translation / dictionary Lingala - English

congo rdc
Sentence :

lángi, pl. balangi (class 9a/10a (2) : - / - (ba-) : plural from context (or informal/modern ba-), not with n-/m-)
color, paint, painting
synonymes : kulele
tags :
item 1 example (ndakisa mókó) ...
na ndako na bango batie langi ya pembe
In their house they've put white paint.
item Article : colors
langi moindo (dark colors)
bozinga, bulé
dark blue
langi ya sokola
chocolate brown
langi ya mpondu

langi motane (light colors)
bondobo, motane soo
langi ya malala
ngola, motane ngbaa
langi ya mapata
light blue

langi lisusu (other colors)

other words with the tag 'colors' : mpémbé, lángi, lilála, mbíla, mwindu, pembe, pondú, motáné, sokolá, moíndo, mbwé, bondobó, ngóla, longondo, bozinga, búlé, kulele, ndombe, muindu, mwíndo
other words with the tag 'home' : mbalasáni, biló, ebáeli, ebutele, ebuteli, efelo, engangala, fúlu, kinkóso, lángi, libóko, lininísa, ndaku, palais, súku, tólo, motóndo, fungóla, efungwelo, ebutelo, kukù, etumbelo, armwár, maluvé, esosele, ngwende, kikóso, linyuka, sabúni, nzongo, zongó, kabiné, wésé, ekuke, mitondo, biró, sabóni
other words with the tag 'loan word: french' : aliméti, avió, balé, biló, biríki, bisikíti, butó, bwáto, buzí, dalapó, fóti, fotó, kwíti, lángi, piké, piné, sodá, sukali, maládi, tiké, avoká, soséti, búlé, kodamer, kotoker, dilekitele, fétí, kamaladi, kaminio, lapolo, lífelo, soméle, pantalo, somisi, moyen, melesi, semísi, mopao, courant, tur, biró, er, pantalon, sucré, botine, ke, avyó, îfó, kurá, maséle, kompaní, kaminyó, kamyó, veló, boáto, danzer, petite, jus
(see article to choose between na and ya)

of, for
qualified of, belonging to, related to

that is...
used to form an adjective
ndako ya biso
ndako ya biso
© ndako ya biso
item 462 examples (bandakisa nkámá mínei na ntúkú motóbá na míbalé) ...
olali pongi ya moyi
you've slept a daysleep (you have done your nap)
obimisi ngai mai ya miso.
You made me cry. (You made me get eyewater (tears) out.)
naza na nzala. Nazoyoka nzala. Naza na posa ya komela. Naza na posa ya mayi.
I'm hungry. I feel hungry. I'm thirsty (desire to drink). I'm thirsty (desire for liquid).
kisi ya mino.
mokanda ya leta / buku ya leta
the passport, ID
libóngo ya engunduka
the (train)station
ngulu ya zamba.
wild boar (pig from the forest)
nyama ya zamba.
Game (animals of the forest), wild animal
libenga ya mokanda.
mbwa ya zamba.
wolf (dog of the forest)
nzinzi ya pongi
nyama ya mwínda.
mafuta miel, mafuta ya nzoi.
honey (of the bee)
mafuta ( ya ) mbila.
palm oil
masanga ya sukali.
soft drink, juice
mosapi ya likolo / mosapi ya makolo.
the finger of the foot, the toe
ti ya pamba.
pure tea.
makaku awelaki kupé, esika ya kotia mokila ezali te.
The monkey fought for the short (pants), a place to put the tail there is not.
yenda ya nkinga.
bicycle handlebars.
sutani ya sango.
dress of a priest (cassock).
nasombi biloko ya kolia na wenze.
I bought something to eat at the market.
soso ezali talo makasi likolo ya dollar.
The chicken is very expensive because of the dollar.
saki ya pamba etelemaka te. © koffi olomide
An empty sack does not stand up.
mai ya miso
bikolo ya se
the Netherlands
ndoto ya mabe
nightmare (bad dream)
nzela ya mpepo
pulupulu ya makila
dysentery (diarrhea with blood)
libanda ya mpepo
mapapu ya soso
chicken wings
nzungu ya madesu ezali na moto
The cooking pot of the beans is on the fire.
mosapi ya loboko / mosapi ya maboko.
mwana ya etike
Nzambe ya nguya Proverb/expression (don't translate litteraly)
God Almighty
nzela masini, nzela ya engunduka
railroad, trainway (the rails for the train)
leki ya mwasi
little sister
leki ya mobali
little brother
semeki ya mobali
brother of my husband (wife)
semeki ya mwasi
sister of my husband (wife)
mwasi ya ngana, kolula te
Do not covet someone else's wife
monoko ya ndaku
the entrance (mouth) of the house
ezali ya solo !
it's true! it's the truth!
na bosengi ya bato mingi,...
at the request of many people, ...
minoko ya zolo
the entrances of the nose (nostrils)
fufu ya masango
flower from maïs, cornstarch
eloko ya tina
valuable object
libanga ya talo
kostbare steen, erts, (diamond,...)
maladi ya ndeke
epilepsie (let. "de vogelziekte", de stuiptrekkingen worden vergeleken met de doodstrijd van een kip. Het is ook de titel van een liedje van Werrason)
songo ya fufu
piece of cassava (to make fufu from)
sani ya mbele. sani ya mpaka.
porcelain dinner plate. plastic dinner plate.
biso toza koyoka malili na elanga na biso ya lokuta.
We, we are feeling cold with our false dry season.
moto ya liboma aliaka na fulu
the mad man eats from the trash
liboke ya malangwa
papillote (pouch) of pangasius (congolese delicacy)
eyenga eleki nayaki na liyangani ya mibale
last sunday I came to the second cult.
ye alingaki kobala mwasi moko na kombo ya Racele.
