translation / dictionary Lingala - English

congo rdc
Sentence :

obebisi, form of a verb
kobéba, regular construction (root : beb) (class 15 : ko- (verbs))
to damage, to deteriorate, to spoil

to deface, to damage, to mess, to mess up, to break

to get into conflict, to not to get along anymore, to declare war
item 6 examples (bandakisa motóbá) ...
banzete bato ebebisi mboka.
it are the trees that have damaged the village
milinga ya shimbok ebebisaka ADN ya mwana
the sigarette smoke damages the child's DNA
obebisi bolingo na biso
You spoiled our love
nazosombela yo motuka ya sika. kobebisa yango te mbala oyo.
I buy you a new car. Don't ruin it this time.
tshombo na ngai ebebi lisusu
My phone is broken again.
oza nanu elenge. kosala yango te. okoya kobebisa bomoi na yo.
You are still young. Don't do that. You risk spoiling your life.
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