translation / dictionary Lingala - English

congo rdc
Sentence :

all words with the tag colors
mpémbé, pl. bampembe (class 9/10 (2) : - / - (ba-) : plural invariable from context (or informal/modern ba-))sonorous consonant
White (color)
Daring Club Motema Pembe
Daring Club Motema Pembe
© pvh (Letitia Nkanza Kalawuma)
tags :
item 6 examples (bandakisa motóbá) ...
bantaba mibale wana ! moko ntaba ya pembe, mosusu ntaba ya moyindo
There are two goats there. One goat wite, another goat black
lidesu ya pembe
white bean (also used to designate a white man)
awuti kosomba pantalo ya pembe.
She just bought a pair of white trousers.
alati bilamba ya pembe na ya mwindu
She wears white and black clothes.
na ndako na bango batie langi ya pembe
In their house they've put white paint.
tala ye kuna minu mpembe koleka nzambala ya pape. nsuki elingamalingama © Koffi Olomide
look at her there, the teeth whiter than the dress of the pope. The hair disorderly (messy) curled.
item Article : colors
langi moindo (dark colors)
bozinga, bulé
dark blue
langi ya sokola
chocolate brown
langi ya mpondu

langi motane (light colors)
bondobo, motane soo
langi ya malala
ngola, motane ngbaa
langi ya mapata
light blue

langi lisusu (other colors)

other words with the tag 'colors' : mpémbé, lángi, lilála, mbíla, mwindu, pembe, pondú, motáné, sokolá, moíndo, mbwé, bondobó, ngóla, longondo, bozinga, búlé, kulele, ndombe, muindu, mwíndo
lángi, pl. balangi (class 9a/10a (2) : - / - (ba-) : plural from context (or informal/modern ba-), not with n-/m-)
color, paint, painting
synonymes : kulele
tags :
item 1 example (ndakisa mókó) ...
na ndako na bango batie langi ya pembe
In their house they've put white paint.
other words with the tag 'home' : mbalasáni, biló, ebáeli, ebutele, ebuteli, efelo, engangala, fúlu, kinkóso, lángi, libóko, lininísa, ndaku, palais, súku, tólo, motóndo, fungóla, efungwelo, ebutelo, kukù, etumbelo, armwár, maluvé, esosele, ngwende, kikóso, linyuka, sabúni, nzongo, zongó, kabiné, wésé, ekuke, mitondo, biró, sabóni
other words with the tag 'loan word: french' : aliméti, avió, balé, biló, biríki, bisikíti, butó, bwáto, buzí, dalapó, kwíti, lángi, piké, piné, sodá, sukali, maládi, tiké, avoká, soséti, búlé, kodamer, kotoker, dilekitele, fétí, kamaladi, kaminio, lapolo, lífelo, soméle, pantalo, somisi, moyen, melesi, semísi, mopao, courant, tur, biró, er, pantalon, sucré, botine, ke, avyó, îfó, kurá, maséle, kompaní, kaminyó, kamyó, veló, boáto, danzer, petite, jus
lilála, pl. malala (class 5/6 : li- / ma- (parts of body, fauna, flora,...))
scientific name : citrus aurantium

orange (fruit)

ya malála
color orange
poso ya lilala
poso ya lilala
© pvh (Letitia Nkanza Kalawuma)
kolongola poso ya lilala
kolongola poso ya lilala
© pvh (Letitia Nkanza Kalawuma)
see also : ndímo
tags :
item 1 example (ndakisa mókó) ...
mai ya mpondu. mai ya malala. mai ya nsáú.
green (the color of mpondu). orange (the color of an orange). purple/violet (the color of a nsafu).
other words with the tag 'fruit and vegetables' : ananási, bikedi, eloló, bitekuteku, bonsáó, dongódongó, ekéké, ekútu, esápa, etabe, etabi, fumbwa, kwánga, lidésu, likémba, lilála, lingolo, litungúlu, liyebo, lisángó, mbálá, mbika, mbíla, mbuma, ndúnda, ngúba, paipái, payipayi, pilipili, pondú, pwaró, tomati, tondolo, ndímo, likásu, kokotí, likombó, liyebú, mosángó, liboké, kúnde, lisángú, libengê, mbomá, avoká, savoká, mpondú, lidamé, lipéla, litóngé, payi, linanási, ndiká, pakápáka, mokókóló, linioko, misili, sáfú, tomato, sakasáka, nkúnde, pili-pili, ndembi, limona, likásó, lilebó, mongúba, nsáfú, bonsau, ngombo, gombo, mondiká, sóló, sinda, mondéngé, mundenge, biteku-teku, mádamé, poilu, liebú, mazulu, mungenge, ananá, ananási
mbíla, pl. bambila (class 9/10 (2) : - / - (ba-) : plural invariable from context (or informal/modern ba-))
lobíla, pl. mbila (class 11/10m : lo- / m- : in front of p,b)
mbila, pl. bambila (class 1a/2 : - / ba-) (informal plural)
palm, palmtree
palm nut

