translation / dictionary Lingala - English

congo rdc
Sentence :

all words with the tag grammar
boíké (class 14 : abstract nouns - no plural)
boyíké (class 14 : abstract nouns - no plural)

context : grammar
tags :
other words with the tag 'grammar' : boíké, ekangele, ekango, etsiselaka, kelási, likonzámí, molelisi, mobimbi, tango, nkómbó, boyíké, libakemi, moleli, ndaká, elíngami, likelelo, ebakiseli, nkóndó, ekáti, zambí, likitana
other words with the tag 'words with prefix-y-' : koyemba, koyiba, koyánga, koyika, boyíké
ekangele, pl. bikangele (class 7/8 : e- / bi-)
tool to hold/restrain
attachment, bond
chain, cuffs

context : grammar
see also : ezibele
derived from : kokanga
tags :
item 2 examples (bandakisa míbalé) ...
konyata ekangele
step on the break
mutuka ezangi ekangele ebomi batu
a car without brakes has killed people
other words with the tag 'derived:tools [e...ele]' : ebétele, ekangele, ekomele, etúlele, emekele, esalele, esanele, etumbele, etíele, etíyele
tags :
tags :
kelási, pl. bakelasi (class 1a/2 : - / ba-)
class, school
education, level

context : grammar
kelasi (école maternelle de la sucriàre de Kwilu-Ngongo)
kelasi (école maternelle de la sucriàre de Kwilu-Ngongo)
© pvh
see also : etéyelo, eyékwelo
tags :
item 13 examples (bandakisa zómi na mísáto) ...
Osuka to ozali na kelasi nini ? - Nasilisa kelasi ya ebandeli te.
What education level have you finished or are you in ? - I have not completed primary school.
Oyo ezali nsango ya kosunga yo pona koyeba ndenge nini kelasi ya monoko ya Lifalanse etambolaka.
This is an information to help you to know in which manner the lesson of the french language functions.
nazokende na mboka ya mopaya pona kosilisa kelasi na ngai
I'm going to a foreign country (abroad) to finish my studies.
muana oyo azuakate na kelasi.
That kid is a failure in class.
bopekisi ye akende kelasi
You prohibited him to go to school.
bafungoli kelasi ya baba na bala-bala na ngai
They opened a school for the deaf-mute in my street.
kelasi na ngai ezali motuya pona ngai
My studies are important to me.
mosolo mwa kelasi
school fees, tuition
Lobi kelasi ezali te.
Tomorrow there's no school.
Ingrid aza kidiba na kelasi.
Ingrid is distracted in school.
kelasi oyo ezali penza mindondo.
That school is really difficult.
Tinda texto na moto moko ya kelasi na biso
Send a text message to someone from our class.
monkanda moa kelasi / mokanda ya kelasi
certificate of education
item Article : in the classroom
education levels
natanga te I haven't studied (illiterate)
kelasi ya ebandeli primary school
kelasi ya nteyi middle / secondary school
kelasi ya likolo higher education (university,...)
naleka licence post-licence
other words with the tag 'school' : atené, etéyelo, eyékwelo, kelási, litéya, molakisi, moyekoli, motéyi, kayé
likonzámí, pl. makonzami (class 5/6 : li- / ma- (parts of body, fauna, flora,...))
synonymes : libakemi
tags :
molelisi, pl. milelisi (class 3/4 : mo- (mu-) / mi- : objects)
see also : moleli
derived from : kolela
tags :
tags :
tanguKinshasa version
ntángo, pl. bantango (class 9/10 (2) : - / - (ba-) : plural invariable from context (or informal/modern ba-))sonorous consonant
time, moment

context : grammar
time of verb
see also : ngonga
tags :
item 21 examples (bandakisa ntúkú míbalé na mókó) ...
Soki insekte neti nzinzi, ngungi to nzoyi esui yo, tina ya kobanga ezali te.
When an insect like a fly, a mosquito or a bee stings you, there's no reason to be afraid.
na poto tango ya malili ebengami hiver
In Europe the cold time is called 'hiver' (winter)
ntango mosusu / mikolo misusu
sometimes (another time / different days )
ntango mosusu boninga elekaka bondeko
Sometimes friendship surpasses the family bond
tango mosusu
tango ya bambula
rain season
bayebaka moninga malamu na tango ya pasi.
One knows a good friend in bad times.
awa nde nazalaki kofanda tango nazalali mwana muke
It's here that I lived when I was a little child
soki loboko eyebaka pasi oyo lutu emonaka na tango ya kobalusa biloko
If the hand knew how the spoon suffers when stirring the food...
kobosana ngai te tango okozala na mbongo
Don't forget me when you'll have money.
naza kosala makambo ebele tango moko.
I'm doing a lot of things at the same time.
nakokende kofanda epayi na ye tango nakozala na Amerika.
I will go live with her when I'll be in America.
Tango naza kosala mosala nalingaka moto atungisa ngai te.
When I'm working, I don't like someone disturbing me.
Obetaki mukinza tango olalaki
You farted when you were sleeping.
tango akitaka, akitaka na nkembo, abongolaka nioso, apesaka makasi, asekwisaka nioso. © Moïse Mbiye - Tango na Ye
When He descends, He descends in glory, He changes everything, He gives power, He resurrects everything.
mbote ! ntango molai ! sango nini ?
Hi ! Long time ! What news?
ntango wana, tolyaka kaka madesu na mayi
at that time (in those days), we only ate beans with water.
ntango nini ?
what time ? when ?
Bis oyo ekolongwa ntango nini ?
What time does that bus leave ?
bomoyi ebandaka ntango liki ya mama ekutani na momboto ya tata.
Life begins when the egg of the mother meets with the sperm of the father.
ntango bazalaki koyemba, bazalaki kosepela
When they sang, they enjoyed themselves
item Article : consonants
In Lingala, sometimes you hear "nsoso" and sometimes you hear "soso". You might get the impression that
it would be free to choose wether to use the first letter m or n when the word starts with two consonants,
but in reality there is a precise rule for it :

