translation / dictionary Lingala - English

congo rdc
Sentence :

ebende, form of a verb
kobénda, regular construction (root : bend) (class 15 : ko- (verbs))
argued, attract, train, pull, pull, suck

to withdraw, to go away, to get out, to confront, to oppose
derived words : bobendani
item 8 examples (bandakisa mwámbe) ...
mwana na mwana, bendana !
that each child leaves !
benda bilili
rewind the film "mentally go back in time". "Think back, draw a conclusion and learn your lesson"
benda mpema, bimisa mpema. Benda mpema mulai.
breathe in, breathe out. Take a deep breath.
bazui singa po babenda mutuka
They took the rope to pull the car.
kobenda nzoto
to stretch, to stretch out
kobenda miso
attract attention
mbisi abendi ndobo.
a fish pulls the line.
nakobenda yo litoyi soki ozali koyoka te
I will pull your ear if you don't listen.
ebendé, pl. bibende (class 7/8 : e- / bi-)
libende, pl. mabende (class 5/6 : li- / ma- (parts of body, fauna, flora,...))
iron, metal
metal money piece, coin
piece/part (e.g. car parts)
metal object (e.g. crowbar, halter, braces,...)

context : chimie
Iron - Fe - 26
derived words : ebúni
tags :
other words with the tag 'chemistry' : ebendé, molinga, kúbelé, bekelu, kolumu, kemi, wólo, lotoko, idrojéní, eliyúmu, litu, potasu, sodu, libidu, kaesu, falansu, manezu, kalisu, sitotu, balu, ladu, sekandu, yetibu, lutetu, laleku, titani, zikonu, hafenu, lotefodu, vanadu, nobu, tantalu, dubenu, kolomo, modemu, tungu, seabolu, mangani, tekenetu, lenu, bohlu, neoni, alago, kliptoni, zenoni, lado, ununoktu, oksijeni, sufa, seleni, telulu, polonu, ununmotoba, folina, koloki, bomo, ide, atati, ununseptu, kaboni, siliki, jemani, etani, mbodi, ununkwadu, azoti, fosofo, aseni, antimoni, bisemu, unumpentu, mbéngi, séngi, luntenu, zénki, kademu, mekuli, ununbu, bolo, aluminyu, galu, indu, talu, ununtru, lotenu, osumu, hasu, kobalti, lodu, ilidu, meitenu, nikéli, paladu, paláta, dametadu, oksizeni, belilu, darmstadtu, yatu, aluminyumu, atinu, atómi, teknetu, telebumu, elopa, nedimu, netunu, hahenu, hahnu, kololi, diposu, nobelu, ebu, nzanza, tulu, kushatovu, mendele, tolu, ulanu, femu, eselemu, pometu, olimu, padimu, selu, samalu, potatu, amelu, gadoli, kalifo, putonu, karboni
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