langi ya mbila
bright red
mbila esobe
mbila esobe
© pvh
mbila esobe
mbila esobe
© pvh (Chanel Madanga)
masanga ya mbila
masanga ya mbila
© pvh (Letitia Nkanza Kalawuma)
mafuta ya mbila
mafuta ya mbila
© pvh (Letitia Nkanza Kalawuma)
mafuta ya mbila
mafuta ya mbila
© pvh (Letitia Nkanza Kalawuma)
masanga ya mbila
masanga ya mbila
© pvh (Letitia Nkanza Kalawuma)
mikokoli ya mbila
mikokoli ya mbila
© pvh (Letitia Nkanza Kalawuma)
mikokoli ya mbila
mikokoli ya mbila
© pvh (Letitia Nkanza Kalawuma)
mokokoli ya mbila
mokokoli ya mbila
© pvh (Letitia Nkanza Kalawuma)
src : google images
src : google images
src : google images
see also : polísi, ndiká
tags :
item 7 examples (bandakisa nsambo) ...
mafuta ( ya ) mbila.
palm oil
masanga mbila
palm wine (also a neigbourhood in Kinshasa, in the municipality of Mont-Ngafula)
nzete ya mbila epesaka nsamba, mafuta mbila na mpose.
The palmtree provides palmwine, palmoil and the mpose.
nzete ya mbila bazokata ezokola
The palm tree they cut is growing.
Nawuti komona bambila mwambe liboso ya ndako.
I just saw 8 policemen in front of the house.
yela ngai masanga mbila namela.
Bring me the palm juice, so that I may drink.
Alati lokola bambila penza
He really dresses like a policeman.
moíndo, pl. baindo (class 1/2 : mo- (mu-) / ba- (persons))
moyindo, pl. bayindo (class 1/2 : mo- (mu-) / ba- (persons))
moyindo, pl. miyindo (class 3/4 : mo- (mu-) / mi- : objects)
mobali ya mundele na basi ya mwindu
mobali ya mundele na basi ya mwindu
© pvh
Azalaka na miso muindu
Azalaka na miso muindu
© pvh (Lauretta)
mobikisi ya bayindo pe mobongisi ya mokili
mobikisi ya bayindo pe mobongisi ya mokili
© pvh (Letitia Nkanza Kalawuma)
derived from : koínda, koyinda
tags :
item 6 examples (bandakisa motóbá) ...
naleki yo na mwindu. yo oleki ye kuna na molayi
I'm more black then you. You are taller than him there.
alati bilamba ya pembe na ya mwindu
She wears white and black clothes.
Azali mutu moyindo neti ngai.
He's a black man like me.
mutu moyindo na mutu mondele bazali batu oyo Nzambe akeli.
The black man and the white man are persons that God created.
azalaka na miso muindu.
She has black eyes.
bantaba mibale wana ! moko ntaba ya pembe, mosusu ntaba ya moyindo
There are two goats there. One goat wite, another goat black
mpondú, pl. bampondu (class 9/10 (2) : - / - (ba-) : plural invariable from context (or informal/modern ba-))sonorous consonant
cassava leaves

ya pondu
color green
piler le pondu
piler le pondu
© pvh
© iqbal actu
pondu congelé
pondu congelé
© pvh
synonymes : sakasáka
tags :
item 2 examples (bandakisa míbalé) ...
mai ya mpondu. mai ya malala. mai ya nsáú.
green (the color of mpondu). orange (the color of an orange). purple/violet (the color of a nsafu).
pondu na yo ezangi mungwa. pasi ya solo.
your pondu lacks / misses salt. really a pity.
motáné, pl. mitane (class 3/4 : mo- (mu-) / mi- : objects)
light color
red / brown

motane soo

motane ngbaa
see also : bondobó, ngóla
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color of chocolate
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other words with the tag 'food and drinks' : biríka, bisikíti, bóí, bokénzú, dongódongó, ekéne, engwélé, fufú, fumbwa, kabri, kamundele, kwánga, libóké, libumu, lidésu, liki, lipa, lipapú, liyebo, loso, masanga, mateka, maí, mbálá, mbika, mbisi, mokate, mongwa, mwamba, ti, víno, sokolá, liyebú, niampoule, kosákosá, molangua, ndóngó, biele, bitoto, kafi, kikedi, linioko, lotoko, lunguila, likoso, mbilika, mosáká, mpíodi, muamba, mungua, nsámbá, saladini, tangawisi, ngai, mbenda, mbisi, nkúnde, niampoul, mbili, súpu, málemba, tangaúsi, ngombo, gombo, nkupidi, kafé, limbondó, primus, kupidi, gratana, gratanya, liebú, jus
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see also : motáné
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ngóla, pl. bangola (class 9/10 (2) : - / - (ba-) : plural invariable from context (or informal/modern ba-))
red (powder, dye)
see also : motáné
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synonymes : búlé
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synonymes : bozinga
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synonymes : lángi
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ndombe, pl. bandombe (class 1a/2 : - / ba-)
Black (Kikongo)
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item 1 example (ndakisa mókó) ...
mundele ndombe.
black man who imitates the white, black outside and white inside (bounty)
other words with the tag 'loan word: kikongo' : kidiba, likata, kobalula, kobalusa, kobaluka, kobalola, kitendi, ndombe, nzimbu, kikedi, litondo, sakasáka, ingeta, mataku, mazulu
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