translation / dictionary Lingala - English

congo rdc
Sentence :

all words with the tag loan word: english
bói, pl. baboi (class 1a/2 : - / ba-)
house servant, servant, butler
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other words with the tag 'loan word: english' : boyi, búku, bói, míliki, mótuka, pikási, kobéta, bulangeti, mutuka, kobéte, búku
búku, pl. babuku (class 1a/2 : - / ba-)
búku, pl. babuku (class 9a/10a (2) : - / - (ba-) : plural from context (or informal/modern ba-), not with n-/m-)
from the english "book"

book, booklet

pl. babuku - babuku

see also : mokandá
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item 4 examples (bandakisa mínei) ...
Nabandi kotanga buku oyo
I started reading this book
mokanda ya leta / buku ya leta
the passport, ID
akomi kombo ya mwana na ye na buku ya lopango.
He wrote the name of his child in the plot book (property deed).
alingi ke nasala buku ya liwa na ngai
She wants me to make my will (testament).
comes from the english "milk"

see also : libéle
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item 5 examples (bandakisa mítáno) ...
longa 1500$ ya kelasi to pe mbula mobimba ya miliki NIDO.
Win 1500$ for school or a whole year of NIDO milk.
yo sapologue oza na abakosi versace, kasi miliki ezangi na ndaku
You, the "sapologist", you have a vest of Versace, but milk is missing at home
Mwana ebongi amela miliki pona akola malamu.
A child must drink milk to grow well.
Miliki ezali malamu mingi pona mikuwa.
Milk is very good for the bones.
Abombaka miliki na se ya mbeto.
She hides the milk under the bed.
other words with the tag 'kitchen' : biríka, dongódongó, fúlu, káwa, liki, lútú, masanga, mbelí, míliki, molangi, mongwa, kania, kobalula, nzúngu, pilipili, sáni, sukali, zibolateur, kópo, kokálinga, kobalola, lúto, etumbelo, mondóndó, vére, mántéka, madída, kikalungu, makusa, mbabula, mbilika, mungua, mutalaka, sume, zibulatere, ngai, pili-pili, zibolatéle, elúbu, soda, evímba, ngombo, gombo, sani, nkupidi, zibulateur, sinda, mondóngó, mundóngó, limbondó, kupidi, mazulu
mótuka, pl. mituka (class 3/4 : mo- (mu-) / mi- : objects)
mutuka, pl. mituka (class 3/4 : mo- (mu-) / mi- : objects)
from the English "motor-car"

Car, truck, vehicle
src : google images
tika mutuka libanda
tika mutuka libanda
© pvh
see also : vuatili
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item 18 examples (bandakisa zómi na mwámbe) ...
nasombaki motuka ya sika
I bought a new car
epekisami kotambusa motuka soki omeli masanga.
It's prohibited to operate a vehicle if you drunk (a drink).
nzela mituka
Natambolaki longwa na motuka tii na ndako.
I walked (away) from the car towards the house.
Soki olingi kozwa engunduka, bisika ya kotika motuka ezali.
If you want to take the train, there are places to leave the car (parkings).
engunduka akoki komema motuka na yo tii na bisika ya bangomba ya milayi milayi ebengami Alpe.
The train can take your car to a place with very large mountains called the Alps
mutuka ezangi ekangele ebomi batu
a car without brakes has killed people
babongisi banzela oyo. tokoki koleka na mutuka.
They arranged those roads. We can pass with the car.
baninga na ngai nioso bazali na motuka. etikali kaka ngai
All my friends have a car. Only I remain.
nazosombela yo motuka ya sika. kobebisa yango te mbala oyo.
I buy you a new car. Don't ruin it this time.
tata na ngai pe asombi motuka
My dad too bought a car.
ebongi osokola motuka na yo libanda
You should wash your car outside.
libanga moko ya monene ezalaki liboso ya motuka na ngai
There was a big stone in front of my car.
Osombi mutuka na mbongo ya nani ?
You bought the car with whose money ?
bimisa mutuka na lopango.
Get the car out of the lot.
balabala eza nzela oyo mituka ekoki koleka.
A street is a way where vehicles can pass.
mobongisi mituka
car repair man (mecanic)
bazui singa po babenda mutuka
They took the rope to pull the car.
other words with the tag 'transport' : avió, wewa, bwáto, ebei, engunduka, felé, masúwa, mobembo, mótuka, mpépo, piné, báki, bísi, engbunduka, tiké, tukutuku, buáto, kaminio, nkínga, pakápáka, púsu, vuatili, pépo, mutuka, ngolá, kaminyó, kamyó, dankí, kodóndwa, prince, boáto
pikási, pl. bapikasi (class 9a/10a (2) : - / - (ba-) : plural from context (or informal/modern ba-), not with n-/m-)
prick, pickaxe
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kobéta, regular construction (root : bet) (class 15 : ko- (verbs))modern version
kobéte, regular construction (root : bet) (class 15 : ko- (verbs))
from the english "to beat"