He, he wanted to marry a certain Rachel.
lokasa ya mbongo.
bill of money
eteni ya liboso
first chapter
nyama ya ngombe
beef (meat from a cow)
balongolaka pongi ya mbwa te. Balamusaka te mbwa oyo azali kolala.
"One" does not interrupt the sleep of a dog. "One" does not wake the dog that is sleeping.
ebembe ya soso, matanga te.
no mourning for the cadaver of a chicken
Mayele ya moto ebandaka na bomwana
The intelligenc of a man starts from his childhood.
Mbula enokelaka ndaku ya moninga omoni yango moke, kasi mokolo ekonokela yo ekomi matata. Proverb/expression (don't translate litteraly)
When the rain fell on the house of your friend, you found it insignificant, but the day it fell on you it became a problem.
Pilipili ya elanga ya yo, moto mosusu akolia yango. Proverb/expression (don't translate litteraly)
The pepper of your field, someone else will eat it.
nyama ya mabele, nyama ya mikuwa
a mammal, a vertebrate
sima ya nzángá
ezali esengo na ngai po na komona moko na moko na bino na liyangani oyo na sima ya nzanga.
It a pleasure for me to see everyone of you in this afternoon cult.
Osuka to ozali na kelasi nini ? - Nasilisa kelasi ya ebandeli te.
What education level have you finished or are you in ? - I have not completed primary school.
kati ya tata na mama na yo, nani asalaka ?
Between your father and your mother, who works ?
motuya boni ya badollar bafutaka yo ? - na se ya 500 ? kati ya 500 na 1000 ? 1000 tii likolo ?
how much in dollars do they pay you ? less than 500 ? between 500 and 1000 ? 1000 and more ?
manguele mpe kisi ezali te po na kobatela moto azua VIH to bokono ya SIDA te.
There's no vaccine nor a medicine to protect someone from acquiring HIV or the disease AIDS.
monganga ya mino.
kisi ya moselu
Soki nzoto to poso ya moto ekutani na ya moto mosusu, tina ya kobanga ezali te.
If the body or the skin of a person meets with that of another person, there's no reason to fear.
manga ya kotela
a ripe mango
nzete ya mbila epesaka nsamba, mafuta mbila na mpose.
The palmtree provides palmwine, palmoil and the mpose.
kombo ya mboka to kombo ya ndaku ?
The name (family, tribe, village) or the forename (how they call you at home) ?
mbisi ya mobesu
fresh (uncooked) fish
mbisi ya mayi
fresh fish (that comes straight from the water, not frozen/pickled/dried)
mbongo ya libala / biloko ya libala / likonza
The dowry (for the marriage)
mafuta ya nzoto, mafuta ya kopakola
oil for the body, oil to rub on the body
ebombelo ya banki
mai ya komela
water to drink
komela masanga ezali esengo ya mokili
To drink beer is a worldly pleasure
Tokendeki kozwa bitekuteku na kati ya zamba.
We went to pick bitekuteku inside the forest.
Fumbwa elambami na mafuta ya nguba.
Fumbwa is prepared with peanut oil
Ozali kitoko lokola moyi ya ntongo.
You are beautiful like the sun in the morning.
Wana ezali ya solo, kosakana te.
This is true, don't joke.
Lelo ezali mokolo ya suka. Lobi ezalaki mokolo ya liboso.
Today is the last day. Yesterday was the first day.
Oyebi lingala ? - Ee, nalobi ata lingala ya mangala
Do you know Lingala ? - Yes, I even speak strict lingala (the lingala of the mangala)
Eza ya solo ? - Te, eza lokuta !
Is it true ? - No, it's a lie !
Akufaki mpo na koningana ya mabele.
He died in an earthquake.
Batekaka maboke mpembeni ya ebale.
They sell papillotes (mabokes) near the river.
Kolya makemba ya mobesu te.
don't eat bananas that are not ripe.
ndako ya ndele
hut made with straw (paillotte)
Namonaki ndunda yango mbala ya liboso.
I saw that vegetable for the first time.
nkisi ya ngungi
product against mosquitoes
Nakamwaki balyaka nyama ya nyoka.
I was surprised that they eat the flesh of a snake.
Alati sapato ya kitoko.
She wears beautiful shoes.
tshombo wana ezali ya kala mingi.
That phone is from way back.
Soki oyo ezali ya solo, nakufa.
If that's true, I'll die.
na ntongo penza. eleko ya mokolo
(very) early in the morning. during the day.
mokolo ya bopemi. mokolo ya mosala.
day off (holiday). workday.
mokolo ya kobotama.
mpunda ya mingolu. mpunda ya mai.
Zebra. Hippopotamus.
osalisi ngai badepense nzoka zemi ya elephant. Limbola !
You made me make expenses, even though the pregnancy was from the elephant. Explain !
esongo ezali mwa eteni ya libolo eye etimbaka.
warning - sensible content
Libumu na yo ezali ya kokangama ?
Are you constipated ? (your intestins, are they blocked ?)
Ata soki natamboli na lobwaku ya molili ya liwa, nakobanga mabe moko te. © bible, banzembo 23:4
Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil.
nayekoli lokota ya falanse. nazoyekola lingala.
I learn the french language. I'm learning lingala.
nzete ya mbuma, makasa na yango ekweyi
The fruit tree, it's leaves fell off.
makasa ya nzete ya manga ekwei
The leaves of the mangotree fell off.
mopepe ebuki nzete ya lipela
The wind broke the guava tree.
lopango ya baCarla ezalaka na Lemba.
Het lot van de "Carlas" is in Lemba.
leki ya Jean azali maladi
Jean's little sister is sick.
monoko ya Didine
Didine's mouth
Mokolo moko, nguma akendeki bokila na zamba. Amonaki nyama moko ya monene na amelaki ye mobimba.