In lingala, the first letter m or n may be ommitted for words that start with mp, nt, ns or nk.
(The voiced consonants - FR: Les consonnes sonores)

nkama / kamacent
nkingo / kingocou
nkisi / kisimédicament
nkulutu / kulutuaîné
nkoba / kobatortue
mpinzoli / pinzolilarme
mpo / popour
mpamba / pambanul
mpuku / pukusouris
mpongi / pongisommeil
nse / sedessous
nsoso / sosopoulet
nsambo / sambosept
nsango / sangoinformation
nsinga / singafil
ntina / tinaimportance
ntolo / tolotorse
ntalo / talovaleur
ntango / tangotemps
ntaba / tabachèvre

In all other cases, the first letter is mandatory.
(The unvoiced consonants - FR: Les consonnes sourdes)

nzetearbre, baton

other words with the tag 'time' : leló, lóbí, mbúla, mobú, mokolo, moyi, ngonga, mpókwa, sanza, tango, mói, mpóso, póso, ndéle, nzángá, pókwa, manáka, mvula, pokua, mukolo, mbúla, er, kombo, sánzá, yulí, yuní
nkómbó, pl. bankombo (class 9/2 : - / ba-)sonorous consonant
kómbó, pl. bakombo (class 9/2 : - / ba-)
nkómbó, pl. bankombo (class 9/10 (2) : - / - (ba-) : plural invariable from context (or informal/modern ba-))sonorous consonant
name, designation

context : grammar
common name,
kombo na elonga
kombo na elonga
© pvh
tags :
item 18 examples (bandakisa zómi na mwámbe) ...
pesa ngai bakombo na bango
give me their names
Kombo na yo nani ? - Kombo na ngai Niclette.
What's your name? My name is Niclette.
ye alingaki kobala mwasi moko na kombo ya Racele.
He, he wanted to marry a certain Rachel.
mama na bino, kombo na ye nani ?
Your mama, what's her name ?
kombo ya mboka to kombo ya ndaku ?
The name (family, tribe, village) or the forename (how they call you at home) ?
koma kombo na yo
write your name
Tata na Ida, kombo na ye Théo.
Ida's father, his name is Theo.
kombo na yesu eleki kisi
The name of Jesus is better than medicine
kombo ya mokristo
The forename (christian name, modern forename as opposed to tribal forename).
oza na nkombo moko kitoko makasi
You have a very beautiful name.
nkombo na yo ya mboka ezali nini ?
What is your family name ?
okobika na kombo ya yesu !
You will be healed in the name of Jesus !
Lopango oyo ezali na kombo na ngai
This plot is on my name.
akomi kombo ya mwana na ye na buku ya lopango.
He wrote the name of his child in the plot book (property deed).
mobali na yo ya sika, kombo na ye nani ?
Your new husband, what's his name ?
Ayebi ata kokoma kombo na ye te.
She can't even write her name.
makango ya mama kombo na ye papa
mama's lover, his name is papa
naponi kombo moko ya kitoko
I've chosen "one of these" beautiful names.
libakemi, pl. mabakemi (class 5/6 : li- / ma- (parts of body, fauna, flora,...))
synonymes : likonzámí
tags :
moleli, pl. mileli (class 3/4 : mo- (mu-) / mi- : objects)

A - E - I - O - U
derived from : kolela
see also : molelisi
tags :
ndaká, pl. bandaka (class 9/10 (2) : - / - (ba-) : plural invariable from context (or informal/modern ba-))
agreement, promise

context : grammar
future tense
derived from : kolaka
tags :
item 1 example (ndakisa mókó) ...
moniango alaki ndaka ya bopeto.
the nun made a promise of purety.
elíngami, pl. bilingami (class 7/8 : e- / bi-)

context : grammar
préposition (at, of,...)
conjunction (because, so,...)
derived from : kolinga
tags :
likelelo, pl. makelelo (class 5/6 : li- / ma- (parts of body, fauna, flora,...))

context : grammar
tags :
ebakiseli, pl. bibakiseli (class 7/8 : e- / bi-)
way of adding

context : grammar
derived from : kobaka
tags :
other words with the tag 'derived:ways [e...eli]' : ebételi, ekomeli, elobeli, eláteli, ebakiseli, esaneli, etúleli, etúmbeli, ekóteli, ebéngeli, ebómbeli, ebómbameli
nkóndó, pl. bankondo (class 9/10 (2) : - / - (ba-) : plural invariable from context (or informal/modern ba-))
class, rank

context : grammar
number (singular - boko, plural - boyike)
nominal class
tags :
ekáti, pl. bikati (class 7/8 : e- / bi-)

context : grammar
derived from : kokáta
tags :

for, because
tags :
item 1 example (ndakisa mókó) ...
nakoki kobanga te zambi nazali somi na RDC.
I cannot be afraid because I'm legal in RDC.
likitana, pl. makitana (class 5/6 : li- / ma- (parts of body, fauna, flora,...))

context : grammar
tags :
item 3 examples (bandakisa mísáto) ...
likitana boméi
personal pronoun
likitana litalisi
demonstrative (pronoun)
likitana likoki
possessive pronoun
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