translation / dictionary Lingala - English

congo rdc
Sentence :

he, the, the, he, she
tags :
item 97 examples (bandakisa ntúkú libwá na nsambo) ...
Obangisi ye po na nini ?
Why did you scare him ?
Tata azali na libanda. Benga ye.
Dad is outside. Call him.
mama nioso ( mama na mama ) amema mwana na ye.
that every mom (mom after mom) carries her child.
ye alingaki kobala mwasi moko na kombo ya Racele.
He, he wanted to marry a certain Rachel.
Pierre alobi na ye : Te, okosokola ngai makolo ata mbala moko te !© bible, jean 13:8
Peter said to Him : You shall never (not even one time) wash my feet !
abandeli motuna na ye
He repeats his question
mama na bino, kombo na ye nani ?
Your mama, what's her name ?
natindelaki ye sms elakisi nzela
I sent him a "text message" that explains the directions.
Namonaki ye. Alataki elamba te.
I saw her. She didn't wear any clothes.
Ndako na ye ezali musika mingi.
His home is very far.
loposo na ye ezali mpetompeto lokola ngolo.
her skin is smooth as a catfish.
Nayoki nsolo malamu na nzoto na ye.
I smelt a nice odor on her body.
tala ye.
Look at her. (look at him)
nakobuka minu na ye
I will break his teeth
Tata na Ida, kombo na ye Théo.
Ida's father, his name is Theo.
Mokolo moko, nguma akendeki bokila na zamba. Amonaki nyama moko ya monene na amelaki ye mobimba.
One day the python went hunting in the forest. He had seen a large beast and had swallowed it entirely.
naleki yo na mwindu. yo oleki ye kuna na molayi
I'm more black then you. You are taller than him there.
pesa ye mbote / pesa bango mbote
greet him / greet them
osololi na ye mikolo oyo ?
did you speak with him these days ?
tata na ye akufaki liwa ya mbalakaka.
his father died an unforeseen death
bobele ye, mosusu te !
only him, not another one !
bomoni momie wana ? azokosa biso. nakotchoukouté !
You (pl.) see that chick there ? She's lying to us. I will tchoukoutate her !
Mobali na ye alingaka kolembola libolo.
warning - sensible content
tala ye kuna minu mpembe koleka nzambala ya pape. nsuki elingamalingama © Koffi Olomide
look at her there, the teeth whiter than the dress of the pope. The hair disorderly (messy) curled.
akei ye moko mpenza
He left really all alone.
nakamati tshombo na ye
I took his cellphone.
Djo ayebaki ete kosopa zemi ezali lisumu monene, kasi makango na ye azwaki zemi, mpe Djo azalaki na likoki te ya kobala mpe kobokola mwana.
Djo knew that having an abortion is a great sin, but his fiancée got pregnant and Djo did not have the means to get married and raise a child.
nalingi ye lisusu te. Nabimi na ye kaka boye.
I don't love her anymore. I went out with her just like that.
alingi koyoka te. etali ye.
He doesn't want to listen. That's his problem.
Tala papa na ye, alangwi masanga, atamboli abilika
Look at his father, he got drunk from the beer, he doesn't walk straight (zigzag)
Asimbi mokili na maboko na ye
He holds the world in his hands
wapi Augustin ? - Ye ? Aza na kwilu !
Where's Augustin ? - He ? He's in Kwilu !
makango ya mama kombo na ye papa
mama's lover, his name is papa
Bakuluna basundoli ye na balabala
The bandits abandonned her in the street.
bafingi ye ndumba
They called her a whore
kosala ye bongo te pamba te akosilika
don't do that to her or else she will get angry
kopesa ye mbongo mingi te, aza nanu mwana muke
Don't give him much money, it's still a little child
kotala ye te pamba te akosilika lisusu
Don't look at her, or else she's going to get angry again
koyoka ye te. yoka ngai mama na yo.
Don't listen to him. Listen to your mum for me.
koya na moninga na yo wana te. nalingaka ye te.
Don't come with that friend of yours. I don't like him.
mwasi kitoko, bayebaka ye na bizaleli
One recognises a beautiful girl by her behaviour.
mwana na ngai, nabatelaka ye lokola liki.
My child, I protect him like an egg.
aza nanu mwana muke. azomela likaya na mbula na ye.
He's still a small kid. He smokes sigarets at his age.
balobi na ye akende.
They told him to leave.
mobali na ye aza bilingalinga
Her man is a flirter.
bopekisi ye akende kelasi
You prohibited him to go to school.
ye alingaka mingi kolia mikate
He loves to eat fritters very much.
maman na ye, bakokunda ye lobi
His mother, they'll bury her tomorrow.
koswa ye neti mama na yo te