One day the python went hunting in the forest. He had seen a large beast and had swallowed it entirely.
elengi na mbeto: Muasi ya monene na muasi ya moke, nani azali sukali ? © kitokolile
pleasure in bed: a big girl and a slim girl, who is sweet ?
nzela ya mokuse
The short way
ndaku ya monene, ndaku ya moke, ndaku ya suka, ndaku ya liboso
a big house, a small house, the last house, the first house
Nayebi ete akotelema moto ya suka na bomoyi na ngai. Akotelema akokota likambo na ngai. Yaweh telema, kota makambo na ngai. Akotelema akokata ma condamnation. © Cèdre Katambayi
I know he's gonna stand up as the last one in my life. He will enter into my business. God, stand up, enter into my business. He will stand up and interrupt my condemnation.
ndenge ya komibatela : na capote. Nzela ya malamu koleka mpo na komibatela ezali kosalela capote
the way to protect oneself : with a condom. The best method to protect oneself is to use a condom.
elamba ya mesa
tshombo na yo ebongi te ? okosomba ya sika ?
Your phone isn't repaired ? Will you buy a new one ?
nyei ya ntaba
goat's droppings (a sort of african haircut, for short hair, they attach it together in little peaks so it grows faster)
mwasi ya mabele etelema to mwasi ya mabele ekweya ?
A girl with upstanding breasts or a girl with fallen breasts ? (like before or after pregnancy)
bwaka mayi na wc. zala motu ya solo.
Throw water in the toilet. Be a real man.
lokasa ya liboso
the first page
mwasi ya leta
public woman (prostitute)
mpepo ekweyi na wenze ya Simba Zigida. Epanzi wenze. Bato nyoso bakufi.
A plane fell on the Simba Zigida market. It destroyed the market. Everyone is dead.
libenge eza mbala ya sukali. matembele eza nkasa ya libenge.
The "sweet potato" is a sweet tuber. Matembele are the leaves of the sweet potato.
Soki insekte neti nzinzi, ngungi to nzoyi esui yo, tina ya kobanga ezali te.
When an insect like a fly, a mosquito or a bee stings you, there's no reason to be afraid.
lituma eza makemba ya kotuta.
lituma is mashed plantain bananas.
Oyo ezali nsango ya kosunga yo pona koyeba ndenge nini kelasi ya monoko ya Lifalanse etambolaka.
This is an information to help you to know in which manner the lesson of the french language functions.
moyibi ya cable ya courant, asambwe na Lemba.
An electricitycablethief has put himself to shame in Lemba
na bumbu maki ezotekama ya ndambu ndambu
at Bumbu the eggs are being sold in small pieces
mayi ya nkelo
bomoyi ya moto basombaka te Proverb/expression (don't translate litteraly)
One doesn't buy the life of someone
mbula ememi biloko ya ndaku
The rain has carried away the things of the house
bacable ya courant eyibami na lingwala
electricitycables were stolen in Lingwala
bacables ya courant ezotokatoka awa na sima ya mvula
the electricity cables cook here after a rain
tata na ye akufaki liwa ya mbalakaka.
his father died an unforeseen death
eloko nalakisa te. Nalingi yo. Nabombi yango na kati ya motema na ngai.
There's something I don't show. I love you. I've hidden that in my heart.
ngai naza na biro ya Gecamines. Nakozonga kala mingi te
Me, I'm at the office of Gecamines. I'll return soon.
kipe ya yo Proverb/expression (don't translate litteraly)
mind your own business
Lelo ya yo, lobi ya moninga. Proverb/expression (don't translate litteraly)
Today is for you, tomorrow for your neighbour.
Soki omonaka nzoto ya yo kilo, tala ya baninga se bongo Proverb/expression (don't translate litteraly)
If you observe your body with respect, see your neighbour's one just so
Po na nini mibali ya lelo balingi lisusu te babotine ?
Why don't today's men want condoms anymore ?
Oza kitoko makasi ndeke na ngai ya bolingo
You're very pretty, my lovebird
misalisi ya mbangu
emergency care
bamemi yo na misalisi ya mabangu na lopitalo ya pene na yo
They brought you to the emergency care of the hospital close to you.
Oza elengi kofiba koleka mokuwa ya makoso. © Fally Ipupa
You're nicer to suck on than the bone of porc legs. (=delicacy)
Ngonga nini okokende na musala. ngonga ya zomi na mwambe.
What time will you go yo work ? 6 (18) o'clock.
likambo ya motuya
an important case
Babandi koniata ngai na mosapi ya suka ! mama eh !
They start marching on my little toe ! oh mama !
Lofundu ya nzinzi, esukaka se na kombo
the pride of the fly ends just with the broom
Batu ya likunya bakokonda yaya.
The jealous are going to get thin (loose weight).
kende kolembola masoko / sima / babottes ya mokonzi.
go lick the buttocks / the behind / the boots of the boss. (flatter)
bato ya kobondisa © banzembo 69:20
tala ye kuna minu mpembe koleka nzambala ya pape. nsuki elingamalingama © Koffi Olomide
look at her there, the teeth whiter than the dress of the pope. The hair disorderly (messy) curled.
ebembe ya adoula
frozen chicken
Djo ayebaki ete kosopa zemi ezali lisumu monene, kasi makango na ye azwaki zemi, mpe Djo azalaki na likoki te ya kobala mpe kobokola mwana.
Djo knew that having an abortion is a great sin, but his fiancée got pregnant and Djo did not have the means to get married and raise a child.
Na motema nayebaki ete ezali mabe, kasi namonaki ndenge mosusu ya kosala te.
In the heart I knew it was bad, but I saw no other way of acting.
bomoyi ebandaka ntango liki ya mama ekutani na momboto ya tata.
