translation / dictionary Lingala - English

congo rdc
Sentence :

ekomela, form of a verb
komela, regular construction (root : mel) (class 15 : ko- (verbs))modern version
komele, regular construction (root : mel) (class 15 : ko- (verbs))
to drink, to swallow
to consume, to smoke,...
Channel azomela mayi
Channel azomela mayi
© pvh (Letitia Nkanza Kalawuma)
namelaka pe Kanny
namelaka pe Kanny
© pvh (Letitia Nkanza Kalawuma)
derived words : bimeli, momeli
tags :
item 29 examples (bandakisa ntúkú míbalé na libwá) ...
epekisami kotambusa motuka soki omeli masanga.
It's prohibited to operate a vehicle if you drunk (a drink).
omela mai
you drink water
naza na nzala. Nazoyoka nzala. Naza na posa ya komela. Naza na posa ya mayi.
I'm hungry. I feel hungry. I'm thirsty (desire to drink). I'm thirsty (desire for liquid).
Otikaki lipa na yo awa, namelaki sucré nango
You left your bread here, I drank a soda with it.
komela likaya.
To smoke (to take tobaco)
oza na miso lokola moto ameli lotoko.
You have the eyes like someone who drunk lotoko.
mai ya komela
water to drink
komela masanga ezali esengo ya mokili
To drink beer is a worldly pleasure
Natiki komela likaya banda lelo.
I abandon smoking from today on.
omelaka makaya boni na mokolo ?
How many cigarettes do you smoke a day ?
Mokolo moko, nguma akendeki bokila na zamba. Amonaki nyama moko ya monene na amelaki ye mobimba.
One day the python went hunting in the forest. He had seen a large beast and had swallowed it entirely.
komela mingi, kolangwa muke
To drink a lot, to get a bit drunk
muana moke amelaka likaya te
a small child doesn't smoke a sigaret
Nasala nini soki papa to mama amelaka bangi to alangwaka masanga
what to do when papa or mama smokes weed or is getting drunk with beer ?
ezali te po tomelaka na nganda moko, nde tokomi baninga
It's not because we use to drink at the same café, that we became friends
komela masanga ya sukali mingi te. eza malamu te po na mino.
Don't drink much sweet drinks. It's not good for your teeth.
komela mayi na ngai te
Don't drink my water
munganga alobi ebongi omela mayi mingi.
The doctor said, it's good to drink a lot of water.
lolenge boni ebongi bayebisa yo pona otika komela kisi oyo
How should they let you know to stop taking that medicin ?
olingi komela masanga nini ?
What drink would you like to drink ?
komela likaya ezali malamu te
It's not good to smoke sigarets.
aza nanu mwana muke. azomela likaya na mbula na ye.
He's still a small kid. He smokes sigarets at his age.
ebongi omela bankisi na yo pona obika.
You should take your medicin to heal.
nalingaka komela nkisi te.
I don't like to take medicin.
kanga monoko na yo pamba te okoya komela nzinzi.
Close your mouth or else you risk swallowing a fly.
Mwana ebongi amela miliki pona akola malamu.
A child must drink milk to grow well.
yela ngai masanga mbila namela.
Bring me the palm juice, so that I may drink.
mama, mela bakisi na yo oyo munganga apesi.
Mum, take your medicine that the doctor prescribed you.
pona kokola malamu ebongi komela mayi mingi
To grow well, it is good to drink a lot of water
other words with the tag 'verbs with [ko...e]' : kokende, kobeleme, kofole, kokipe, komele, kosambwe, kosambue, kokesene, kobéle, koseke, kolénge, komesene, kotéleme, kotéke, komeme, kobéte, kolangwe
ekomela, form of a verb
kokòma, regular construction (root : kom) (class 15 : ko- (verbs))
to write

to write to [someone]
derived words : mokomi, ekomeli, nkomá, likomá
item 5 examples (bandakisa mítáno) ...
koma kombo na yo
write your name
nani mutu akomeli yo lingala ?
who is it that writes lingala to you ?
akomi kombo ya mwana na ye na buku ya lopango.
He wrote the name of his child in the plot book (property deed).
Ayebi ata kokoma kombo na ye te.
She can't even write her name.
Tanga makambo nyonso akomi
Read all that she has written.
kokóma, regular construction (root : kom) (class 15 : ko- (verbs))
to arrive
to happen, to become
to start to ...
tokomi wapi
tokomi wapi
src : google images
masasi ya leta ekomi ya kosakana
masasi ya leta ekomi ya kosakana
src : Kin Makambo
item 25 examples (bandakisa ntúkú míbalé na mítáno) ...
ekoki kokoma
it can happen
Ndaku oyo ekomi kitoko.
That house has become beautiful.
nazoya (nazali koya)... naza na nzela... nakomi
I'm coming over... I'm underway... I arrived
Mbula enokelaka ndaku ya moninga omoni yango moke, kasi mokolo ekonokela yo ekomi matata. Proverb/expression (don't translate litteraly)
When the rain fell on the house of your friend, you found it insignificant, but the day it fell on you it became a problem.
Oyo akotambola na moyibi, akokoma mpe moyibi. Proverb/expression (don't translate litteraly)
One that walks with a thief will also become a thief.
Biloko nyonso ekomi ntalo mingi.
All things became expensive.
Balabala ekomi lokola ebale
The road became like a river
Soki okokoma kuna, pesa bango mbote.
When you arrive there, greet them (give them greetings).
Akomi koteka nguba na zando.
She began selling peanuts on the market.
tozalaki awa epai na nga na Valentine na Rachel. Bakomaki lelo na nzanga.
We were here at my place with Valentine and Rachel. They had arrived today at noon.
Tia foin nakoma lokola yo
let's bet I'll be like you
ezali te po tomelaka na nganda moko, nde tokomi baninga
It's not because we use to drink at the same café, that we became friends
kokenda liboso ezali kokoma te Proverb/expression (don't translate litteraly)
To go first is not "to arrive"
kokoma na ndako te. leka mbala moko epayi ya tata na yo.
Don't arrive home. Pass at your dad's place for once.
asombi tukutuku mususu. akomi na yango mibale.
She bought another scooter. She has two of them now.
wuta ngai nakoma kosambela, nakoma na kimia na motema.
Since I started praying, I had peace of heart.
Nayoki ke okomi kobima na ex na ngai. Mama, ozali semba bilokota.
I heard that you started dating my ex. Lady, you are a semba bilokota.
Oyo wana azokoma kizengi penza.
That one becomes crazy, really.
mabele na ye ekomi minene
Her breasts became big.
Baiser na yo ya pamba ekomisa ngai kizengi.
Just your kiss drives me crazy.
nalingi ke eloko te ekomela mwana na ngai.
I don't want anything to happen to my child.
Mbula oyo tokosiba na masoko. Libolo ekomi mayi mayi.
warning - sensible content
mbanda mama akufa nakoma mowumbu ya mwasi ya papa.
Since mother died, I became the slave of dad's wife.
Mwana oyo libota naye basundola ye po akoma bulawayo.
That child, her family abandoned her because she became a prostitute.
banda okoma ya nga, nga nazokatswa.
Since you became mine, I'm dying (of joy)
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