbalé na mwámbe) ...
tata mosusu abimi libanda.
another man came out.
obimisi ngai mai ya miso.
You made me cry. (You made me get eyewater (tears) out.)
olingi kobima na ngai ?
Do you want to go out with me ?
benda mpema, bimisa mpema. Benda mpema mulai.
breathe in, breathe out. Take a deep breath.
Nabimaki kozwa mopepe.
I went out to take some air.
Azali ? - Te. Abimi.
Is he there ? - No. He went out.
Tobimisaki disque mbula eleki.
We issued a record last year.
soki okobima sikoyo te, er moko nakoleka na palais.
If you're not going out now, I will pass at the house in an hour.
bima na ndako na ngai !
leave my house !
nalingi ye lisusu te. Nabimi na ye kaka boye.
I don't love her anymore. I went out with her just like that.
ozobima mingi mikolo oyo
You go out a lot these days
ngai mpe nalingi nabima na pokwa
Me too I want to go out tonight
naza na esengo makasi pamba te nakobima na baninga na ngai na pokwa ya lelo
I'm very glad because I will go out with my friends tonight.
kobima nanu te. naza nanu na posa na yo.
Don't leave yet. I still need you.
sala noki, ngai nazobima sikoyo.
Be quick, I'm going out now.
sokola basani noki pona tobima
Wash the dishes quickly so we can go out.
ebongi obima na mwana na yo po azua mopepe
You should step out with your child so he can take some aire.
kobosana kokanga ekuke te soki obimi
Don't forget to close the door if you go out.
fungola ekuke pona banzinzi babima
Open the door so the flies can get out.
nazolinga kobima kasi mvula ezobeta makasi.
I want to go out but it's raining hard.
bafoto yango ebimi kitoko te.
Those photos did not come out very beautiful.
Nayoki ke okomi kobima na ex na ngai. Mama, ozali semba bilokota.
I heard that you started dating my ex. Lady, you are a semba bilokota.
lelo moyi eza te. Tokobima ndenge nini ?
Today there's no sun. How are we going to go out.
nalobi moto akobima awa te.
I say that nobody will leave here.
bimisa mutuka na lopango.
Get the car out of the lot.
kobosana te, soki omeki kobimisa sekele oyo tokobeta yo !
Don't forget, if you try to out this secret, we'll beat you up !
Mobali nabala akeyi kosala ekobo. Abimi na ndeko nga.
The guy I married went to do adultery. He went out with my sister.
Akobima mbuma lisu lelo.
His eyes will pop out. (be surprised)
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