Life begins when the egg of the mother meets with the sperm of the father.
nafuta ata mpaku ya leta
I paid even the taxes of the state
tata, mama, ndeko, tofuta mpaku ya mabele, po totonga ville ya kinshasa
papa, mama, cousin, let's pay the ground tax, so that we build the city of Kinshasa
longa 1500$ ya kelasi to pe mbula mobimba ya miliki NIDO.
Win 1500$ for school or a whole year of NIDO milk.
Tika makelele ya pamba pamba, suba olala
leave that noise for nothing, pee, that you'd sleep
bantaba mibale wana ! moko ntaba ya pembe, mosusu ntaba ya moyindo
There are two goats there. One goat wite, another goat black
na poto tango ya malili ebengami hiver
In Europe the cold time is called 'hiver' (winter)
Soki olingi kozwa engunduka, bisika ya kotika motuka ezali.
If you want to take the train, there are places to leave the car (parkings).
engunduka akoki komema motuka na yo tii na bisika ya bangomba ya milayi milayi ebengami Alpe.
The train can take your car to a place with very large mountains called the Alps
mama ya batisimo / mama wa batisimo / mama mobatisi. tata ya batisimo / tata wa batisimo / tata mobatisi.
godmother. godfather.
moto ya suka
The last person
libala ( ya ) bosembo to libala ( ya ) bosoto
a sincere mariage or a bad mariage
basi oyo bazopanza basango ya lokuta
Those girls are spreading lies
lolemu ya moto
tongue of fire
lidesu ya pembe
white bean (also used to designate a white man)
libulu ya molili ya kufa © ps 23
the valley of the shadow of death
mbala ya kokalinga
mbisi ya kokauka
dried fish
nkasa ya nsango
the newspaper
ndaku ya nzoi
ekili ya lotiliki
electric razor
gilipi ya ndeke
bird flu
bitumba ezali pili-pili mpe mungua ya libala. Proverb/expression (don't translate litteraly)
The fights are the pepper and the salt of the mariage.
mpate ya mwasi
ewe (female of sheep)
mpota ya libumu
Ndenge nini tokoki komikebisa na ngenge ya SIDA ?
How can we protect ourselves from the AIDS virus ?
pona nini bolingo ya mosika esimbaka te ?
Why doesn't long distance love hold ?
bakangi pasta na mbetu na moyembi ya mokili
they caught the pastor in bed with a wordly singer
nafandaka na kati ya wenze
I live inside the market
nani akoti na ezibeli ya niaou ?
Who enters through the cat's door ?
leta aboyi mapapa ekota na kati ya centre ville
the state refuses that slippers enter the city center
mwana azui zemi ya papa
the child got pregnant from a daddy
mwana mwasi amibomi likolo ya 440.000 FC ... kokamwa !!!
a young girl committed suicide because of 440.000 FC ... be amazed !!!
bokono ya sukali
diabetes (sugardisease)
tshombo oyo na mesa... ya yo ?
The phone here on the table... it's yours ?
Bolingo ya Kristo ezali kotambwisa biso © 2 bakorentien 5:14
The love of Christ compels us
liteya ya yambo
the first lesson
Mobutu azalaki mokonzi ya Zaïre
Mobutu was the president of Zaïre
pakapaka ya masuwa / pakapaka ya mpepo
marine propeller (of a ship) / aircraft propeller
masini ya fufu
mikuwa ya mbisi
fish bones
nzela ya mino
diastema (space between the teeth)
nzela ( ya ) masoko
Peter azalaki kosala na kompani ya kemi.
Peter worked at a chemical company.
zamba ya mambenga
equatorial forest
Monoko ya mobange, elumbaka solo, kasi elobaka makambo ya lokuta te. soki okimi solo wana, okoyeba makambo te. Proverb/expression (don't translate litteraly)
The mouth of the elderly, it smells foul, but doesn't tell lies. If you avoid this smell, you will not know the affairs.
milinga ya shimbok ebebisaka ADN ya mwana
the sigarette smoke damages the child's DNA
euti nase ya motema
that comes from the bottom of the heart
koyekola nkota moko ya mboka
to learn a language of the country
mpema ya monoko
masoko solo ya fumbwa epola banda sanza moko
buttocks that smell like fumbwa that is rotten since a month
Namoni ozangi eloko ya kosala. Luka ata mosala ko ! kaka koyungana boye...
I see that you lack something to do. Look even for a job, come on ! just wandering like that...
makango ya mama kombo na ye papa
mama's lover, his name is papa
makelele ya nkake
mai ya mpondu. mai ya malala. mai ya nsáú.
green (the color of mpondu). orange (the color of an orange). purple/violet (the color of a nsafu).
kitoko ya kobotama
natural beauty
lisapo ya liseki, lisapo ya mawa
a joyful story (a comedy), a sad story (a tragedy)
pondu na yo ezangi mungwa. pasi ya solo.
your pondu lacks / misses salt. really a pity.
lutu ya libaya. lutu ya linzanza.
wooden spoon. metal spoon.
koko ya Bobette avandaka na Bandal kala
The Bobette's grandpa lived in Bandal at the time
na loboko ya mobali / na loboko ya mwasi
right / left
naloti yo na kati ya ndoto
I dreamt about you (I thought of you in a dream)
naloti ndoto ya mabe
I dreamt a bad dream
mbote, molingami na kati ya nkolo
greetings, beloved in the Lord
manga ya mabele ma nzombo Proverb/expression (don't translate litteraly)
kind of mango
muana alie nzungu mobimba ya badi
The child ate the entire kettle of fufu
ndako ya bokono
ndako ya likwangola / ndako ya bampaka
elderly home
moyibi akufi lokola mbwa likolo ya tshombo
a thief died like a dog because of a mobile phone
basi ya minene balongoli bilamba na wenze ya bandal
thick girls remove their clothes at the Bandal market
ozali po na nga eyano na mikakatano, nzela ya solo ya kotambola, yesu na nga, kumama
You are for me the answer to the problems, the real way to walk, my Jesus, be praised
mbanzi ya kamundele
skewer stick
mbanzi ya mino
nzambe apesa biso bonsomi ya kopona
May God give us the freedom of choice
sanduku ya boyokani / sanduku ya kondimana / sanduku ya mibeko 2 sam 6
ark of the covenant
sanduku ya mikanda
mbuma ya sanduku
moth balls
madesu na suki, eza madesu ya kopola
beans with hair are spoiled (moldy) beans (allusion on baldness among white people)
mwasi ya kanza
evil woman
elaka ya libala
wedding engagement, wedding promise
soki namati likolo ya ngomba epesaka nga kizunguzungu.
