translation / dictionary Lingala - English

congo rdc
Sentence :

all words with the tag transport
avyó, pl. baavyo (class 9a/10a (2) : - / - (ba-) : plural from context (or informal/modern ba-), not with n-/m-)
see mpepo
synonymes : mpépo
tags :
other words with the tag 'transport' : avió, wewa, bwáto, ebei, engunduka, felé, masúwa, mobembo, mótuka, mpépo, piné, báki, bísi, engbunduka, tiké, tukutuku, buáto, kaminio, nkínga, pakápáka, púsu, vuatili, pépo, mutuka, ngolá, kaminyó, kamyó, dankí, kodóndwa, prince, boáto
other words with the tag 'loan word: french' : aliméti, avió, balé, biló, biríki, bisikíti, butó, bwáto, buzí, dalapó, kwíti, lángi, piké, piné, sodá, sukali, maládi, tiké, avoká, soséti, búlé, kodamer, kotoker, dilekitele, fétí, kamaladi, kaminio, lapolo, lífelo, soméle, pantalo, somisi, moyen, melesi, semísi, mopao, courant, tur, biró, er, pantalon, sucré, botine, ke, avyó, îfó, kurá, maséle, kompaní, kaminyó, kamyó, veló, boáto, danzer, petite, jus
mpépo, pl. bampepo (class 9/10 (2) : - / - (ba-) : plural invariable from context (or informal/modern ba-))sonorous consonant
src : google images
src : google images
© pvh
© pvh
libanda ya mpepo (Ndjili airport)
libanda ya mpepo (Ndjili airport)
© pvh
src : google images
synonymes : avió
tags :
item 6 examples (bandakisa motóbá) ...
Mpepo ekiti.
The plane lands.
nzela ya mpepo
libanda ya mpepo
mpepo ekweyi na wenze ya Simba Zigida. Epanzi wenze. Bato nyoso bakufi.
A plane fell on the Simba Zigida market. It destroyed the market. Everyone is dead.
pakapaka ya masuwa / pakapaka ya mpepo
marine propeller (of a ship) / aircraft propeller
mpepo ekomata masuwa ekotiola
the plane will take off, the boat will sink
carte wewa
carte wewa
src : google images
tukutuku / wewa
tukutuku / wewa
src : google images
tukutuku / wewa
tukutuku / wewa
src : google images
tukutuku / wewa
tukutuku / wewa
© pvh
synonymes : tukutuku
tags :
tukutuku, pl. batukutuku (class 9a/10a (2) : - / - (ba-) : plural from context (or informal/modern ba-), not with n-/m-)
motorbike, scooter
tukutuku / wewa
tukutuku / wewa
© pvh
tukutuku / wewa
tukutuku / wewa
src : google images
tukutuku / wewa
tukutuku / wewa
src : google images
synonymes : wewa
tags :
item 2 examples (bandakisa míbalé) ...
asombi tukutuku mususu. akomi na yango mibale.
She bought another scooter. She has two of them now.
naza na tukutuku. nazokende kotala mama na ngai.
I'm on the motorbike. I'm going to see my mum.
bwáto, pl. maato (class 14/6 : bo- / ma-)
buáto, pl. maato (class 14/6 : bo- / ma-)
boáto, pl. maato (class 14/6 : bo- / ma-)
boat, canoe
© pvh
see also : masúwa
tags :
ebei, pl. bibei (class 7/8 : e- / bi-)
whaling boat
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engbunduka, pl. bingbunduka (class 7/8 : e- / bi-)makanza - rare
train, locomotive, chain
src : google images
engunduka ya lotiliki
engunduka ya lotiliki
src : Le Rail au Congo Belge
nzela ya engunduka to nzela masini
nzela ya engunduka to nzela masini
© Edelhart Kempeneers
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item 5 examples (bandakisa mítáno) ...
libóngo ya engunduka
the (train)station
nzela masini, nzela ya engunduka
railroad, trainway (the rails for the train)
Na mboka swisi, kotambola na engunduka ezali kosalema mingi
In the country Switzerland, traveling by train is much (often) done
Soki olingi kozwa engunduka, bisika ya kotika motuka ezali.
If you want to take the train, there are places to leave the car (parkings).
engunduka akoki komema motuka na yo tii na bisika ya bangomba ya milayi milayi ebengami Alpe.
The train can take your car to a place with very large mountains called the Alps
tags :
masúwa (class 6 : ma-)
boat, ship
see also : buáto, bwáto
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item 3 examples (bandakisa mísáto) ...
nzela masuwa
pakapaka ya masuwa / pakapaka ya mpepo
marine propeller (of a ship) / aircraft propeller
mpepo ekomata masuwa ekotiola
the plane will take off, the boat will sink
mobembo, pl. mibembo (class 3/4 : mo- (mu-) / mi- : objects)
travel, journey
mpunda mwa mobembo
mpunda mwa mobembo
© pvh (Letitia Nkanza Kalawuma)
derived from : kobémba
tags :
item 5 examples (bandakisa mítáno) ...
mobembo eleki malamu
the trip went (passed) well
Ethan na Gaby bakei mobembo.
Ethan and Gaby are gone on vacation
noko na ngai asali mobembo na belejika
My uncle made a trip to Belgium.
nazokende mobembo pona kotala libota na nga
I go on a trip to see my family.
nakeyi mobembo na mobali na ngai.
I travelled with my husband.
mótuka, pl. mituka (class 3/4 : mo- (mu-) / mi- : objects)
mutuka, pl. mituka (class 3/4 : mo- (mu-) / mi- : objects)
from the English "motor-car"

