translation / dictionary Lingala - English

congo rdc
Sentence :

alia, form of a verb
kolia, irregular form ! (racine : le) (class 15 : ko- (verbs))
kolya, regular construction (root : ly) (class 15 : ko- (verbs))
koliya, regular construction (root : liy) (class 15 : ko- (verbs))
to eat
Toliaka fufu na fourchette te !!!
Toliaka fufu na fourchette te !!!
src : google images
liya bongo osepela
liya bongo osepela
© pvh (Letitia Nkanza Kalawuma)
derived words : bilei, bilĂȘ, bilia
tags :
item 44 examples (bandakisa ntúkú mínei na mínei) ...
kolia mbanga
to kiss (to eat the jaws)
nasombi biloko ya kolia na wenze.
I bought something to eat at the market.
moto ya liboma aliaka na fulu
the mad man eats from the trash
Pilipili ya elanga ya yo, moto mosusu akolia yango. Proverb/expression (don't translate litteraly)
The pepper of your field, someone else will eat it.
lia nga mbebo.
kiss me. (eat me the lips)
mbwa moto alie tomson na yo.
It's the dog who ate your tomson.
muana alie nzungu mobimba ya badi
The child ate the entire kettle of fufu
mbinzo ezali malamu mpo na koliya.
The caterpillar is good to eat.
nakei na kinkole koliya maboke ya mbisi ya mayi
I go to Kinkole to eat papillottes of fresh fish.
opesi ngai biloko ya kolia mingi
You gave me a lot of things to eat
kolia biloko ya tata na yo te. lia biloko mosusu
Don't eat your father's food. Eat something else.
kolia mingi te. tozokende lisano. okolia kuna
Don't each much. We are going to the party. You will eat there.
nani alie biloko na ngai oyo natikaki ?
Who ate my food that I had left ?
nalingaka kolia lipa na tongo te
I don't like to eat bread in the morning.
kolia biloko ya sukali mingi te eza malamu te pona mino
Don't eat too much sweet things. It's not good for your teeth.
nazolia nyama ya ngombe
I'm eating cow meat.
naliaka nyama ya ngulu te
I don't eat porc meat.
nazolia bisikiti ya kitoko
I'm eating a tasty cookie.
nazozela supu na ngai ebela po nalia
I'm waiting for my soup to be ready for me to eat.
ye alingaka mingi kolia mikate
He loves to eat fritters very much.
nazolia kimpiatu.
I'm eating caterpillars.
lia biloko wana nioso. kobuaka eloko te.
Eat all that food. Don't throw anything away.
pona nini olingaka kobuaka biloko ya kolia boye. eza malamu te.
Why do you love to throw away food like that ? It's not good.
pesa mbwa na ngai mikuwa wana. alia.
Give those bones to my dog. That he eats.
yela ngai mwa ndambo ya loso po nalia
Bring me a small portion of rice so that I eat.
nasombi mapa misato pona bana balia
I bought three loaves of bread for the the children to eat.
nalie biloko nyonso oyo etikalaki.
I ate all the food that was left.
Nazolamba loso pona tolia.
I'm preparing rice so that we eat.
Yaka totanda mesa bato balia
Come let's set the table so people can eat.
pona nini mikolo oyo oza kolia kaka madesu ?
Why all you do these days is eat beans ?
pona nini mibali baliaka likasu ?
Why do men eat cola nuts ?
soki napesi yo mbongo wana, ngai, nakolia ndenge nini ?
If I give you that money, me, how will I eat ?
Alie soso tii abuki mikuwa.
She ate the chicken up to breaking the bones.
banda mikolo mibale azolia te.
Since two days she's not eating.
bapesi ngai eloko ya kolia te.
They haven't given me anything to eat.
papa ya baluba balingaka koliya mingimingi bitoto.
Baluba men love eating bitoto very much.
Nalembi koliya bazoka oyo po epesi nga mbanga pasi
I'm tired of eating this chewing gum, cause it makes my jaw hurt.
na pokwa tokolia makayabo
In the evening we will eat salty fish.
lobi toliaki bongo ya makako
Yesterday we ate monkey brain.
nalingi kolya soso na loso
I want to eat chicken and rice.
ntango wana, tolyaka kaka madesu na mayi
at that time (in those days), we only ate beans with water.
na ntongo nalyaka mapa na maki
in the morning, I eat bread with eggs.
Kolya makemba ya mobesu te.
don't eat bananas that are not ripe.
Nakamwaki balyaka nyama ya nyoka.
I was surprised that they eat the flesh of a snake.
other words with the tag 'irregular' : kolia, kokende, kotia, koya, kolya, koliya, kotya, kotiya
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