If I climb on the mountain, it gives me vertigo (dizziness).
elamba ya mbeto
biloko ya matoyi
tango ya bambula
rain season
ndako ya Nzambe
house of God, temple
nzete ya safu
safou tree
nzete ya savoka
avocado tree
nzete ya bitabe
banana tree
ntaba ya mobali
male goat
kombo ya mokristo
The forename (christian name, modern forename as opposed to tribal forename).
mwasi ya Petelo aza elenge
Peter's wife is young
bana bakoki kotanga malamu te likolo ya makelele ya wenze mpe solo ya fulu source: Espérance-François Ngayibata Bulayumi, Mosuni
The children couldn't study well because off the noise of the small market and the smell of the dump.
maman wana alataki maputa ya konzuluka
That woman there wore a worn out loin cloth.
etape ya nzete ya mangolo ebukani mpe ekweyi likolo ya ndako
The branch of the mangotree broke off and fell on the house
pesa ngai emekele ya bolayi nameka bolayi ya lopango na ngai
give me a tool to measure lengths so that I measure the dimensions of my lot
totalaki lisano ya motopi na etando eke
we watched the football game on the television
ngombe ya mobali
bololo ya kafé esilisaka pongi
the bitter taste of coffee makes ends the fatigue
libulu ya mayi
water well
ebale ya kongo ezali monene mpe na mbisi ebele
The Congo river is big and also has a lot of fish.
bayebaka moninga malamu na tango ya pasi.
One knows a good friend in bad times.
bakendaka bokila na motu ya makelele te
One doesn't go on a hunt with a noisy person.
kozanga koyeba eza liwa ya ndambo Proverb/expression (don't translate litteraly)
To lack knowing is a part of death.
nzete ya mbila bazokata ezokola
The palm tree they cut is growing.
nakei na kinkole koliya maboke ya mbisi ya mayi
I go to Kinkole to eat papillottes of fresh fish.
monoko ya mokolo elumbaka solo, kasi elobaka maloba ya solo Proverb/expression (don't translate litteraly)
The mouth of the elderly smells bad, but the words are true.
naza na posa ya komona yo lelo
I long to see you today
naza na makambo ebele ya kosala lelo
I have a lot of things to do today.
bobange ya mobali ebandaka na misu
The old age of the man starts with the eyes.
bobange ya mwasi ebandaka na matoyi © Adolphe
The old age of the woman starts in the ears
kokola ya mwana ebandaka na mino © Adolphe
The growth of a child starts with the theeth
masolo ya kati, mutu ayeba te © Adolphe
Secret things, nobody should know
leki na nga ya mobali alingaka kobeta ndembo
My little brother loves to play football
ya nga nzoto eboya bitumba © Karlito
My body refuses fights
nalingi ozala mama ya bana na nga
I want you to be the mother of my children
nakutani na mwasi ya bomoyi na nga
I've met the woman of my life
mokolo nakokufa... ngai, mutu ya mbongo
The day I will die... me, a rich man
opesi ngai biloko ya kolia mingi
You gave me a lot of things to eat
yaka po tokende kotala yaya na yo ya mwasi
Come so we go see your big sister
wana eza biloko ya papa na bino.
That there is the food of your father.
wana mwana na ngai ya mwasi
The one there is my daughter.
kotala ngai mingi te nazali mwasi ya batu
Don't look hard at me, I'm someone's woman
zongisa eloko ya batu
give back the thing of someone
tokosenga epayi ya Nzambe abatela biso ti na suka ya sanza.
We will ask God that he may protect us till the end of the month.
komela masanga ya sukali mingi te. eza malamu te po na mino.
Don't drink much sweet drinks. It's not good for your teeth.
kolia biloko ya tata na yo te. lia biloko mosusu
Don't eat your father's food. Eat something else.
mwasi ya zemi akokaka basolo mususu te.
A pregnant woman can't stand certain odors.
nazokende epayi ya munganga atala liso na ngai. nazomona malamu te.
I'm going to the doctor so that he looks at my eye. I don't see well.
nazokende na mboka ya mopaya pona kosilisa kelasi na ngai
I'm going to a foreign country (abroad) to finish my studies.
naza na esengo makasi pamba te nakobima na baninga na ngai na pokwa ya lelo
I'm very glad because I will go out with my friends tonight.
elamba oyo kitoko makasi. posa ya kosomba yango.
That garment is very pretty. love to buy it.
tata naza na posa ya mbongo po nasomba bilamba
Father, I need money to buy clothes.
asombi liputa moko lokola ya ngai
She bought the same cloth as me
koya lelo te. naza na makambu ebele ya kosala
Don't come today. I have a lot of things to do.
kokoma na ndako te. leka mbala moko epayi ya tata na yo.
Don't arrive home. Pass at your dad's place for once.
masolo ya kati ebongaka mutu ayeba te.
