translation / dictionary Lingala - English

congo rdc
Sentence :

all words with the tag derived:actors [mo...i]
mokomi, pl. bakomi (class 1/2 : mo- (mu-) / ba- (persons))
derived from : kokòma
tags :
item Article : work
mosala / occupation
nasalaka te I don't work / unemployed
mosala ya maboko manuel labour / labourer
mosala ya leta / kalaka public servant / office work
moto ya mombongo business man/woman
mokambi na compagnie corporate management
other words with the tag 'derived:actors [mo...i]' : mokomi, moluki, mobeti, mobomi, mokambi, mokonzi, molakisi, molámbi, mosáli, mosungi, moyembi, moyíbi, motéyi, motéki, mobótisi, mokúmbi, mongali, mongamba, mosámbeli, mosámbisi, mosoni, mowei, mosambi, moíbi, moyibi, moíbi, mokati, muyibi, muibi, muyibi, muibi, motongi, mobáteli, mutéki, moséngi, motúli, mokangoli
other words with the tag 'occupations' : mokomi, mobeti, mobomi, mokambi, mokonzi, molakisi, molámbi, mosáli, moyembi, polísi, motéyi, motéki, mobótisi, kalaka, lífulumé, mokúmbi, mongali, mongamba, mosámbeli, mosámbisi, mosoni, sinzidi, sófélé, soméle, mokati, motongi, mutéki
moluki, pl. baluki (class 1/2 : mo- (mu-) / ba- (persons))
searcher, researcher
derived from : koluka
tags :
src : google images
derived from : kobéta
tags :
item 1 example (ndakisa mókó) ...
noko na ngai aza mobeti ndembo ya monene
My uncle is a big football player.
mobomi, pl. babomi (class 1/2 : mo- (mu-) / ba- (persons))
derived from : koboma
tags :
item 2 examples (bandakisa míbalé) ...
mobomi mbisi.
mobomi nyama.
hunter (animal killer)
mokambi, pl. bakambi (class 1/2 : mo- (mu-) / ba- (persons))
president, leader, director, CEO, managment