to beat
to hit, to kick
to play (a musical instrument, ball, football, basketball, ...)
to rain
derived words : ebételi, ebétele, mobeti
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item 37 examples (bandakisa ntúkú mísáto na nsambo) ...
nabetaka bale. / kobeta ndembo.
I play football. (I hit the ball (habit)) / To play with a ball.
Pamela abetaka guitar
Pamela plays the guitar
tobetaka basket
we play basketball
beta, bakofungola
knock, they will open
kobeta masolo
to discuss
nakobeta yo !
I will hit you !
Werra akobeta lobi
Werra plays tomorrow
Nkolo azali kobeta na porte.
The Lord is knocking at the door
Motema na ngai ezali kobeta po na yo
My heart beats for you
Mbula ebeti. Mbula ezobeta.
It rains. It's raining.
abetami lokola nioka.
He was beaten like a snake.
kobeta mayi
to bathe, take a bath
Nabetaki maboko makasi mpona bango.
I applauded hard for them.
kosopa mai / kosopa mpowa / kobeta mai
to ejaculate
kosakana te na ngai to nakobeta yo
Don't laugh with me or I will hit you.
kobeta miziki
To play music
Benteke abeti bale, kasi ekoti te
Benteke kicked the ball, but it didn't go in
kobeta lisolo
to tell (a story)
leki na nga ya mobali alingaka kobeta ndembo
My little brother loves to play football
kobeta mwasi na yo boye te. ezali mabe
Don't hit your wife like that. It's bad.
kobeta bana te. lobela bango malembe
Don't hit the children. Talk calmly to them.
mbula ekobeta lelo te. kobanga te.
It's not gonna rain today. Don't be afraid.
mikolo oyo mbula ezobeta makasi.
These days it's raining hard.
tofandi na biso libanda. tozobeta masolo.
We sit outside together. We are talking.
leki na nga ya mobali abetaka na ekipe ya congo
My little brother plays in the team of Congo.
nazolinga kobima kasi mvula ezobeta makasi.
I want to go out but it's raining hard.
nakobeta yo tii nakobuka yo mbanga.
I will hit you untill I will break your jaw.
Tika kobeta mukinza liboso na ngai
Stop farting in front of me
mbula ezobeta lisusu.
It's raining again.
Okoki kobeta ye te. Azali mwana mwasi
You may not beat her. She's a girl.
Nakobeta yo lokola mwana na ngai.
I will beat you like my child.
Abeti ngai pamba te abungisi mbongo na ye.
She hit me because she misplaced her money.
lelo, soki obeti ye, ngai nakoboma yo !
Today, if you beat her, me I will kill you !
kobosana te, soki omeki kobimisa sekele oyo tokobeta yo !
Don't forget, if you try to out this secret, we'll beat you up !
Obetaki mukinza tango olalaki
You farted when you were sleeping.
beta libaku
take a chance
kobeta libaku na zelo
to receive a super mega chance
other words with the tag 'verbs with [ko...e]' : kokende, kobeleme, kofole, kokipe, komele, kosambwe, kosambue, kokesene, kobéle, koseke, kolénge, komesene, kotéleme, kotéke, komeme, kobéte, kolangwe
molangiti, pl. milangiti (class 3/4 : mo- (mu-) / mi- : objects)
bolangíti, pl. malangiti (class 14/6 : bo- / ma-)

bulangeti From the english "blanket"
synonymes : kizipa
tags :
item 1 example (ndakisa mókó) ...
pesa ngai bolangiti nafinika. nayoki malili.
Give me a blanket so that I can cover myself. I feel cold.
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