The secret conversations, nobody must know.
biso na bino, tozali bana ya tata moko na mama moko
we and you, we are children of the same father and the same mother.
nzoto na ngai tempelo ya Nzambe, esika Molimo Mosantu akofanda
My body is the temple of God, the place where the Holy Spirit will reside.
tofandi na se ya nzete. tozozua mopepe
We sit under the tree. We are relaxing.
Nzambe akosala makambo ya minene.
God will do great things.
naza na mbongo ya kopesa yo te
I don't have money to give you
nkombo na yo ya mboka ezali nini ?
What is your family name ?
kaka ngai nde nazosala misala nioso ya ndako
There's only me who does the all the chores of the house .
mama ya moninga na ngai moko akufi
The mother of one of my friends died.
oyo eza ndako na bino, eza ya biso te
that is your house, not ours.
nazosombela yo motuka ya sika. kobebisa yango te mbala oyo.
I buy you a new car. Don't ruin it this time.
osombeli mwasi na yo tshombo ya sika
You bought a new phone for your girlfriend.
mokonzi ya mboka azali mutu monene.
The president of a country is a huge personality.
soki loboko eyebaka pasi oyo lutu emonaka na tango ya kobalusa biloko
If the hand knew how the spoon suffers when stirring the food...
lelo ezali mokolo ya mbotama ya yesu
Today is the birthday of Jesus.
nazoyoka lino pasi ebongi nakende epayi ya munganga
I feel tooth pain. I have to go to the doctor.
kolia biloko ya sukali mingi te eza malamu te pona mino
Don't eat too much sweet things. It's not good for your teeth.
nazolia nyama ya ngombe
I'm eating cow meat.
naliaka nyama ya ngulu te
I don't eat porc meat.
etumba ya mobali ezali koluka mwasi ya malamu pona kobala
The struggle of a man is to look for a good woman to marry.
ezala mbala na yo ya suka olobela ngai boye
That this may be your last time you talked to me that way.
mbala ya liboso oyaki awa ozalaki koyoka soni
The last time you were here, you were ashamed.
komema biloko ya kilo te
Don't carry heavy things.
natindi leki na ngai ya mobali na zando
I've sent my little brother to the market.
leki na yo oyo ya mwasi alingaka musala te.
Your little sister doesn't like the work.
papa nde azalaka mokonzi ya ndako
It's father who is the chief of the house.
soki liwa eyebaki mbongo mbele batu ya mbongo bakufaka te
If death would know money, then rich people wouldn't die.
kolata bilamba na ngai lelo te. lata ya yo.
Don't wear my clothes today. Wear yours.
nazolia bisikiti ya kitoko
I'm eating a tasty cookie.
ndeko na ngai ya mwasi awuti kobota.
My sister just gave birth.
kopola ezali eloko ya mabe te
Losing is not something bad.
nalati lopete na ngai na mosapi ya mineyi
I wear my ring on the fourth finger.
lelo ezali mokolo ya mbotama ya koko na biso ya mwasi.
Today is the birthday of my grandmother.
likala ya moto source: Tabu Ley Rochereau
hot coale
awuti kosomba pantalo ya pembe.
She just bought a pair of white trousers.
bayibi ngai pantalo na ngai ya sika
They stole my new trousers.
maman azolamba supu moko ya kitoko
Mama is preparing a delicious soup.
bamamiwata bazalaka baanjelu ya satana
The sirens are the angels of satan.
naza na kokoso moko ya monene
I have a big problem.
otie ngai na kokoso moko ya kosakana te
You gave me a problem not to laugh about.
nazosala mikate ya moto
I'm making hot fritters.
aza na zemi ya sanza misatu
She's three months pregnant.
boyibi mbongo ya batu
You stole the people's money.
bozui bakiti ya noko na ngai
You took the chairs of my uncle.
leki na nga ya mobali abetaka na ekipe ya congo
My little brother plays in the team of Congo.
goro ya mobali na ngai eza munene
My man's dick is huge.
nakofunda yo epayi ya maman.
I will denounce you to mum.
ndeko na ngai ya mwasi alingi kobota bana zomi
my sister wants to beare 10 children
na butu ya lelo naloti ndoto moko ya mabe
This night I had a bad dream.
na ndoto na ngai ya lelo ozalaki wana.
In my dream of today you where there.
naza na likambo moko ya motuya ya koyebisa yo
I have something important to let you know.
ebale ya kongo ezalaka monene makasi
The Congo river is very strong.
pona nini olingaka kobuaka biloko ya kolia boye. eza malamu te.
Why do you love to throw away food like that ? It's not good.
naza na motuna moko ya kotuna yo
I have a question to ask you.
yoka nanu motuna na ngai liboso ya koyanola ngai
Listen already to my question before answering me.
nayeli bino nsango ya malamu. boyoka.
I brought you good news. Listen.
bawuti kopesa ngai nsango moko ya mabe
They just gave me some bad news.
yela ngai mwa ndambo ya loso po nalia
Bring me a small portion of rice so that I eat.
mwana na yo ya mobali aza kosuba na mbetu mingi
Your son pees in bed a lot.
esika ya kosuba eza awa te
There's no place to pee here.
mutu ya liboma abambi ngai libanga
The lunatic threw me a rock.
libanga moko ya monene ezalaki liboso ya motuka na ngai
There was a big stone in front of my car.
alati bilamba ya pembe na ya mwindu
She wears white and black clothes.
na ndako na bango batie langi ya pembe
In their house they've put white paint.
ndeko na ngai ya mwasi azalaka na makolo molayi
My sister has long legs.
oyo ezali bilamba ya ndeko na ngai
Those are the clothes of my sister.
lambela ngai mwa ndambu ya ndunda
Prepare me a small portion of vegetables.
mutu na ye ekokani na oyo ya tata na ye
His head ressembles the one of his father.
bafungoli kelasi ya baba na bala-bala na ngai
They opened a school for the deaf-mute in my street.
oza na posa ya koboya yango to oza na posa ya kondima ?
