translation / dictionary Lingala - English

congo rdc
Sentence :

basengi, form of a verb
kosenga, regular construction (root : seng) (class 15 : ko- (verbs))
to ask, to demand, to beg
to seek

to require
to must
mbano esengeli na bilombe
mbano esengeli na bilombe
© pvh
derived words : bosengi, bisenga, moséngi
see also : kotúna
item 7 examples (bandakisa nsambo) ...
nzoto ezosenga tosibana
The body is asking for us to make love.
asengi ngai nakitisa makolo na kiti.
He asks me to get the feet down from the chair.
esengeli ...
It must ...
tokosenga epayi ya Nzambe abatela biso ti na suka ya sanza.
We will ask God that he may protect us till the end of the month.
basengi mbongo ebele kuna na lopitalo.
The asked a lot of money there at the hospital.
Kosenga ye te. Akoboya lisusu.
Don't ask her. She will refuse again.
Aya, tosolola na ye esengeli .
Let her come, let's talk properly.
plural of "moséngi", "séngi"
moséngi, pl. basengi (class 1/2 : mo- (mu-) / ba- (persons))
(he who asks)
job applicant
derived from : kosenga
tags :
other words with the tag 'derived:actors [mo...i]' : mokomi, moluki, mobeti, mobomi, mokambi, mokonzi, molakisi, molámbi, mosáli, mosungi, moyembi, moyíbi, motéyi, motéki, mobótisi, mokúmbi, mongali, mongamba, mosámbeli, mosámbisi, mosoni, mowei, mosambi, moíbi, moyibi, moíbi, mokati, muyibi, muibi, muyibi, muibi, motongi, mobáteli, mutéki, moséngi, motúli, mokangoli
séngi, pl. basengi (class 9a/10a (2) : - / - (ba-) : plural from context (or informal/modern ba-), not with n-/m-)

context : chemistry
Silver - Ag - 47

tags :
other words with the tag 'chemistry' : ebendé, molinga, kúbelé, bekelu, kolumu, kemi, wólo, lotoko, idrojéní, eliyúmu, litu, potasu, sodu, libidu, kaesu, falansu, manezu, kalisu, sitotu, balu, ladu, sekandu, yetibu, lutetu, laleku, titani, zikonu, hafenu, lotefodu, vanadu, nobu, tantalu, dubenu, kolomo, modemu, tungu, seabolu, mangani, tekenetu, lenu, bohlu, neoni, alago, kliptoni, zenoni, lado, ununoktu, oksijeni, sufa, seleni, telulu, polonu, ununmotoba, folina, koloki, bomo, ide, atati, ununseptu, kaboni, siliki, jemani, etani, mbodi, ununkwadu, azoti, fosofo, aseni, antimoni, bisemu, unumpentu, mbéngi, séngi, luntenu, zénki, kademu, mekuli, ununbu, bolo, aluminyu, galu, indu, talu, ununtru, lotenu, osumu, hasu, kobalti, lodu, ilidu, meitenu, nikéli, paladu, paláta, dametadu, oksizeni, belilu, darmstadtu, yatu, aluminyumu, atinu, atómi, teknetu, telebumu, elopa, nedimu, netunu, hahenu, hahnu, kololi, diposu, nobelu, ebu, nzanza, tulu, kushatovu, mendele, tolu, ulanu, femu, eselemu, pometu, olimu, padimu, selu, samalu, potatu, amelu, gadoli, kalifo, putonu, karboni
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