translation / dictionary Lingala - English

congo rdc
Sentence :

oleki, form of a verb
koleka, regular construction (root : lek) (class 15 : ko- (verbs))
to pass, to pass by, to pass over, to exceed

also the method of preference to make a comparative/superlative in lingala. (see article)

to yield
to let pass

to exceed, to surpass, to go beyond
eloko eleki tika eza te
eloko eleki tika eza te
© pvh (Letitia Nkanza Kalawuma)
derived words : moleki, léki
item 28 examples (bandakisa ntúkú míbalé na mwámbe) ...
mobembo eleki malamu
the trip went (passed) well
Ntaba na bino elekaki awa.
Your goats passed here.
Poso eleki, poso ekoya
last week, next week (just)
eyenga eleki nayaki na liyangani ya mibale
last sunday I came to the second cult.
Tobimisaki disque mbula eleki.
We issued a record last year.
eloko moko te eleki nguya na Nzambe
Nothing surpasses the power of God (nothing is impossible to God)
ndenge ya komibatela : na capote. Nzela ya malamu koleka mpo na komibatela ezali kosalela capote
the way to protect oneself : with a condom. The best method to protect oneself is to use a condom.
Wany aleki basi nyoso na kitoko.
Wany is the most beautiful girl. (Wany passes all the girls in beauty)
naleki yo na mwindu. yo oleki ye kuna na molayi
I'm more black then you. You are taller than him there.
kombo na yesu eleki kisi
The name of Jesus is better than medicine
soki okobima sikoyo te, er moko nakoleka na palais.
If you're not going out now, I will pass at the house in an hour.
Oza elengi kofiba koleka mokuwa ya makoso. © Fally Ipupa
You're nicer to suck on than the bone of porc legs. (=delicacy)
mikolo eleki ebele
A lot of days have passed.
tala ye kuna minu mpembe koleka nzambala ya pape. nsuki elingamalingama © Koffi Olomide
look at her there, the teeth whiter than the dress of the pope. The hair disorderly (messy) curled.
ndaku oyo eleki ndaku kuna na kitoko
This house is more beautiful than the house over there.
ntango mosusu boninga elekaka bondeko
Sometimes friendship surpasses the family bond
bangotobobo bakima ntshik po nua eleki na bongo
The idiots have fled school because there's too much weed in the brain
mokolo ndako aleki awa
The owner of the house passed here
babongisi banzela oyo. tokoki koleka na mutuka.
They arranged those roads. We can pass with the car.
keba ! koleka awa te ! libulu moko ezali.
Watch out ! Don't pass here ! There's a hole.
koleka liboso na ngai te, ezopesa ngai kanda
Don't pass in front of me, it angers me
kokoma na ndako te. leka mbala moko epayi ya tata na yo.
Don't arrive home. Pass at your dad's place for once.
litoyi elekaka motu te Proverb/expression (don't translate litteraly)
The ear doesn't exceed the head.
eloko eleki tika eza te
there is nothing better than to leave it.
soki oyebaki likambo nini eleki...
If you knew what happened...
balabala eza nzela oyo mituka ekoki koleka.
A street is a way where vehicles can pass.
Primus eleki lotoko na elengi
Primus tastes better than lotoko.
nalekisaki ngonga moko.
Il et one hour pass.
item Article : comparing
In lingala, the preferred method to do comparisions is with the verb koleka
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