translation / dictionary Lingala - English

congo rdc
Sentence :

nabosani, form of a verb
kobósana, regular construction (root : bosan) (class 15 : ko- (verbs))
to forget
to make mistakes
nabosana yo te
nabosana yo te
© théâtre : groupe La Colombe
Kobosana te
Kobosana te
© Lynnsha ft. Fally Ipupa
item 9 examples (bandakisa libwá) ...
kobosana te !
don't forget (plural) ! / forget not !
Kobosana ngai te !
Don't forget me !
nabungi nzela. nabosani nzela.
I lost my way. I forgot the way.
kobosana kotala biloko te soki ebeli.
Don't forget to look at the food, whether it's done.
kobosana kokanga ekuke te soki obimi
Don't forget to close the door if you go out.
kobosana ngai te tango okozala na mbongo
Don't forget me when you'll have money.
nayebaki ke soki okeyi na poto okobosana ngai.
I knew that if you'll go to Europe, you'll forget me.
kobosana te, soki omeki kobimisa sekele oyo tokobeta yo !
Don't forget, if you try to out this secret, we'll beat you up !
Nazoluka nabosana, kasi nazokoka te.
I'm trying to forget but I can't.
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