Car, truck, vehicle
src : google images
tika mutuka libanda
tika mutuka libanda
© pvh
see also : vuatili
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item 18 examples (bandakisa zómi na mwámbe) ...
nasombaki motuka ya sika
I bought a new car
epekisami kotambusa motuka soki omeli masanga.
It's prohibited to operate a vehicle if you drunk (a drink).
nzela mituka
Natambolaki longwa na motuka tii na ndako.
I walked (away) from the car towards the house.
Soki olingi kozwa engunduka, bisika ya kotika motuka ezali.
If you want to take the train, there are places to leave the car (parkings).
engunduka akoki komema motuka na yo tii na bisika ya bangomba ya milayi milayi ebengami Alpe.
The train can take your car to a place with very large mountains called the Alps
mutuka ezangi ekangele ebomi batu
a car without brakes has killed people
babongisi banzela oyo. tokoki koleka na mutuka.
They arranged those roads. We can pass with the car.
baninga na ngai nioso bazali na motuka. etikali kaka ngai
All my friends have a car. Only I remain.
nazosombela yo motuka ya sika. kobebisa yango te mbala oyo.
I buy you a new car. Don't ruin it this time.
tata na ngai pe asombi motuka
My dad too bought a car.
ebongi osokola motuka na yo libanda
You should wash your car outside.
libanga moko ya monene ezalaki liboso ya motuka na ngai
There was a big stone in front of my car.
Osombi mutuka na mbongo ya nani ?
You bought the car with whose money ?
bimisa mutuka na lopango.
Get the car out of the lot.
balabala eza nzela oyo mituka ekoki koleka.
A street is a way where vehicles can pass.
mobongisi mituka
car repair man (mecanic)
bazui singa po babenda mutuka
They took the rope to pull the car.
other words with the tag 'loan word: english' : boyi, búku, bói, míliki, mótuka, pikási, kobéta, bulangeti, mutuka, kobéte, búku
piné, pl. bapine (class 9a/10a (2) : - / - (ba-) : plural from context (or informal/modern ba-), not with n-/m-)
src : google images
tags :
ferry (crate to cross the river)
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bísi, pl. babisi (class 9a/10a (2) : - / - (ba-) : plural from context (or informal/modern ba-), not with n-/m-)
bis ya transco
bis ya transco
© pvh
src : google images
src : google images
tags :
item 3 examples (bandakisa mísáto) ...
amati bisi po na kokende na zando.
He took the bus to the market.
Bis oyo ekolongwa ntango nini ?
What time does that bus leave ?
po na kozwa bis okoki kosomba tiké po na mokolo moko, sanza moko to mbula mobimba.
To take the bus, you can buy a ticket for one day, one month or a whole year.
tiké, pl. batike (class 9a/10a (2) : - / - (ba-) : plural from context (or informal/modern ba-), not with n-/m-)
ticket, ticket (transportation)
tags :
item 1 example (ndakisa mókó) ...
po na kozwa bis okoki kosomba tiké po na mokolo moko, sanza moko to mbula mobimba.
To take the bus, you can buy a ticket for one day, one month or a whole year.
other words with the tag 'trip' : elóko, sandúku, likoba, tiké
kaminyó, pl. bakaminyo (class 9a/10a (2) : - / - (ba-) : plural from context (or informal/modern ba-), not with n-/m-)
kamyó, pl. bakamyo (class 9a/10a (2) : - / - (ba-) : plural from context (or informal/modern ba-), not with n-/m-)
Kamyó ya mazuti
Kamyó ya mazuti
src : Calpam Luxembourg
tags :
nkínga, pl. bankinga (class 9/10 (2) : - / - (ba-) : plural invariable from context (or informal/modern ba-))sonorous consonant
kínga, pl. bakinga (class 9a/10a (2) : - / - (ba-) : plural from context (or informal/modern ba-), not with n-/m-)
nkinga na Kisangani
nkinga na Kisangani
© inonela
kinga na Kinshasa
kinga na Kinshasa
src : Vélo Club Léo
see also : veló
tags :
item 1 example (ndakisa mókó) ...
yenda ya nkinga.
bicycle handlebars.
pakápáka, pl. bapakapaka (class 9a/10a (2) : - / - (ba-) : plural from context (or informal/modern ba-), not with n-/m-)

