translation / dictionary Lingala - English

congo rdc
Sentence :

all words with the tag beauty
kosanola, regular construction (root : sanol) (class 15 : ko- (verbs))
to comb (hair)
derived words : kisanóla, lisanóla
tags :
other words with the tag 'beauty' : kosanola, kotia, kopakola, tshoko, mafúta, lokíkí, ambi
other words with the tag 'hairstyle' : kosanola, linsoki, matúká
kotia, irregular form ! (racine : tie) (class 15 : ko- (verbs))
kotya, irregular form ! (racine : tye) (class 15 : ko- (verbs))
kotiya, irregular form ! (racine : tiye) (class 15 : ko- (verbs))
to put
(also "to put on" e.g. for clothes)

tia foin
- expression that basically means " let's bet "
- phenomenon : some girls abuse vitamins and other products to make their behind bigger in order to seduce men, in spite of dangerous secondary effects to the health
- the products to make the behind grow, in particular vitamin C4, Calcium Ascorbate, Cyproheptadine Hcl
Tia foin - C4
Tia foin - C4
src : Youtube - AFP
Tia foin - C4
Tia foin - C4
© Junior Kannah (AFP)
derived words : etíele, etíyele
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item 12 examples (bandakisa zómi na míbalé) ...
kotia moto litoyi.
intepeller someone, approach someone, someone dredged (lit.: put your ear to someone)
makaku awelaki kupé, esika ya kotia mokila ezali te.
The monkey fought for the short (pants), a place to put the tail there is not.
Esika nkoyi azali, kotia ntaba te.
where there is a leopard, don't put a goat.
Tia foin nakoma lokola yo
let's bet I'll be like you
kotiya tembe
to doubt
kotiya zemi
to impregnate, to make pregnant
mobali na yo azali mobulu. aza kotia basi nioso litoyi
Your husband is not serious. He seduces all the girls.
atie ngai pili-pili na liso. ezosala pasi.
She put pepper in my eye. It hurts.
otie biloko na ngai wapi. nazomona yango te.
Where did you put your things ? I don't see them.
otie ngai na kokoso moko ya kosakana te
You gave me a problem not to laugh about.
na ndako na bango batie langi ya pembe
In their house they've put white paint.
Tuta pilipili, tya mungwa na matungulu.
mash the chilipepper, put salt and onions.
other words with the tag 'irregular' : kolia, kokende, kotia, koya, kolya, koliya, kotya, kotiya
kopakola, regular construction (root : pakol) (class 15 : ko- (verbs))
oil, grease, oil applied if not specified it is applied, the cream often involve consultation claircir (tshoko, complexion) cosmetics, coating, painting
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item 4 examples (bandakisa mínei) ...
mafuta ya nzoto, mafuta ya kopakola
oil for the body, oil to rub on the body
pakola lisusu mafuta
put on oil again
ebongi opakola mafuta na loposo na yo.
You must put oil on your skin.
okoya kotela makasi pamba, tika kopakola mafuta wana
You risk to get very clear for nothing, stop applying that cream.
tchokowrong spelling
skin whitening cream
tshoko (Caro Light)
tshoko (Caro Light)
src : Amazon UK
src : google images
t<b>c</b>hoko party
tchoko party
src : tchoko night club
tshoko (Rama Yade)
tshoko (Rama Yade)
src : google images
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mafúta (class 6 : ma-)
mafuta ya mbila
mafuta ya mbila
© pvh (Letitia Nkanza Kalawuma)
mafuta ya mbila
mafuta ya mbila
© pvh (Letitia Nkanza Kalawuma)
koni, makala, mafuta
koni, makala, mafuta
© pvh (Letitia Nkanza Kalawuma)
mafuta mbila
mafuta mbila
© pvh
src : google images
src : google images
tags :
item 13 examples (bandakisa zómi na mísáto) ...
ngombe ya mafuta, ngombe ya kokonda
the fat cow, the skinny cow
mafuta lwil
oil in general
mafuta miel, mafuta ya nzoi.
honey (of the bee)
mafuta ( ya ) mbila.
palm oil
nzete ya mbila epesaka nsamba, mafuta mbila na mpose.
The palmtree provides palmwine, palmoil and the mpose.
mafuta ya nzoto, mafuta ya kopakola
oil for the body, oil to rub on the body
Fumbwa elambami na mafuta ya nguba.
Fumbwa is prepared with peanut oil
bilanga nsambo, ngombe mafuta Proverb/expression (don't translate litteraly) © gen 41
after 7 years, the fat cows (after suffering, the payback)
pakola lisusu mafuta
put on oil again
ebongi opakola mafuta na loposo na yo.
You must put oil on your skin.
biloko oyo, mafuta ekoki te. ebongi obakisa.
This food, there's not enough oil in it. You should add some.
okoya kotela makasi pamba, tika kopakola mafuta wana
You risk to get very clear for nothing, stop applying that cream.
mafuta ya buzi
candle wax
other words with the tag 'liquids on [ma...]' : makilá, maí, mayi, masúba, matoki, mafúta
lokíkí, pl. nkiki (class 11/10n : lo- / n- : in front of t,k,g,s)
lokíkí, pl. makiki (class 11/6 : lo- / ma-)
ndenge nini ya kobongisa makiki
ndenge nini ya kobongisa makiki
src : Premiere Dame Look
makiki ya lokuta
makiki ya lokuta
src : google images
tags :
other words with the tag 'body' : bongó, bontólo, ebángá, lobebú, ebekú, ebelo, ebóbó, eboló, edádá, elongi, enama, esóngó, kíngó, libéle, liboló, libolongo, libumu, lifuni, likata, lokolo, lino, linzáka, lipeka, lisisa, liso, lisókó, litáma, litoyi, lokéto, lolemo, loposo, makilá, mandéfu, lisásámbá, lobebo, mbunzu, moyoyo, mofáti, mokongo, mongóngó, mopanzi, mosapi, motéma, mupende, monoko, mutolo, motó, tólo, nzóto, poso, pótá, nsima, losúki, zólo, litói, lomposo, lobôko, lisu, kunza, kovo, lolému, súki, engóngólo, monzômbâ, nkíngó, ntólo, mompúlúlú, likundú, motolú, mosopó, libale, mosómba, likáká, etindi, mopende, búnya, lolemu, mbángá, motshopo, zémi, etambe, libandi, likosi, linu, lopiko, libundi, lokíkí, manduta, muika, mopiko, nkunki, sóka, soyi, lolemo, lokéto, mpótá, lotó, monsisá, mutema, libondi, goró, lotókó, mpanzí, litolú, motoló, ndéfu, mimbebo, mokunza, mposo, lokíkí, nsóka, monpúlúlú, ebebú, liliká, mataku, mosai
ambi, pl. baambi (class 9a/10a (2) : - / - (ba-) : plural from context (or informal/modern ba-), not with n-/m-)
brand of soap and beauty products
of the Johnson & Johnson company

Initially conceived for smoothing discolored areas on dark skin,
this brand became popular for bleaching the whole skin.

src : google images
src : google images
src : google images
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