context : church
derived from : kokamba
tags :
mokonzi, pl. bakonzi (class 1/2 : mo- (mu-) / ba- (persons))
mokonzi, pl. mikonzi (class 3/4 : mo- (mu-) / mi- : objects)
chief, king, president, boss, authority, lord, master
mokonzi ya bacafé
mokonzi ya bacafé
© pvh (Letitia Nkanza Kalawuma)
mokonzi na bikamua
mokonzi na bikamua
src : Belothie Rhema
see also : mokubwa
synonymes : mopao
derived from : kokonza
tags :
item 9 examples (bandakisa libwá) ...
engumba mokonzi, mboka mokonzi.
capital (main village)
Nzambe mokonzi
God the father (the chief)
Nalingi kosiba na nzele na mokonzi.
warning - sensible content
Mokonzi, soki ozalaki awa, mbele ndeko na ngai akufaki . © Yoane 11:21
Lord, if you would have been here, then my brother would not have been dead.
kende kolembola masoko / sima / babottes ya mokonzi.
go lick the buttocks / the behind / the boots of the boss. (flatter)
Mobutu azalaki mokonzi ya Zaïre
Mobutu was the president of Zaïre
mokonzi ya mboka azali mutu monene.
The president of a country is a huge personality.
na ndako oyo mokonzi azali te. biso nioso tozali bana.
In this house there's no chief. We are all children.
papa nde azalaka mokonzi ya ndako
It's father who is the chief of the house.
molakisi, pl. balakisi (class 1/2 : mo- (mu-) / ba- (persons))
Professor, teacher, instructor, teacher
synonymes : motéyi, motángisi
derived from : kolaka
tags :
other words with the tag 'school' : atené, etéyelo, eyékwelo, kelási, litéya, molakisi, moyekoli, motéyi, kayé
molámbi, pl. balambi (class 1/2 : mo- (mu-) / ba- (persons))
src : google images
derived from : kolámba
tags :
mosáli, pl. basali (class 1/2 : mo- (mu-) / ba- (persons))
mosáleli, pl. basaleli (class 1/2 : mo- (mu-) / ba- (persons))
worker, worker, servant, employee
derived from : kosála
tags :
item 3 examples (bandakisa mísáto) ...
mosali mapa, moteki mapa
mosali ya leta
state worker (civil servant)
mosali ya Nzambe
guardian, support, mentor, protector
derived from : kosunga
tags :
moyembi, pl. bayembi (class 1/2 : mo- (mu-) / ba- (persons))
musician, poet
derived from : koyemba
tags :
item 1 example (ndakisa mókó) ...
bakangi pasta na mbetu na moyembi ya mokili
they caught the pastor in bed with a wordly singer
moyíbi, pl. bayibi (class 1/2 : mo- (mu-) / ba- (persons))
moíbi, pl. baibi (class 1/2 : mo- (mu-) / ba- (persons)) (None)
muyibi, pl. bayibi (class 1/2 : mo- (mu-) / ba- (persons))
muibi, pl. baibi (class 1/2 : mo- (mu-) / ba- (persons))
tozoluka muana musala
tozoluka muana musala
src : google images
derived from : koyiba, koíba
tags :
item 11 examples (bandakisa zómi na mókó) ...
Liwa moyibi, elaka te
Death is a thief, she doesn't notify
Oyo akotambola na moyibi, akokoma mpe moyibi. Proverb/expression (don't translate litteraly)
One that walks with a thief will also become a thief.
tozali koluka muana musala. Azala moyibi te, ndoki te, ndumba te.
We are looking for a domestic aid. May it not be a thief, not a sorcerer, not a whore.
moyibi ya cable ya courant, asambwe na Lemba.
An electricitycablethief has put himself to shame in Lemba
elongi kitoko kasi moyibi monene
pretty face but a big thief
kanga - moyibi ( kangamoyibi )
barb wire
moyibi akufi lokola mbwa likolo ya tshombo
a thief died like a dog because of a mobile phone
bakangi moyibi ayibi tshombo na ngaliema
they caught the thief that stole a cellphone at Ngaliema
moyibi moko ayibi ngai elamba na ngai.
There's a thief who stole my garment.
pona nini ozokende lokola moyibi boye
Why do you leave as a thieve like that ?
kapita na biso akangi muyibi
The chief of the workers has caught a thief.
synonymes : molakisi
derived from : koteya
tags :
motéki, pl. bateki (class 1/2 : mo- (mu-) / ba- (persons))
mutéki, pl. bateki (class 1/2 : mo- (mu-) / ba- (persons))Kinshasa version
derived from : koteka
tags :
item 1 example (ndakisa mókó) ...
mobótisi, pl. babotisi (class 1/2 : mo- (mu-) / ba- (persons))
derived from : kobota
tags :
mokúmbi, pl. bakumbi (class 1/2 : mo- (mu-) / ba- (persons))
pilot, driver
transporter, carrier
see also : sófélé
derived from : kokumba
tags :
item 1 example (ndakisa mókó) ...
mokumbi abandaki konimba pe abomi moto
The driver started to drowse and killed someone
mongali, pl. bangali (class 1/2 : mo- (mu-) / ba- (persons))
tags :
mongamba, pl. bangamba (class 1/2 : mo- (mu-) / ba- (persons))
servant, household help
see also muana musala
derived words : kingamba
tags :
mosámbeli, pl. basambeli (class 1/2 : mo- (mu-) / ba- (persons))
mosambeli (Claudine Masamba)
mosambeli (Claudine Masamba)
© Thierry Michel
derived from : kosamba
tags :
other words with the tag 'justice' : esámbi, zúzi, kosamba, esambiselo, mosámbeli, mosámbisi, lisambisi, mosambi
mosámbisi, pl. basambisi (class 1/2 : mo- (mu-) / ba- (persons))
derived from : kosamba
tags :
mosoni, pl. basoni (class 1/2 : mo- (mu-) / ba- (persons))
dressmaker, tailor
src : google images
see also : motongi
derived from : kosona
tags :
mowei, pl. bawei (class 1/2 : mo- (mu-) / ba- (persons))
mowa, pl. bawa (class 1/2 : mo- (mu-) / ba- (persons))
moweyi, pl. baweyi (class 1/2 : mo- (mu-) / ba- (persons))
the deceased
someone who died
see also : ebembe
derived from : kowâ
tags :
the one who stands trial
the accused
derived from : kosamba
tags :
moyibi, pl. miyibi (class 3/4 : mo- (mu-) / mi- : objects)
moíbi, pl. miibi (class 3/4 : mo- (mu-) / mi- : objects) (None)
muyibi, pl. miyibi (class 3/4 : mo- (mu-) / mi- : objects)
muibi, pl. miibi (class 3/4 : mo- (mu-) / mi- : objects)
derived from : koyiba, koíba
tags :
mokati, pl. bakati (class 1/2 : mo- (mu-) / ba- (persons))
mokati, pl. mikati (class 3/4 : mo- (mu-) / mi- : objects)
tags :
item 1 example (ndakisa mókó) ...
mokati nsuki
barber/hairdresser (haircutter)
motongi, pl. batongi (class 1/2 : mo- (mu-) / ba- (persons))
tailor, dressmaker
stylist / fashion designer
src : google images
derived from : kotònga
see also : mosoni
tags :
mobáteli, pl. babateli (class 1/2 : mo- (mu-) / ba- (persons))
the one who watches over ...

context : church
derived from : kobáta
tags :
item 1 example (ndakisa mókó) ...
anzelu mokengeli, anzelu mobateli
guardian angel
other words with the tag 'church' : abé, altáre, anjelu, apóstolo, avénti, mondimi, batísimu, bibele, bosántu, bosáto, ékelézya, eklézia, elikia, elikya, elónga, etónga, eyamba, kindoki, kristo, likámwisi, lingómbá, lokúmú, losámbo, molimo, mopakano, mosántu, ndoki, ngolu, nguya, nzámbe, óstia, pápa, proféta, sángó, sutáni, zábolo, kosandjola, kopambola, kobonda, lisúmu, eklézya, kobenisa, mosumuki, moseniele, kosamba, mopagano, mokristo, mobíkisi, misioni, mísa, masiya, libóndeli, batísimo, lisúmá, liyangani, mamélo, yesu, molema, molimu, likámuisi, moniango, monzemba, mpúngú, lífelo, nkémbo, lóla, bondoki, pasitele, bondimi, mpate, mumpe, Yawé, yézu, moklísto, kembo, zábulu, mosánto, Yaweh, pasta, kosanjola, lipamboli, elikiya, konétola, likámwa, likámua, ekelézia, kristu, mpatá, mobáteli, monzimi, konétolo, etumbele, ndákonzámbe, tempélo, lisanjoli, Yahweh, mokangoli, likámoa, likamóisi
moséngi, pl. basengi (class 1/2 : mo- (mu-) / ba- (persons))
(he who asks)
job applicant
derived from : kosenga
tags :
motúli, pl. batuli (class 1/2 : mo- (mu-) / ba- (persons))
smith, black-smith
derived from : kotúla
tags :
mokangoli, pl. bakangoli (class 1/2 : mo- (mu-) / ba- (persons))
the one who delivers
deliverer, liberator
see also : kokanga
tags :
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