propeller (aircraft or boat)

context : fruit
scientific name : Averrhoa carambola
carambola, starfruit
azolia pakapaka
azolia pakapaka
© pvh (Letitia Nkanza Kalawuma)
nzete ya pakapaka
nzete ya pakapaka
© pvh (Letitia Nkanza Kalawuma)
paka paka
paka paka
src : google images
tags :
item 1 example (ndakisa mókó) ...
pakapaka ya masuwa / pakapaka ya mpepo
marine propeller (of a ship) / aircraft propeller
other words with the tag 'fruit and vegetables' : ananási, bikedi, eloló, bitekuteku, bonsáó, dongódongó, ekéké, ekútu, esápa, etabe, etabi, fumbwa, kwánga, lidésu, likémba, lilála, lingolo, litungúlu, liyebo, lisángó, mbálá, mbika, mbíla, mbuma, ndúnda, ngúba, paipái, payipayi, pilipili, pondú, pwaró, tomati, tondolo, ndímo, likásu, kokotí, likombó, liyebú, mosángó, liboké, kúnde, lisángú, libengê, mbomá, avoká, savoká, mpondú, lidamé, lipéla, litóngé, payi, linanási, ndiká, pakápáka, mokókóló, linioko, misili, sáfú, tomato, sakasáka, nkúnde, pili-pili, ndembi, limona, likásó, lilebó, mongúba, nsáfú, bonsau, ngombo, gombo, mondiká, sóló, sinda, mondéngé, mundenge, biteku-teku, mádamé, poilu, liebú, mazulu, mungenge, ananá, ananási
púsu, pl. bapusu (class 9a/10a (2) : - / - (ba-) : plural from context (or informal/modern ba-), not with n-/m-)
pusupúsu, pl. bapusupusu (class 9a/10a (2) : - / - (ba-) : plural from context (or informal/modern ba-), not with n-/m-)
pushcart, rickshaw (in congo for transport of goods)
src : google images
src : google images
src : Cedric Kalonji
© pvh
© pvh
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see also : mótuka
tags :
ngolá, pl. bangola (class 9/10 (2) : - / - (ba-) : plural invariable from context (or informal/modern ba-))
mángolá (class 6 : ma-)
sort of board game
where one has to throw the dice and fill the excavations in a board
src : google images
tags :
other words with the tag 'games' : kodamer, lipaté, nzangó, silikóti, ngolá, kede
dankí, pl. badanki (class 9a/10a (2) : - / - (ba-) : plural from context (or informal/modern ba-), not with n-/m-)
tank, bulldozer
tags :
kodóndwa, regular construction (root : dondw) (class 15 : ko- (verbs))
kodóndua, regular construction (root : dondu) (class 15 : ko- (verbs))
to reign, to make the law, to have influence

to boast, to brag, to show off

(!doubtfull!) to bounce, to bounce back
see also : kodóndwa, kodenda, kodóndua
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prince, pl. baprince (class - / 2 : - / ba-)
asphalt road

The first asphalted road in Kinshasa was "avenue Prince de Liège"
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item 1 example (ndakisa mókó) ...
Nakozwa yo na prince wana
I will pick you up on that road.
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