translation / dictionary Lingala - English

congo rdc
Sentence :

ezotungisa, form of a verb
kotunga, regular construction (root : tung) (class 15 : ko- (verbs))
to lose weight, to get thinner

to bother, to annoy, to harass
to sadden
to make [s.o.] get thin
to annoy [s.o.], to torment [s.o.], to harass [s.o.], to worry [s.o.]

to care about something, to be preoccupied about something
to worry about something
see kopangana
derived words : motungisi
item 8 examples (bandakisa mwámbe) ...
Nini etungisaki yo mokolo wana ?
What was bothering you that day ?
Limbisa ngai soki natungisi yo lisusu
Excuse-me if I bother you again.
Naza mwasi na ye te. Tika kotungisa ngai sikoyo.
I'm not his wife. Stop disturbing me now.
Oza kotungisa biso, tozali na lisanga ya libota.
You are disturbing us, we are at a family reunion.
Aza kotungisa ngai ti na pongi na ngai.
She's disturbing me up to in my sleep.
Tango naza kosala mosala nalingaka moto atungisa ngai te.
When I'm working, I don't like someone disturbing me.
Nalingaki kotungisa yo te.
I didn't want to disturb you.
Eloko moko ezotungisa yo.
Something is bothering you.
kotĂșnga, regular construction (root : tung) (class 15 : ko- (verbs))
to swim
synonymes : koniania, konyanya
konyanya, regular construction (root : nyany) (class 15 : ko- (verbs))makanza - rare
koniania, regular construction (root : niani) (class 15 : ko- (verbs))makanza - rare
to swim

more often used : kokata mayi
synonymes : kotĂșnga
tags :
other words with the tag 'sports' : konyanya, kodinda, koniania, mokumisi
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