You'd like to refuse that or you'd like to accept ?
mateya ya lelo ezalaki kitoko penza.
The preaching of today was very nice.
kosimba biloko ya bato te.
Don't touch the people's things.
bazali kosala ye epasoli ya mbanga.
They will do him a jaw operation.
noko na ngai aza mobeti ndembo ya monene
My uncle is a big football player.
kolula mwasi ya batu eza malamu te
It's not good to admire someone else's wife.
Mosala wana ya kindumba ezali malamu te na miso ya Nzambe.
The work of prostitution is not good in the eyes of God.
Nawuti komona bambila mwambe liboso ya ndako.
I just saw 8 policemen in front of the house.
naza na libonza pona eyenga ya lelo te
I don't have an offering for today's service.
liteya ya lelo ezalaki ndenge nini ?
How was the preaching of today ?
oyo, ezali eloko ya nani ?
this, whose thing is that ?
mpasi ya moto
migraine, headache
okobika na kombo ya yesu !
You will be healed in the name of Jesus !
zua nga foto ya kitoko.
Take me a nice picture.
eza mokano ya Nzambe.
It's God's will.
tala ngulupa ya batu ebele
look a group of many people
etiele ya bilamba
clothes hanger
mosombi monene ya mabanga
big diamonds dealer
Yaka kosunga ngai, naza na biloko ebele ya kolamba.
Come help me, I have a lot of things to prepare.
Aza moninga na ngai ya bomuana.
He is my childhood friend.
moyibi ya motema
thief of hearts (sweetheart, someone who stole the heart of someone)
abelaka bokono ya ndeke
She suffers from epilepsy.
Bakati bankingo ya bato nyonso.
The cut everyone's throat.
Papa na ye atongisi lopitalo moko ya monene na mboka.
His father built a big hospital in the village.
Katela ngai eteni ya avoka.
Cut me a piece of avocado.
Oza kotungisa biso, tozali na lisanga ya libota.
You are disturbing us, we are at a family reunion.
nkasa ya kabine esili.
The toilet paper is finished.
mobali na yo azali na bokono ya SIDA.
Your husband has AIDS.
mwana na yo aza na bokono ya mpongi.
Your child has the sleeping sickness (African trypanosomiasis).
Abombaka miliki na se ya mbeto.
She hides the milk under the bed.
Azolenga likolo ya kobanga.
She's shaking because of the fear.
akomi kombo ya mwana na ye na buku ya lopango.
He wrote the name of his child in the plot book (property deed).
alingi ke nasala buku ya liwa na ngai
She wants me to make my will (testament).
nalingi komona lisusu moto ya liboma oyo na ndako na ngai te.
I don't want to see that lunatik in my house again.
luka mwasi moko oyo akolinga yo na bolingo ya solo
Seek a woman who will love you with real love.
mama ya mobali na yo akoya lisusu te.
Your mother in law will not come anymore.
yo ozali na kati ya motema na ye te.
You, you are not in his heart.
aza kobela bokono ya ebola
She's suffering of the ebola disease.
ozalaka ndeko na ngai ya solo te.
You are not my real sister.
yaya na ngai ya mwasi nde azosokola basani.
It's my big sister whoe does the dishes.
mobali na yo ya sika, kombo na ye nani ?
Your new husband, what's his name ?
nazali se ya yo.
I am only yours.
Baiser na yo ya pamba ekomisa ngai kizengi.
Just your kiss drives me crazy.
Mwana na yo ya liboso, osundola ye.
Your first child, you abandonned him.
Ozui mokano ya kolelisa ngai.
You made the decision to make me cry.
moninga na ye wana ya mundele apesaka ngai kanda.
Her white friend there makes me angry.
Osombi mutuka na mbongo ya nani ?
You bought the car with whose money ?
liboso ya libala nazalaki malamu na ye.
Before the wedding I was good with her.
Nabengaki liboso ya koya.
I called before coming.
soki olingi toli moko, zala mosika ya mobali na ngai.
If you want advise, be far from my husband.
mwasi na ngai aboti likaku na esika ya mwana.
My wife gave birth to an ape instead of a child.
akokota na kati ya ndako oyo te.
She's not going to enter this house.
bapesi ngai eloko ya kolia te.
They haven't given me anything to eat.
nkoma ya libula
bilamba na ye ezali na solo ya mapeka.
His clothes smell like armpits.
Tinda texto na moto moko ya kelasi na biso
Send a text message to someone from our class.
naponi kombo moko ya kitoko
I've chosen "one of these" beautiful names.
aye lisusu, mama wana ya liboma.
She came again, that crazy lady.
aza mwasi ya ndeko na bino.
It's the wife of your brother.
koswana eza pili-pili pe mungwa ya libala. Proverb/expression (don't translate litteraly)
Arguing is the pepper and the salt of the mariage.
Komisua lolemo ezali elembo ya mabe.
Biting your tongue is a bad sign.
abula eza nyama ya nzamba to esobe.
The baboon is an animal from the forest or the savanna.
naza na posa ya koyoka atalaku oyo ayembaka epayi ya Koffi
I need to listen to the singer who sings (the dedications) with Koffi.
mbanda mama akufa nakoma mowumbu ya mwasi ya papa.
Since mother died, I became the slave of dad's wife.
papa ya baluba balingaka koliya mingimingi bitoto.
Baluba men love eating bitoto very much.
mayele ezalaka pe kokanisa lobi ya bana.
It's also smart to think about the future of the children.
libala ya bombanda
maki ya kokalinga
nzete ya mino
stick to clean teeth (toothbrush)
mosali ya leta
state worker (civil servant)
mosali ya Nzambe
mokanda ya likama
accident statement paper
yo lokoso ya mbongo boye !