Don't take her for your mother.
olingi kolembola ye makolo to nini
You want to lick her feet or what ?
baninga na ye babwaki ye na libulu moko
His friends threw him in a pit.
mutu na ye ekokani na oyo ya tata na ye
His head ressembles the one of his father.
bazali kosala ye epasoli ya mbanga.
They will do him a jaw operation.
nalingaka kokende epai na ye te.
I don't like to go to her place.
makolo na ye ekokani na libata.
His feet are like a duck.
Kende koyamba ye. Azozela yo.
Go welcome her. She's waiting for you.
bakobotola ye bana na ye
They will take her kids away from her.
Naza mwasi na ye te. Tika kotungisa ngai sikoyo.
I'm not his wife. Stop disturbing me now.
Naza kopangusa bampinzoli na miso na ye.
I'm wiping the tears from her eyes.
Papa na ye atongisi lopitalo moko ya monene na mboka.
His father built a big hospital in the village.
aza kaka mwana muke. Kopesa ye bazoka te.
He's only a small child. Don't give him chewing gum.
akomi kombo ya mwana na ye na buku ya lopango.
He wrote the name of his child in the plot book (property deed).
Okoki kobeta ye te. Azali mwana mwasi
You may not beat her. She's a girl.
soki ngai natuni ye akowangana
If I ask her, she will deny.
akeyi kotika mwasi na ye.
He went to drop off his wife.
yo ozali na kati ya motema na ye te.
You, you are not in his heart.
nakokata suki na ngai lokola ye
I will cut my hair like her
mabele na ye ekomi minene
Her breasts became big.
ye ayebaki ke ozalaki na mbongo te
She knew that you didn't have money.
mobali na yo ya sika, kombo na ye nani ?
Your new husband, what's his name ?
Mwana na yo ya liboso, osundola ye.
Your first child, you abandonned him.
Batubi ye tonga na misisa.
They stung him with a needle in the vain.
akosi ke noko na ye akufi.
She's lying that her uncle died.
nayebi te esika nini moninga na ngai akendaki kolokota ye wana.
I don't know where my friend went to pick that one up.
Kosenga ye te. Akoboya lisusu.
Don't ask her. She will refuse again.
ye asekaka ye moko lokola kizengi.
She laughs all alone like a fool.
moninga na ye wana ya mundele apesaka ngai kanda.
Her white friend there makes me angry.
sala nyonso olingi po nakuta ye awa te !
Do everything you want so that I don't find her here.
nazali na sekele te. ezali pamba te nalingi ye.
I don't have a secret. It's because I love her.
liboso ya libala nazalaki malamu na ye.
Before the wedding I was good with her.
alingaka kotala bilili na ye mingi.
She likes to look at her pictures a lot.
Abeti ngai pamba te abungisi mbongo na ye.
She hit me because she misplaced her money.
nakokende kofanda epayi na ye tango nakozala na Amerika.
I will go live with her when I'll be in America.
Esili te. Nakotika ye boye te.
It's not over. I will not leave her like that.
lelo, soki obeti ye, ngai nakoboma yo !
Today, if you beat her, me I will kill you !
yela ngai mayi nasopela ye.
Bring me water so that I sprinkle him.
bilamba na ye ezali na solo ya mapeka.
His clothes smell like armpits.
Nalobaki na yo ke osundola ye.
I told you to abandon him.
Aya, tosolola na ye esengeli .
Let her come, let's talk properly.
tala ndenge mobali na ye aza kokosa.
Look how her man is lying.
namonaka ye neti kaka ndeko na ngai
I see her only like my sister
Mwana oyo libota naye basundola ye po akoma bulawayo.
That child, her family abandoned her because she became a prostitute.
Mutu akweyi. Bino boseki ye.
Someone fell. You guys are making fun of him.
ngai na ye tozali makila moko
me and her, we are the same blood (the same family)
finela ye mbuma moko
squeeze him a fruit
Tala bamapalata na mutu na ye, eza pasi
Look at the infections on his head, it's sad.
ye nde moluki makambu
Him, he's really a problem seeker.
item Article : pronouns
1 me, I ngai
2 you yo
3 he, she, him (it) ye (yango)
1 we biso
2 you (pl) bino
3 they, them (those things) bango (yango)

1 I namoni I see
2 you olingi you love
3 he / she alingi he / she aime
1 we tolingi we love
2 you (plural) bolingi you love
3 they balingi they love
Objets (S & P)
3 it etali (yo) it looks at (you) / "it's your problem"
other words with the tag 'pronoun' : ba, bangó, bínó, bísó, bo, e, ngai, o, yangó, ye, yo, to, na, nango
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