You, you love money too much like that !
moninga ya mosala
work colleague
monkanda moa nzela / mokanda ya nzela
roadmap, permit to pass
monkanda moa voti / mokanda ya voti
voting slip
monkanda moa kelasi / mokanda ya kelasi
certificate of education
elanga ya vino
mbuma ya vino
raisin / grape
sanduku ya voti
ballot box
nduka ya lotiliki
hydroelectic dam
lobi toliaki bongo ya makako
Yesterday we ate monkey brain.
moniango alaki ndaka ya bopeto.
the nun made a promise of purety.
lakisa ndakisa ya malamu
show a good example
zebi ya mabanga
geology (science of rocks)
zebi ya mokili
geography (science of the world)
pulupulu ya nsomo
mafuta ya buzi
candle wax
katikati ya butu
the middle of the night
Nzambe zala sima pe kati ya motuka na ngai bayini bazala mosika
God be behind me, and also inside my car, that haters may be far
kozua ya moto etangama na likolo
the success of a man is written in heaven
kipe ya yo baboya basambua
mind your business, they don't want to get shamed
abonzeli ngai liboke ya fulele
he offered me a bouquet of flowers
kilo ya nzoto emati
the weight of the body increases
Liboso kolongola bipoti na lisu ya moninga longola nanu oyo eza na lisu na yo
Before removing the crusts from the eyes of a friend, remove already those that are in your eyes.
bansinga ya libumu
colic, intestine cramps
item Article : use of na / ya
yayá, pl. bayaya (class 1a/2 : - / ba-)
we say "ya" followed by first name or just "yaya" to indicate the big brother or big sister
tags :
item 6 examples (bandakisa motóbá) ...
yaka po tokende kotala yaya na yo ya mwasi
Come so we go see your big sister
mbongo oyo natikalaki na yango napesi yango yaya na yo
I have given the money that was left (the money that I staid with) to your sister.
yaya na ngai ya mwasi nde azosokola basani.
It's my big sister whoe does the dishes.
yaya na ngai pe asalaka manzaka.
My sister also does nails.
Yaya na Joze azongi na ndaku.
Joze's big sister came back home.
Batu ya likunya bakokonda yaya.
The jealous are going to get thin (loose weight).
other words with the tag 'family' : mobóti, bokilo, bolóngani, bondeko, bonyangó, bosángó, mozéngé, ebóto, etike, nkulútu, léki, libála, libota, lipása, mama, litshombé, mwana, ndeko, nókó, papá, semeki, tata, yayá, kóko, nkóko, moana, muana, mobokoli, ya, nsimba, nzuzi, kulútu, kolonga, litsombé, mama-leki, tata-leki, tata-koko, mama-kulutu, mama-koko
plural of "lobíla"
mbíla, pl. bambila (class 9/10 (2) : - / - (ba-) : plural invariable from context (or informal/modern ba-))
lobíla, pl. mbila (class 11/10m : lo- / m- : in front of p,b)
mbila, pl. bambila (class 1a/2 : - / ba-) (informal plural)
palm, palmtree
palm nut

langi ya mbila
bright red
mbila esobe
mbila esobe
© pvh
mbila esobe
mbila esobe
© pvh (Chanel Madanga)
masanga ya mbila
masanga ya mbila
© pvh (Letitia Nkanza Kalawuma)
mafuta ya mbila
mafuta ya mbila
© pvh (Letitia Nkanza Kalawuma)
mafuta ya mbila
mafuta ya mbila
© pvh (Letitia Nkanza Kalawuma)
masanga ya mbila
masanga ya mbila
© pvh (Letitia Nkanza Kalawuma)
mikokoli ya mbila
mikokoli ya mbila
© pvh (Letitia Nkanza Kalawuma)
mikokoli ya mbila
mikokoli ya mbila
© pvh (Letitia Nkanza Kalawuma)
mokokoli ya mbila
mokokoli ya mbila
© pvh (Letitia Nkanza Kalawuma)
src : google images
src : google images
src : google images
see also : polísi, ndiká
tags :
item 8 examples (bandakisa mwámbe) ...
mafuta ( ya ) mbila.
palm oil
masanga mbila
palm wine (also a neigbourhood in Kinshasa, in the municipality of Mont-Ngafula)
nzete ya mbila epesaka nsamba, mafuta mbila na mpose.
The palmtree provides palmwine, palmoil and the mpose.
nzete ya mbila bazokata ezokola
The palm tree they cut is growing.
Nawuti komona bambila mwambe liboso ya ndako.
I just saw 8 policemen in front of the house.
yela ngai masanga mbila namela.
Bring me the palm juice, so that I may drink.
Alati lokola bambila penza
He really dresses like a policeman.
Benga mbila
Call the police
other words with the tag 'fruit and vegetables' : ananási, bikedi, eloló, bitekuteku, bonsáó, dongódongó, ekéké, ekútu, esápa, etabe, etabi, fumbwa, kwánga, lidésu, likémba, lilála, lingolo, litungúlu, liyebo, lisángó, mbálá, mbika, mbíla, mbuma, ndúnda, ngúba, paipái, payipayi, pilipili, pondú, pwaró, tomati, tondolo, ndímo, likásu, kokotí, likombó, liyebú, mosángó, liboké, kúnde, lisángú, libengê, mbomá, avoká, savoká, mpondú, lidamé, lipéla, litóngé, payi, linanási, ndiká, pakápáka, mokókóló, linioko, misili, sáfú, tomato, sakasáka, nkúnde, pili-pili, ndembi, limona, likásó, lilebó, mongúba, nsáfú, bonsau, ngombo, gombo, mondiká, sóló, sinda, mondéngé, mundenge, biteku-teku, mádamé, poilu, liebú, mazulu, mungenge, ananá, ananási
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